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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

After rewatching the game, Berry must love mixing it up. At the 9:09 mark, Berry finds a blocker grabs him and throws him to the ground after the return man was prettty much down. Not many young RB's go that hard on ST. I give him alotta props. Doesn't play like a kid who is thinking about transfering.

Yes, Bucknuts, I'm talking to you...
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I know this is random but how much does Jaamal weigh? I was just looking at pictures from him in HS, and comparing them to the pictures of the scum game. Jaamal was WAY bigger in HS then he is now, I wonder why he decided to slim down, or stop lifting as much. I know Tress likes big backs so you would think he would try to get bigger and add some more weight. Any thoughts?
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k2onprimetime;1824011; said:
I know this is random but how much does Jaamal weigh? I was just looking at pictures from him in HS, and comparing them to the pictures of the scum game. Jaamal was WAY bigger in HS then he is now, I wonder why he decided to slim down, or stop lifting as much. I know Tress likes big backs so you would think he would try to get bigger and add some more weight. Any thoughts?

Trust me, Berry is bigger now. Berry is in great shape. There was a picture of JB and Sabino togather this summer in Miami...and Berry was STACKED.
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SayNoToMichigan;1823887; said:
After rewatching the game, Berry must love mixing it up. At the 9:09 mark, Berry finds a blocker grabs him and throws him to the ground after the return man was prettty much down. Not many young RB's go that hard on ST. I give him alotta props. Doesn't play like a kid who is thinking about transfering.

Yes, Bucknuts, I'm talking to you...

I LOVED that play. Berry straight judo hip-threw that skunkbear like a ragdoll.

You can tell he's having fun out there on special teams, not unlike how Brian Rolle did a few years ago. I noticed he's made a few tackles on special teams here since Big Ten play started. Not just the coaching staff is noticing that.
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osugrad21;1860272; said:

Jaamal says he is defintely not transferring and he is ready to compete in a deep position group.


With Saine gone, Herron gone for 5, and a new platoon system firmly in place, Jaamal stands to get a nice chunk of playing time... as a sophomore, no less. Fantastic news.
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What happens if he really gets going good those first 5 games Herron is out? Does he have the potential to be the primary option getting the majority of the carries or does Herron get his starting job back no matter what after the suspension?
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