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RB Erik Haw (official thread)

I haven't seen any signs that Haw is already gone. Anyone know of any signs that he'll stay and fight it out. He's awfully good at carrying the rock. I'd hate to see him go, yet I understand his frustration.

I understand it as well. I think I read below that UCLA wasn't interested, but that Pitt was. You or anybody else heard anything?

I think it odd that there has been no word. I'm with you, though--I think he's great, and would like to see him stick as well.

:gobucks3: :osu2: :gobucks4:
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He should go to Youngstown State...imagine the Penguin offense with him at RB and Irizarry at TE. If he plays well enough even at the I-AA level, he'll get a look from the NFL scouts.

Is it worth it to go to a Div-IAA team so he can play next year, and see probably fewer scouts, or would it be better to go to a Div-IA team, and have to sit out another year, giving him only 2 remaining years of eligibility, but he'd probably get more press?

I'm not hoping for specifics on Youngstown State vs. any particular Div-IA team. I'd like to see people's opinions on generic Div-IAA vs. generic Div-IA teams. Though, I guess I'm also curious about YSU, specificaly.
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Guess Nevada was right...good call and good luck to Erik

July 17, 2006
JSU snags ex-Ohio State RB

By David Brandt
[email protected]

Former Ohio State running back Erik Haw has announced he will play football for Jackson State University this fall.

Haw, who has three years of eligibility remaining, picked the Tigers over UCLA, Arizona State, Rutgers and West Virginia. He will be eligible to play immediately.

Haw rushed for 61 yards and a touchdown on 14 carries last year for the Buckeyes.
His best game was against Northwestern when he gained 39 yards and scored a touchdown on eight carries in a 48-7 Ohio State win.

"I just wanted to go somewhere I could play right away," Haw said. "I should in (Jackson) in about a week to get used to everything."

He'll join a JSU backfield that already includes Ole Miss transfer Jamal Pittman and last year's leading rusher David Kennebrew.

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Man, it's a shame that guys like Haw never really get a decent chance to display their potential, and what they're made of, due to the simple fact that more experienced players are ahead of them in the depth chart, and that there are so many quality backs, and players at his position. I can completely understand him going to a Div. I-AA school; I wouldn't want to miss a season of football, if I had the potential and ability that he had. I hope he succeeds, and leads JSU to a national title in their respected division of football, and I hope to see him suit up one day in the NFL.
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wow, im surprised he went to Jackson State over UCLA. I can see why though. But what amazes me is that an OSU football player leaves to play elsewhere. I dont know about you guys, but I would do anything just to play for the Buckeyes. I would do anything to sit on the bench there. I don't see why somebody would leave the best damn school.
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wow, im surprised he went to Jackson State over UCLA. I can see why though. But what amazes me is that an OSU football player leaves to play elsewhere. I dont know about you guys, but I would do anything just to play for the Buckeyes. I would do anything to sit on the bench there. I don't see why somebody would leave the best damn school.

I see what you're saying, but think about it this way. Haw probably isn't like you and I, or a typical "Rudy" player. He may have liked a completely different school growing up, and may have gone to tOSU, assuming that it would be the best school FOR HIM to play at. Also, when it comes to playing time, talent, and his future; it's much better that he left the school, for his sake, so he could pursue what he wanted to do in the long run: have a shot at being in the NFL. With Pittman, M. Wells, and C. Wells alongside of him, at tailback, he realized that he was in a rare predicament, and knew it was probably in his best interest to leave the team, and transfer to a place, where he wouldn't be (more than likely) fourth string, and start.
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