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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

Wow, my first thought was that he was obviously going to rob something with those weapons and the vest. The guy just had a daughter and doesn't have a job. That stress must be incredible. So I figured he was just out to pick up a few bucks, roll a drug dealer or something. Maybe it was the WHAC, though. Just the thought of that makes me nearly throw up. If that's where he was headed, the PD can't be thanked enough. There just aren't words. This would've been the massacre of all time in terms of publicity and the impact on tOSU and the greater community in addition to the lives that could've/would've been lost.

I don't mean to be melodramatic, but I read a lengthy article last night about the guy that bombed the Atlanta Olympics and several other venues. I didn't know this, but the damage/casualties at the Olympics would've been much greater but for a few random circumstances out of the guy's control. I had the sense (very unusual for me) that maybe something bigger than all of us didn't allow it to happen the way he wanted. I have the same sense now and, despite myself, am going to say a prayer for what didn't happen.
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When I heard this on the radio the AM on my way in to the office, the newsman ended the little snippet by saying "Goodbye Maurice". I hope he's right.

One concerning thing, any worry that he was planning on coming to WHAC with those guns.

Yeah, this crossed my mind when I heard about the arsenal he had with him. Thank goodness he's a bad drunk driver.

As far as my ultimate raction to this news, it can best be summarized with this emoticon:

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No luck with ESPN actually placing a little of the blame at the feet of Clarett. On Cold Pizza, Skip Bayless blamed the situation on the NFL, saying that if it didn't have the age rule or if it didn't challenge Clarett's victory in the district court, Clarett likely wouldn't have done these things. Woody Paige then said that OSU and the Broncos should pool some money and put Clarett in a group home rather than simply watch him go to jail. IMO, it's apologists like this at ESPN that perpetuate Clarett's behavior--making him think that it's always someone else's fault/responsibility...:shake:
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This is not sad anymore. No one should feel bad for this guy or for his situation.

He is a 23 year old kid who looks like he was on a suicide mission... Sorry but I do feel bad for him and any other kid who is going through these things. He has problems, HUGE problems and needs help not some keyboard Jockeyes saying he worthless and a piece of crap.
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No luck with ESPN actually placing a little of the blame at the feet of Clarett. On Cold Pizza, Skip Bayless blamed the situation on the NFL, saying that if it didn't have the age rule or if it didn't challenge Clarett's victory in the district court, Clarett likely wouldn't have done these things. Woody Paige then said that OSU and the Broncos should pool some money and put Clarett in a group home rather than simply watch him go to jail. IMO, it's apologists like this at ESPN that perpetuate Clarett's behavior--making him think that it's always someone else's fault/responsibility...:shake:

Get the fuck out of here. They said that shit? Good god, they ought to be ashamed. :pissed:
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No luck with ESPN actually placing a little of the blame at the feet of Clarett. On Cold Pizza, Skip Bayless blamed the situation on the NFL, saying that if it didn't have the age rule or if it didn't challenge Clarett's victory in the district court, Clarett likely wouldn't have done these things. Woody Paige then said that OSU and the Broncos should pool some money and put Clarett in a group home rather than simply watch him go to jail. IMO, it's apologists like this at ESPN that perpetuate Clarett's behavior--making him think that it's always someone else's fault/responsibility...:shake:


Uh, MoC had his chance with the NFL and he blew it before it ever got off the ground. He knew he'd have a short leash when his time came around, but all he did was manage to hang himself with it.

OSU and the Broncos should pay to help rehabilitate him? What? Should they help pay for every criminal that steps foot on their campus too? That's the most assinine thing I've ever heard.

Why is no one blaming Jim Brown and the great advice he gave Mo after his freshman year? I firmly believe that had Mo aligned himself with Archie, Eddie, Spielman, or any other former Buckeye, non of these events would have transpired.
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Clarett charged with carrying concealed weapon after highway chase

Associated Press
Wednesday, August 9, 2006 10:31 AM


AP PHOTOMaurice Clarett makes a phone call from the Franklin County Corrections Center.

Maurice Clarett was arrested early today after a highway chase that ended with police using Mace on the former Ohio State running back and finding four loaded guns in his sport-utility vehicle, a police spokesman said.

Officers used Mace to subdue Clarett after a stun gun was ineffective because the former Fiesta Bowl star was wearing a bullet-resistant vest, Sgt. Michael Woods said.

“It took several officers to get him handcuffed,” Woods said. “Even after he was placed in the paddy wagon, he was still kicking at the doors and being a problem for the officers.”

Police charged him with carrying a concealed weapon and a traffic violation. Clarett did not speak to police who tried to interview him at the station before he was moved to the Franklin County Jail.

Wearing tan, jail-issue clothes, he talked on the telephone in the booking area, separated from reporters by a window. He was to be held at the jail at least until an arraignment Thursday morning, unless his attorneys work out an agreement for his release, police said.

Clarett made an illegal U-turn on Brice Road on the East side and failed to stop when officers, in a cruiser with lights flashing, tried to pull him over, Woods said.

Police said they pursued Clarett onto the eastbound lanes of I-70 when he darted across the median and began heading west. Clarett drove over a spike strip that was placed on the highway, flattening the driver's side tires of the SUV, Woods said. A police helicopter in the area helped track the vehicle.

Clarett exited the highway and pulled into a restaurant parking lot about 10 minutes after police say they saw him make the U-turn. Officers removed him from the SUV after he failed to obey numerous orders to exit the vehicle, Woods said.

After Clarett was placed in a police van, officers discovered a loaded rifle and three loaded handguns in the front of his vehicle, Woods said.

“We don't have any idea why he had them or what, if anything, he was going to do with them,” Woods said. Police don't know where Clarett got the guns or where he was headed or coming from in the SUV. Federal authorities plan to trace the guns' ownership.

A half-full bottle of vodka was found in the SUV, but no breath test was administered because police had no indication that Clarett was intoxicated, Woods said.

Clarett, 22, is currently awaiting trial on two counts of aggravated robbery, four counts of robbery and one count of carrying a concealed weapon in a separate case. Authorities said he was identified by witnesses as the person who flashed a gun and robbed two people of a cellphone in an alley behind the Opium Lounge in Columbus in the early hours of Jan. 1.

Messages seeking comment were left this morning for Clarett's attorneys in that case, Nick Mango and Michael Hoague. The home address Clarett gave police was his mother's house in Youngstown. A message seeking comment was left at the home.
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He is a 23 year old kid who looks like he was on a suicide mission... Sorry but I do feel bad for him and any other kid who is going through these things. He has problems, HUGE problems and needs help not some keyboard Jockeyes saying he worthless and a piece of crap.

Not sure if I qualify for "Jockeye" status, but I do feel that he is a piece of crap. He got too big for himself and now refuses to accept that it was HIS actions, and noone else's, that has carved his life path.
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Why should he be mental hospital bound? Was McVeigh? The Columbine kids? This guy is a criminal plain and simple. He'd had enough and was going to get some back. He knows the difference between right and wrong. He just doesn't care because he's MoC and it doesn't apply to him. Prison for a long time is the only place for him.
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No luck with ESPN actually placing a little of the blame at the feet of Clarett. On Cold Pizza, Skip Bayless blamed the situation on the NFL, saying that if it didn't have the age rule or if it didn't challenge Clarett's victory in the district court, Clarett likely wouldn't have done these things. Woody Paige then said that OSU and the Broncos should pool some money and put Clarett in a group home rather than simply watch him go to jail. IMO, it's apologists like this at ESPN that perpetuate Clarett's behavior--making him think that it's always someone else's fault/responsibility...:shake:
Ugh... that sickens me. Whatever happened to personal responsibility and discipline? I'm so afraid of the next generation of kids growing up right now and being taught that whatever they do is okay... that nothing is their fault... that they can always find someone else to blame for their own decisions... If we don't stop instilling these kids with a sense of entitlement and start holding them accountable for their actions, how many more sad stories like this are we going to see? To see media figures publically condoning such behaviour is disgusting.
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Not sure if I qualify for "Jockeye" status, but I do feel that he is a piece of crap. He got too big for himself and now refuses to accept that it was HIS actions, and noone else's, that has carved his life path.

but thats no longer the american way. if you fuck up and its your fault, blame someone else for not helping you out, you can't be expected to be responsible for yourself
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Simply amazing. It's an unbelievable move, since that trial for the January incident is coming up. I hope he gets the maximum sentence.

I find it odd that a half-empty bottle, when there's only 1 person in the car, isn't enough reason to give somebody a breathalyzer.

Here's a link to a video, showing MoC in custody, from channel 10.



Former Ohio State star Clarett arrested with 4 guns in SUV
Updated 8/9/2006 9:50 AM ET
EnlargeBy Paul Vernon, AP
Maurice Clarett was arrested early Wednesday after police found four loaded guns in his truck. Here, Clarett is led into court on Jan. 3, 2006, to be arraigned for armed robbery.

swapContent('firstHeader','applyHeader');COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Maurice Clarett was arrested early Wednesday after a highway chase that ended with police using Mace on the former Ohio State running back and finding four loaded guns in his sport-utility vehicle, a police spokesman said.
Officers used Mace to subdue Clarett after a stun gun was ineffective because the former Fiesta Bowl star was wearing a bullet-resistant vest, Sgt. Michael Woods said.
"It took several officers to get him handcuffed," Woods said. "Even after he was placed in the paddy wagon, he was still kicking at the doors and being a problem for the officers."
ON DEADLINE: See video of Clarett in custody
Police planned to charge him with carrying concealed weapons without a permit and other counts, Woods said. Clarett did not speak to police who tried to interview him at the station before he was moved to the Franklin County Jail.
Wearing tan jail-issue clothes, he talked on the telephone in the booking area, separated from reporters by a window. He was to be held at the jail at least until an arraignment Thursday morning, unless his attorneys work out an agreement for his release, police said.
Clarett made an illegal U-turn on the city's east side and failed to stop when officers, in a cruiser with lights flashing, tried to pull him over, Woods said.
Police said they pursued Clarett onto the eastbound lanes of Interstate 70, one of the city's main freeways, when he darted across the median and began heading west. Clarett drove over a spike strip that was placed on the highway, flattening the driver's side tires of the SUV, Woods said. A police helicopter in the area helped track the vehicle.
Clarett exited the highway and pulled into a restaurant parking lot about 10 minutes after police say they saw him make the U-turn. Officers removed him from the SUV after he failed to obey numerous orders to exit the vehicle, Woods said.
After Clarett was placed in a police van, officers discovered a loaded rifle and three loaded handguns in the front of his vehicle, Woods said.
"We don't have any idea why he had them or what, if anything, he was going to do with them," Woods said. Police don't know where Clarett got the guns or where he was headed or coming from in the SUV. Federal authorities plan to trace the guns' ownership.
A half-full bottle of vodka was found in the SUV, but no breath test was administered because police had no indication that Clarett was intoxicated, Woods said.
Clarett, 22, is currently awaiting trial on two counts of aggravated robbery, four counts of robbery and one count of carrying a concealed weapon in a separate case. Authorities said he was identified by witnesses as the person who flashed a gun and robbed two people of a cellphone in an alley behind the Opium Lounge in Columbus in the early hours of Jan. 1.
Messages seeking comment were left Wednesday morning for Clarett's attorneys in that case, Nick Mango and Michael Hoague. The home address Clarett gave police was his mother's house in Youngstown. A message seeking comment was left at the home.
Clarett scored the winning touchdown in the second overtime of the Fiesta Bowl against Miami to lead Ohio State to the 2002 national championship, the school's first since 1968. But that was the last game the freshman played for Ohio State.
Clarett plans to play for the Mahoning Valley Hitmen, one of five teams in the Eastern Indoor Football League. The team, based in Clarett's hometown of Youngstown, is to begin play in January.
He sat out the 2003 season after being charged with misdemeanor falsification on a police report, then dropped out of school. He sued to be included in the 2004 NFL draft and lost in court.
A surprise third-round pick in the 2005 draft, he was cut by the Denver Broncos during the preseason.
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