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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

Buckskin86;2222990; said:
MoC was just 97.1 and he confirmed that he was in the middle of shooting a ESPN 30 for 30 special....he is actually saving parts of his story for this special.

Here's to hoping that his new found maturity and perspective are in full force during this. The last time he teamed up with espn, it wasn't for the best for anyone....other than espn.
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I sense that Mo C is a changed man, and has a better understanding on "how things work". He is much more humbled now. I personally don't feel there is any concern for him opening a can of worms on ESPN, he has finally worked his way back to being somewhat accepted by OSU fans, and embracing it.
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stowfan;2223013; said:
I just felt ill:(

I dont understand the lack of disdain for him. Maybe I am just not as forgiving as some but I have no love for Mo' and I certainly wouldnt invite him back for anything. Especially didnt care for Tress helping him get to take classes at tOSU.

I'd welcome back Tress, Pryor, Posey, Boom or any of those guys before him.

They did things that hurt us, but never once TRIED to hurt us.

He TRIED to bring down the program. That is unforgivable.

Not to mention whatever his intentions may have been when he was pulled over with a car full of guns and body armour.
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BuckeyeSoldier;2223055; said:

I dont understand the lack of disdain for him. Maybe I am just not as forgiving as some but I have no love for Mo' and I certainly wouldnt invite him back for anything. Especially didnt care for Tress helping him get to take classes at tOSU.

I'd welcome back Tress, Pryor, Posey, Boom or any of those guys before him.

They did things that hurt us, but never once TRIED to hurt us.

He TRIED to bring down the program. That is unforgivable.

Not to mention whatever his intentions may have been when he was pulled over with a car full of guns and body armour.

Because he helped win us a national championship, he came clean, and he asked for forgiveness?
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ysubuck;2239676; said:
Wish he had gone to UM or ND. I know that's not a popular opinion around here, but I honestly wish he had never set foot on tOSU campus.

I do not get why people are still grinding this axe. Without Clarett, we certainly do not win the 2002 NC. Sure, the guy was a trainwreck the next few years. However, he seems to be one of the few that actually was rehabilitated while in prison. Has he done or said anything detrimental to/about the University since getting released from prison?

At least he isn't like the vehicular homicide trio that went to the University of Tennessee: Goodrich, Stallworth and Little.
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