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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

My Thoughts on the OSU - Mich Game, 2011
Posted by clarett13 on Friday, 25 November 2011

There is no better way to start this blog off than by saying "I dont give a damn about the whole state of michigan". Its that time of the year where we hand out our traditional ass whooping to the boys up north. I personally love the fact that the game is on the road and the guys have to lean on one another for strength. I believe that they also want to redeem themselves for what happened in Purdue. Im sure youll have some guys wanting to win for Luke and youll just have a lot of positive energy flowing in the right direction to combat the fact that they're on the road.

Everyone also knows that we have the better team. The rankings mean very little in this rivalry. Our competitive advantage comes from our offense. We have a solid run game and an athletic quarterback who will be ready to make plays against a less than average defense. I personally dont believe they have the talent or schemes to stop what we have to offer. Simple is good against these guys. There is no need to try and minipulate someone you can be straight up. The trickery will only fool us.

We must understand that michigan will make some plays based on the energy of the day. But when the game settles down and players have gotten adjusted to whats going on we will prevail. The better team will win this. We are the better team and if those bums up north will deal with reality they'd come to the same conclusion. It hasnt been much of a rivalry this last decade and Im not excpecting anything differnt tomorrow..

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starBUCKS;2111208; said:
Maurice Clarett @ReeseClarett13

That's bullshit if true. MoC should be absolved by the university as far as I'm concerned. It's been nearly a decade since the 'bad blood' and he seems to have grown and learned from the experience.

Not inviting arguably the most important piece of our NC team to a game honoring that team is petty, imo.
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FCollinsBuckeye;2111218; said:
That's bull[Mark May] if true. MoC should be absolved by the university as far as I'm concerned. It's been nearly a decade since the 'bad blood' and he seems to have grown and learned from the experience.

Not inviting arguably the most important piece of our NC team to a game honoring that team is petty, imo.

...and most of what he talked about seems to have a possibility of being true.
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FCollinsBuckeye;2111218; said:
That's bull[Mark May] if true. MoC should be absolved by the university as far as I'm concerned. It's been nearly a decade since the 'bad blood' and he seems to have grown and learned from the experience.

Not inviting arguably the most important piece of our NC team to a game honoring that team is petty, imo.

Agreed. BS move by OSU if true.
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OhioState001;2111225; said:
How can they not invite Tress either? wtf

Welp, you have to assume the master of messing up just about everything he touches is at fault once again.

Perhaps he will hold a press conference to respond and rehash the Clarett and Tressel situations once again for the sake of some fresh headlines that pair "Ohio State" and "scandal" in the same sentence.

The poor media hasn't had one to run in awhile.

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OSU's football program has taken a public beating over the past couple years - fair or not - and having MoC or Tress there only makes them the topic of conversation in the media.

It sucks, but it's the world we live in today.
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Jake;2111229; said:
OSU's football program has taken a public beating over the past couple years - fair or not - and having MoC or Tress there only makes them the topic of conversation in the media.

It sucks, but it's the world we live in today.

then have a 15 year reunion instead of 10
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I still harbor about as much animocity towards MoC as I did about 8-9 years ago, but he really ought to have been invited like every player on that team down to the bench players are. And Tress too.

Jake;2111229; said:
...and having MoC or Tress there only makes them the topic of conversation in the media.

I'm afraid the media will make it a topic of conversation if they aren't there, as well. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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Jake;2111229; said:
OSU's football program has taken a public beating over the past couple years - fair or not - and having MoC or Tress there only makes them the topic of conversation in the media.

It sucks, but it's the world we live in today.

I saw (according to a poster on the ozone fan forum) where Dustin Fox said he hasnt received any type of invite to a celebration so maybe MoC is jumping the gun?
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