Yeah, it's clear you are the life of the party. I mean it just eminates from
your posts, pure fun. Eveyone gives out red rubies to the funny guys.
To be quite honest with you, I could care less about the chicklets colors. Thy dont really bring up or down my life. I will continue to post no matter the color or another perception, sorry to break it to you.
I bet your dinner invitations are lined up knee deep.
"Hey honey I'd like you to meet BuckeyePride85, he's really quite humorous,
just don't say anything to him that could somehow be construed as a knock
on his masculinity or he will go off the deep end and act like a third grade
Sorry, as a college guy we dont exactly do "dinner invitations" lol. Its more of being young, spontaneous and seeing where the night goes. Ill wait till Im much older to start having set nightly meals and dinner invites with guests planed out. Not that there is anything wrong with it, Im just not in that age group by a long shot, Im still enjoying my youth.
As far as me acting like a third grader or "Scooter" not understand, that is COMPLETELY fine. I am a man that is proud of himself and masculine is a part of my life. I love femals and dont respect or tolerate anyone making a reference to me as a queer like I said before. If scooter and you dont mind being thought of as gay, or a fag thats fine, but in NO way a reason to jump on my preferences. I never wanted to fight with you about this, I told you before that this is a term I deem unacceptable towards me but you cant stop. You say I act like a third grader for telling you to not call me certain things and for you to keep going on? I ask you to examine your actions before deeming whose acting childish - sad part is, you seem to be the much elder between us. Maybe you have a complex of a younger male excusing you from something? And as for "Scooter" and him saying Im going against anything that makes sense, lol, Im sure more than the majority of males would perfer not to be called a gay or anyother homosexual terms, so that really negates your claim now doesnt it? When the majority of a group determines the question, thats when you get the "norm" of society pal...
I never thought this would get out of hand, but Im done and hopefully this other gentleman can let his comments go and find other ways of humor than going through sentences looking to call someone gay and a female in a juvenile manor, than say YOU act young...Act your age, no offense, lol.