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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

At 22, I still think that as a kid... I know I matured a lot from the time I was 22. You are 100% right, he has not learned from his mistakes. So maybe instead of just throwing him in jail, get him mental help or other forms of treatment where he can be a productive member of society.......

I do see what you are saying, there are some people who just are not good people and will never become productive. The kid was about to commit suicide (pure specalation on my part).. that to me is sad and I hope he gets the help he needs to deal with it.

people trying to kill themselves typically don't wear bulletproof vests.

Although it would be better for society if he did.
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Does anyone else think it ironic that Clarett gets in trouble when OSU Football is doing well? Or does he just have really bad timing? I mean he robs some people at gunpoint the night OSU is beating ND in the Fiesta Bowl, now not 5 days after OSU comes out as preseason #1 he is riding around the cbus like he is going to war. Just seems a little too coincidental to me. Maybe he realizes how bad he fucked up and how good he could of had it, had he not went off and did some stupid shit. He could be very jealous of those people who are part of the football team now.
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Does anyone else think it ironic that Clarett gets in trouble when OSU Football is doing well? Or does he just have really bad timing? I mean he robs some people at gunpoint the night OSU is beating ND in the Fiesta Bowl, now not 5 days after OSU comes out as preseason #1 he is riding around the cbus like he is going to war. Just seems a little too coincidental to me. Maybe he realizes how bad he fucked up and how good he could of had it, had he not went off and did some stupid shit. He could be very jealous of those people who are part of the football team now.
No. First, Clarett getting arrested as a dangerous criminal does not really damage OSU at this point. If anything, it provides some degree of vindication to the program that he accused, since he blatantly exposes himself as an unreliable accusor, to say the least. Second, when the program is doing well would be the worst time to try to damage it. Third, it is beyond irrational. To completely sacrifice your own life for the "benefit" of getting a story ostensibly negative toward OSU in the newspapers. No, this is just another convoluted theory, when the far more plausible, and simpler, explanation is that Maurice Clarett, after seeing his dreams of NFL riches go down the drain, turned to a life of crime, and was incompetent enough at it that he fairly promptly got busted.
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Well, they apparently haven't charged him with an open-container violation either, so clearly the bottle is not the focus of the investigation. I don't think they're having any trouble coming up with felonies to charge MoC with this year (loaded concealed weapon is 3rd degree, right?)

It's a felony of the fourth degree. But he's looking at four counts.

From the sound of it, he had at least two of those bases covered.

That said, it seems almost immaterial. A potential DUI would appear to be among the least of Clarett's concerns at this point.

The two that don't require alcohol. And you're right, it could only add time onto what is ultimately going to be a stiff prison sentence.
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As one of the group urging medical help for Clarett I'll toss in my qualifier on this.

You are correct in saying that Clarett is an adult. He is therefore ultimately responsible for his own actions. However, the behavior he is exhibiting demonstrates that he is seriously troubled. On the night before your very next court appearance you don't as a rational adult ride on the wild side in an SUV carrying 4 loaded weapons, garbed in a bullet-proof vest. A full psych evaluation would clarify whether he is in full possession of his faculties, acting on irrational impulses or suffering from other treatable mental problems. The Qualifier: That diagnosis and suitable treatment should not in my view be used as an escape clause for Clarett being held accountable for his actions.
I favor the treat them, then let them serve their time due model. (Presuming guilt, I know, though that seems very likely to happen now doesn't it?)

As for Woody Paige's suggestion that the Broncos and Buckeyes pick up the tab for Clarett's stay in a 30-day ward, that is too out of here to merit a response.

I see where you are coming from. However, this looks like a planned action all the way. Loaded guns, ak-47, bullet-proof vest. And apparently his target was not the officiers or and raodom person on the street because he didn't use the guns on them when he was cornered. This sounds like a calculated move to me.
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The two that don't require alcohol.
True, but as I read your comment, they are still factors that could be construed as cause for administering a BAC test. I'm largely speculating here, but I would suspect that if John Doe got pulled over with an open container in the passenger seat, no guns, and after driving very erratically and then resisting arrest, there'd be a decent chance he'd get a BAC test.
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I would be surprised if an open container, by itself, were upheld as sufficient probable cause to request a BAC test. No, check that - shocked actually.

His driving pattern and the open container would be more than enough probable cause to conduct field sobriety tests and or a Breathalyzer.

Based on your theory of needing another clue (such as bloodshot eyes, slurred speech, etc...), being sprayed with O.C. (pepper spray) would cause all of those symptoms, therefor making them pointless if you were trying to use them as probable cause to test him for OVI. They didn't need anything more than what they had to test him.

My guess, as someone who has been in that situation many times, they already had numerous felonies and didn't feel like screwing with the misdemeanor OVI.
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I'm just speculating here, too, but not without a great deal of evidence over time. MoC has at least one clinical personality disorder. That doesn't make him mentally ill, but it does make him, obviously, engage in stupid and criminal acts under stress. He has at least a strong strain of clinical narcissism running through him and narcissists typically don't commit suicide, at least not on purpose.

It's called growing up around thugs. Hang out around thugs your whole life and you are bound to become one. Everyone needs to quit feeling sorry for him and realize the piece of shit he's always been. We were lucky he stayed out of trouble for a year and got us a NC. I realize this is a very harsh statement but the truth hurts sometimes. I just cannot feel sorry for someone who was given the gifts he was given and was too stupid to capitalize on them.
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No. First, Clarett getting arrested as a dangerous criminal does not really damage OSU at this point. If anything, it provides some degree of vindication to the program that he accused, since he blatantly exposes himself as an unreliable accusor, to say the least. Second, when the program is doing well would be the worst time to try to damage it. Third, it is beyond irrational. To completely sacrifice your own life for the "benefit" of getting a story ostensibly negative toward OSU in the newspapers. No, this is just another convoluted theory, when the far more plausible, and simpler, explanation is that Maurice Clarett, after seeing his dreams of NFL riches go down the drain, turned to a life of crime, and was incompetent enough at it that he fairly promptly got busted.

I never said he was trying to damage OSU, nor did I say he was trying to make a story. He is not going out there trying to get caught I can tell you that. I believe he gets so worked up when he sees the football team, a team he used to be a part of doing well without him. It hurts him and makes him go off the deep end and do things that are irrational.
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And an OVI would be a big deal in this case. Having firearms in a MV while under the influence is a fourth-degree felony.

Doesn't 'not under the influence of alcohol' reduce one of the potential excuse and hurt his case? So the picture is like this now, he is sober, put on vest, load multiple guns, and drive purposefully (?) toward his destination. I don't know what it should be, but this has to mean something in court.
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At this point what would this idiot have to do to surprise you? I mean if he had shot someone this morning would you truly have thought, WOW... I can't believe it? Me neither....

As for him needing help... FUCK THAT piece of shit. He has been offered help from day one from tons of people that could have taken him to the top of the world. He could have been making millions of dollars right this minute if he and others would quit blaming his poor decisions and actions on the very people who have tried to help him. He made the decision to screw up his college career, he made the decision to screw up his pro career (after, against all advice, Shanahan gave him another chance), he made the decision to rob 2 innocent people and he made the decision to do whatever he was planning to do with full rampage gear on this morning. He is not sick, he is STUPID with a capital STUPID. If he would have killed 3 or 4 people (or more) this morning would you still be saying he has problems and needs to go to a mental hospital??? Lock his dumb ass up and throw away the key. He has been given a chance to be productive and time and time again he has thrown it away and blamed it on someone else. Waste of oxygen and talent. Just sick of hearing this guys name.
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Doesn't 'not under the influence of alcohol' reduce one of the potential excuse and hurt his case? So the picture is like this now, he is sober, put on vest, load multiple guns, and drive purposefully (?) toward his destination. I don't know what it should be, but this has to mean something in court.

Actually, it hurts MoC in court if he's under the influence. If he's found guilty, that's something the judge has to take into account against him. It makes his actions even more dangerous.

And I'm sorry to say, but I don't see a way out of these new charges for Maurice.

No it doesn't have an effect His driving pattern and the open container would be more than enough probable cause to conduct field sobriety tests and or a Breathalyzer.

Except for the fact that you're still missing an indication that he actually consumed alcohol. Usually, you're going to be hardpressed to find someone under the influence that doesn't have an odor of alcohol about their person. So if the odor isn't there, I gotta say I don't think there's probable cause.
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I never said he was trying to damage OSU...
No you didn't, I just assumed that was what you were alluding to when you said it was "too coincidental" that he got busted five days after OSU was voted preseason #1. Regardless, I still would imagine that this has nothing to do with OSU, but rather is a simple case of a guy who decided to go the criminal route after seeing his chance at legitimate fortune go the way of the Dodo bird. Really, it was largely a chance of sheer luck that he got busted when he did, and I doubt that this was Clarett's first time motoring about town with loaded weapons in the car.

And I'm sorry to say, but I don't see a way out of these new charges for Maurice.
I'm not sorry to say that, and it has nothing to do with Maurice Clarett per se, or his spurious media attention. Men who drive around town with loaded assault rifles and bullet-proof vests tend to do things that hurt honest citizens, and in my view it's all to the good when those men get put behind bars. If A.J. Hawk shocked the world by engaging in that type of behavior, I'd be sorry to see that he chose that life for himself (just as I am for Clarett), but I wouldn't be sorry to see him pay the appropriate price for it.
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