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RB Maurice Clarett (B1G Freshman of the Year, National Champion)

Sounds like Maurice (along with a lot of other people) still don't get why OSU had to sever ties with Tressel.

I understand the admiration for the man. I really do because I believe JT is a giving and generally selfless man that has been a tremendous guide for young people such as Mo. But Ohio State had no choice. People need to understand that.
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OH10;1963664; said:
Sounds like Maurice (along with a lot of other people) still don't get why OSU had to sever ties with Tressel.

I understand the admiration for the man. I really do because I believe JT is a giving and generally selfless man that has been a tremendous guide for young people such as Mo. But Ohio State had no choice. People need to understand that.

While I think that a lot of people get it, it's still nice to see some rhetoric out there that's pro tOSU. I'll take it where I can get it these days.
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TexasBuck;1963749; said:
ESPIN would be jumping all over MoC's blog if he was saying bad things about the OSU's program/Tressel/Pryor. Since the entries are of positive and express empathy for the situation, we are just hearing crickets from our foes in Bristol.

Very true.

But ESPN is a business first and foremost, and unfortunately negative news sells. The tabloid culture exists because of it.

So, anger over ESPN's negative coverage is akin to being upset with McDonald's for selling fattening foods. It doesn't make it right, but it does make business sense.

The reason ESPN seems to obsess over tOSU is only because it has a massive following, which in turn results in sales. They'd do it to any of the other mega programs. It's not personal, it's dollars and cents.


MoC definitely seems to be on the right track. I hope he sees a healthy number of carries this year in Omaha. I'd be ecstatic to see him get another chance in the NFL. Even if he doesn't, he seems like a sharp enough guy that he'd find success off the field.
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senorbuckeye;1963922; said:
The reason ESPN seems to obsess over tOSU is only because it has a massive following, which in turn results in sales. They'd do it to any of the other mega programs. It's not personal, it's dollars and cents.

You neglect to mention that ESPN has a vested financial interest in the success of some programs/conferences to a greater extent than others.

Therein lies the animosity exhibited by many here towards the Entertainment Sports Programing Network

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FCollinsBuckeye;1963925; said:
You neglect to mention that ESPN has a vested financial interest in the success of some programs/conferences to a greater extent than others.

Therein lies the animosity exhibited by many here towards the Entertainment Sports Programing Network


Maybe this should be split off, but, as a die-hard Buckeye fan, I've never understood the "Woe is us/We're being unjustly vilified" sentiment.

I'd agree that personal disagreements may play a part in some content/programming decisions, but I'd have a hard time believing they're still serving this vendetta.

You'd also think this would apply to the whole B1G and not just one program.

Also, Shapiro's long gone.
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senorbuckeye;1963940; said:
Maybe this should be split off, but, as a die-hard Buckeye fan, I've never understood the "Woe is us/We're being unjustly vilified" sentiment.

I'd agree that personal disagreements may play a part in some content/programming decisions, but I'd have a hard time believing they're still serving this vendetta.

You'd also think this would apply to the whole B1G and not just one program.

Also, Shapiro's long gone.

I can't imagine a college football fan who is actually informed on the situation not believing there's an agenda to ESPN's treatment of tOSU this offseason. Maybe you should read more.
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senorbuckeye;1963940; said:
Maybe this should be split off, but, as a die-hard Buckeye fan, I've never understood the "Woe is us/We're being unjustly vilified" sentiment.

I'd agree that personal disagreements may play a part in some content/programming decisions, but I'd have a hard time believing they're still serving this vendetta.

You'd also think this would apply to the whole B1G and not just one program.

Also, Shapiro's long gone.

I hardly think it's a woe is us situation. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of highly visable people with a platform that are running loose and fast with a lot of misleading information. Information that when examined is known to be wrong. Why they do it? I can't begin to say, but I'm frankly tired of the shit.

If I continue to call your sister a whore it's gonna piss you off after a while... that is, if you really care about her. No?

Woe is us? Indeed...
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Dinner?: My Meeting with Warren Buffet


Maurice Clarett meets Warren Buffet

Everyone has heard that a photo is worth a 1000 words and the photo above is no exception. The photo might cause a little disdain for some but it will inspire so many others. And where I?m at in life right now, I?m going to focus on the ones it will help. It might send a signal out to my brother Jim Tressel that no matter how hard they kick you, redemption is right around the corner and success definitely feels better the second time around. It may send a message out to guys locked in prisons that one year you could be locked on the yard and the next you could be meeting with the WEALTHIEST MAN ON THE PLANET, literally. It will do something different to all who look at it and have watched my story.


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Fickell: Not Ready for Primetime
Written by Maurice Clarett


After watching this week?s game against the Canes I will say that my feelings are similar to everyone else's. We seemed to be out coached rather than out played. I was highly disappointed to see Luke stick it out with Bausermann when it was obvious that Braxton was the guy we needed to lean on. His feet alone can put us in position to make great plays and making anything happen was what we needed. As a player you want to catch a rhythm on the field and when you do it becomes contagious.

I can only hope that Luke doesn't let his personal feelings for Joe paralyze the team?s success. We are a different team with Braxton in the game. The situation reminds me so much of Justin and Troy it?s insane. The inability to make a choice and stick with it can be hurtful to a lot of people - players, fans and alumni.

But the season is young and I?m going to support Luke while he's in charge. But I?m hoping this is his last season as the captain of the ship. Top recruits want to play for PROVEN coaches. Urban has an influence in a lot of regions throughout the world and I believe we can use that. So let's hope he accepts our offer but root for Luke in the meantime........

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