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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

but thats no longer the american way. if you fuck up and its your fault, blame someone else for not helping you out, you can't be expected to be responsible for yourself

Bingo! I am sick of people making excuses for asshole's who just can't follow simple rules that are for the good of everyone. We aren't talking about some minor traffic infractions here. We're talking about guns, robberies, assult rifles, and high speed chases. Do we have to wait for somebody to get hurt or killed before this asshole gets a high enough bond to keep him in jail until trial?
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Who said he is not responsible for his actions??? Well other then ESPN :-/... The fact is he needs HELP. His actions and behavior proves he needs help. I was not suggesting he gets let off for his crimes, I was saying it is sad to see any KID have these types of problems.
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Who said he is not responsible for his actions??? Well other then ESPN :-/... The fact is he needs HELP. His actions and behavior proves he needs help. I was not suggesting he gets let off for his crimes, I was saying it is sad to see any KID have these types of problems.

That's just the thing craig, he isn't a kid. He is a young adult in his mid-twenties who has had numerous chances to learn from his mistakes. I would agree with you if we were talking about some 17 year old boy and this was his first offense.

He has proven that he cannot be a productive member of society over and over...he needs to be locked up.
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He has had people trying to help him for years, and all he's done is pissed all over those people. Tressel bent over backward to help the kid, and MO tried to burn him down. Shanny took a chance on him to try to help him and all it did was made him the laughing stock of the league.

Prison is the only place where this moron belongs, and it's by his own doing, no one else's.

I understand that he's unemployed with little to no options, has a little girl to support and literally pissed away millions of dollars. He's desperate, yes. Is he crazy, I doubt it.
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Who said he is not responsible for his actions??? Well other then ESPN :-/... The fact is he needs HELP. His actions and behavior proves he needs help. I was not suggesting he gets let off for his crimes, I was saying it is sad to see any KID have these types of problems.

Maurice is no kid anymore. He's no longer making childish mistakes. This is some serious shit.
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At 22, I still think that as a kid... I know I matured a lot from the time I was 22. You are 100% right, he has not learned from his mistakes. So maybe instead of just throwing him in jail, get him mental help or other forms of treatment where he can be a productive member of society.......

I do see what you are saying, there are some people who just are not good people and will never become productive. The kid was about to commit suicide (pure specalation on my part).. that to me is sad and I hope he gets the help he needs to deal with it.
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Stun gun didn't faze him because he was wearing a bullet proof vest?????

Unfortunately tOSU will forever be equated with this "human being" who is owed a living.

Lawrence Philips reincarnate. At least Tressel didn't hide a gun of his from the police ala Dr Tom who by the way is a Senator. Is it any wonder?
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The kid was about to commit suicide (pure specalation on my part).. that to me is sad and I hope he gets the help he needs to deal with it.

Suicide wearing a bullet proof vest? Sounds to be like he was about to go on a rampage. Those guns were laying right beside him, loaded, on the passenger seat. I thank God that none of the officers or citizens were hurt.
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I find it odd that a half-empty bottle, when there's only 1 person in the car, isn't enough reason to give somebody a breathalyzer.

It's not by itself. Who's to say when that half-bottle was consumed, and by who?

Now, if he had an odor of alcohol on his breath, combined with resisting arrest, that would be enough. Without the odor though, I'm afraid there simply isn't sufficient basis.
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That's just the thing craig, he isn't a kid. He is a young adult in his mid-twenties who has had numerous chances to learn from his mistakes. I would agree with you if we were talking about some 17 year old boy and this was his first offense.

He has proven that he cannot be a productive member of society over and over...he needs to be locked up.

As one of the group urging medical help for Clarett I'll toss in my qualifier on this.

You are correct in saying that Clarett is an adult. He is therefore ultimately responsible for his own actions. However, the behavior he is exhibiting demonstrates that he is seriously troubled. On the night before your very next court appearance you don't as a rational adult ride on the wild side in an SUV carrying 4 loaded weapons, garbed in a bullet-proof vest. A full psych evaluation would clarify whether he is in full possession of his faculties, acting on irrational impulses or suffering from other treatable mental problems. The Qualifier: That diagnosis and suitable treatment should not in my view be used as an escape clause for Clarett being held accountable for his actions.
I favor the treat them, then let them serve their time due model. (Presuming guilt, I know, though that seems very likely to happen now doesn't it?)

As for Woody Paige's suggestion that the Broncos and Buckeyes pick up the tab for Clarett's stay in a 30-day ward, that is too out of here to merit a response.
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