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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

Ohio State's been very patient with Jaamal, especially before he even set a foot on campus.

I hope he can show Ohio State the same patience. He's making a great argument for more playing time with the touches he's been getting.
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y0yoyoin;1805128; said:
it would be a shame because i think berry's upside is greater then hall's, but he cant complain about the situation he put himself in with the marijuana bust, the injury that put him out a whole year giving hall reps instead of him...as tlangs said he would be dumb to transfer but given the RB depth here i could see why he would...hyde should not be getting reps before berry or splitting carries with berry during mop up duty...i think berry should come in right after hall and get his reps then bring hyde in

Yeah it's been a little surprising how they have managed that, it's almost like they've skipped over Berry to put Hyde in the game. Maybe they feel like Hyde is benifitting more from those live touches in mop up duty then Berry would? You can imagine as a player where that might get to be a little demoralizing though.
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He must be putting it on the ground in practice, or just not be performing well in practice. Also, Tressel likes the bigger backs more than the little backs. But IMO, Berry>Hall, I love Jordan but Jaamal looks like a homerun hitter. Like ive said before, it would be ashame if Jaamal transfers and is an all american somewhere else. The depth is deep here, I think the decision of boom to go pro or not will effect Jaamal. Plus you got guys like Rod Smith, Warren Ball, Brionte Dunn and maybe Rushell Shell. I hope he stays but if he leaves I can see why.
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k2onprimetime;1805430; said:
It will be

He's not looking at being a 1st or 2nd round pick at this point so don't know why he'd consider leaving...only reason I'd see him choosing to go is if he is in a situation where he just needs that immediate pay day, don't know enough to comment on whether that would be the case.
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JBaney45;1805437; said:
He's not looking at being a 1st or 2nd round pick at this point so don't know why he'd consider leaving...only reason I'd see him choosing to go is if he is in a situation where he just needs that immediate pay day, don't know enough to comment on whether that would be the case.

It doesn't matter if he'd be a 1st or 2nd round pick, to be honest, if he stayed another year his stock may drop. I remember hearing the argument on another thread that said the same about Pittman when he was here. And people were so surprised when Pittman left early, but when you look back on it, it makes a lot of sense since he knew he wouldn't get much PT with Beenie waiting in the wings. If Boom comes back for his senior season, competition for the RB starter is going to be far tougher than this year. Tress for the most part gave the starting position to Saine, and Saine had to do just enough to not lose it. And the only player at RB we had who had serious consideration to start was Boom. Next year we have 3 other RBs who have some reps with the first team, and all 3 provide different dimensions to the game, and all are very good in their own right. Not to mention we have a kid that looks like he is cut from the Eddie George mold, and is only going to be a RS Frosh! I'm drooling while writing this, just thinking of the possibilities for who will start. I for one am on the team to see Berry get more reps and hopefully he starts next year, but honestly Hall and Hyde are just as good(and we havent even seen Smith yet). I just think that at the end of the season, we shouldn't be all that surprised(I'm not saying its going to happen) if Boom dips his toes in NFL waters and see where it gets him. He can possibly be a 1st day draft pick, and I honestly see him probably getting drafted higher than Saine because he runs harder, has better vision, and has a sure position. Saine could be RB, or Slot/hybrid depending on the offense. But honestly this is a great problem to have as our backfield is just loaded, I can't remember the last time we had this many game changers in the same backfield :oh:
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Not to derail off Berry but I think it is relevant in the transfer talks.... I think Boom could go. Similar to what Pittman did because he saw Beanie getting more involved the next year and his stock would continue to go down.

Berry if he gives OSU the best change to win he will play. I get caught up in saying dang it what is wrong with the coaches... play Hall/Berry more they are better, but we have no idea what the whole picture is. If Berry is in good graces with the staff and he provides OSU a better change at getting a W then Boom, Saine, etc, etc he will play.

Having said that I can see all that potential and home run threat and hope it all works out and he becomes the stud I think he can, but I am positive the coaches have the same hopes.
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k2onprimetime;1805430; said:
It will be

Boom Herron isn't going pro. Get real.

Berry needs to be patient. The RB depth is so much more now than in 2002 or even 2006 when the other backs in the stable were Lydell Ross and Antonio Pittman and Pittman wasn't a back who you could run 30 times so Beanie got some carries.
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CAN he? Yes, but that would be amazingly stupid. The guy just got his first 100 yard game of his college career. If Boom going pro is a legit conversation, why don't we analyze if JB Shugarts, Sabino, or Sweat will go pro. After all, they all CAN.

Berry has not shown the same level of play as Hall this year in my opinion. I am buying the hype that he's got a bigger upside potential than Hall, but Hall's outplaying him this year.
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