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RB Erik Haw (official thread)

Man, it's a shame that guys like Haw never really get a decent chance to display their potential, and what they're made of, due to the simple fact that more experienced players are ahead of them in the depth chart, and that there are so many quality backs, and players at his position.
I disagree, it isn't a shame, because Haw had his shot; he didn't want it. Pittman enrolled early, outworked Haw on the practice field, and kept his nose clean. Haw waited until fall camp to show up, took plays off at practice, and enjoyed the occassional marijuana cigarette in his spare time.

Sorry, but that's the harsh truth. I hope Haw enjoys tremendous success at Jackson State and carries some lessons learned at Ohio State with him. If he does not arrive at JSU ready to commit himself 110% at practice with that stable of talented backs, he'll wind up third on the depth chart there too.
Haw probably isn't like you and I, or a typical "Rudy" player. He may have liked a completely different school growing up, and may have gone to tOSU, assuming that it would be the best school FOR HIM to play at.
Haw went to Columbus Independence. His dream was to be a Buckeye.
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From Jackson State University Clarion-Ledger

JSU lands ex-Ohio State back
Heralded Haw acknowledges being able to play immediately key factor in becoming Tiger

By David Brandt
[email protected]

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A look at JSU signee Erik Haw:

Position: Running back

Height: 6-1

Weight: 212

Class: Sophomore

Notable: Transferring from Ohio State, where he redshirted his first season and played on a limited basis in 2005. ... Was rated the top running back in the Midwest by SuperPrep following his senior season at Independence (Ohio) High.

- Source: Ohiostatebuckeyes.com

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TD width=10></TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Pulling off an upset victory in a fierce recruiting battle, former Ohio State running back Erik Haw has announced he intends to play football for Jackson State.
Haw should be able to play immediately and has three years of eligibility remaining.
A third-year sophomore, Haw rushed for 61 yards and a touchdown on 14 carries last season for the Buckeyes, but decided to transfer after learning he'd likely be buried on the depth chart at running back going into this year.
"This is the kind of kid with legitimate top-end speed that can help take this team to the top," JSU coach Rick Comegy said. "It's an absolutely huge signing. The coaching staff did an amazing job reeling him in to JSU. He might be a guy that will be all over the record books by the time he's done here."
Haw, who is 6-foot-1, 212 pounds, said he picked the Tigers over UCLA, Arizona State, Rutgers and West Virginia. By transferring down to Division I-AA, he is eligible to play immediately instead of having to sit out a season if he went to another Division I-A school.
Haw said he intends to be in Jackson sometime next week to get used to his new team and the new surroundings. The running back went to Independence High School in Columbus, Ohio.
"I wanted to play right away. That's the biggest reason I chose Jackson State," Haw said. "I like the coaching staff and Division I-AA still puts guys in the (NFL) - that's one of my goals."
The running back's only apparent blemish is a run-in with the law in May 2005, when he was caught smoking marijuana outside of a dorm and pleaded guilty to an amended charge of disorderly conduct.
Comegy would not comment on Haw's legal troubles, but Haw said it wouldn't be a problem at Jackson State.
"Some people don't realize that a 19-year-old is a work in progress, but that's what I was," Haw said. "Just about everybody knows I got in trouble because it's Ohio State football, but I learned a lot from it."
JSU has several big-name transfers in tow for the coming season including running back Jamal Pittman (Ole Miss), linebacker Daniel Brooks (Tennessee), cornerback LaBrose Hedgemon (Notre Dame), quarterback Jimmy Oliver (Pearl River CC) and athlete Carlos Simpson (Cincinnati).
But Comegy's most recent signing might be the biggest of them all, as Haw will likely carry quite a load for an offense that struggled to score points during a 2-9 season in 2005.
"With Haw in the backfield now and other guys like Pittman, we'll have more options now with who carries the ball," Comegy said. "We weren't sure we were going to get (Haw) because everything was kind of back and forth for a few weeks. But obviously we're thrilled that he decided to come down to Jackson."
Haw played in four games with the Buckeyes in 2005. He scored his only touchdown and rushed for 39 yards against Northwestern in a 48-7 victory.
Haw admitted leaving Division I-A football was a tough decision, but one he thought best for his future.
"Sometimes change is the best thing and this will be a big change," Haw said. "I'm just looking forward to getting down to Jackson, meeting all the players and working out with the team."
JSU players report to campus on Aug. 4, and Comegy said the first full workout should be on Aug. 5.
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"Just about everybody knows I got in trouble because it's Ohio State football.."

Does this bother anyone else? This makes me wonder if he really has learned from everything that has happened..

Still, I wish Erik all the luck in the world at JSU.
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"Just about everybody knows I got in trouble because it's Ohio State football.."

Does this bother anyone else? This makes me wonder if he really has learned from everything that has happened..

Still, I wish Erik all the luck in the world at JSU.

Yes. It is somewhat disturbing, but he well may have been quoted out of context.

You're right. Let's wish Erik all the best and good luck in Miss!
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I think he meant: everyone knows I got in trouble because Ohio State is a high profile school.

Dont see anything wrong with that statement: its true. If he was busted at uhh... Rice or something, no one gives a shit.
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I think he meant: everyone knows I got in trouble because Ohio State is a high profile school.

Dont see anything wrong with that statement: its true. If he was busted at uhh... Rice or something, no one gives a shit.

That's exactly the way I read it too. As well as to the effect..."Ohio State fans are so into their team that they know what we ate for lunch, classes we take, and bubble gum we chew."
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