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RB Eddie George - (1995 Heisman winner, CFB HOF, 4x Pro Bowl, HC Tenn St)

"i've touched marijuana and i'm still alive....and quite happy by the way

yeah, but you are not a top tier athlete that has millions on the line and knows he is going to get drug tested....

frick...this is read things into what i post day....i am beyond frustrated with this...can anyone read anymore or think??
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Alan said:
"i've touched marijuana and i'm still alive....and quite happy by the way

yeah, but you are not a top tier athlete that has millions on the line and knows he is going to get drug tested....

frick...this is read things into what i post day....i am beyond frustrated with this...can anyone read anymore or think??
Please explain
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
Um... your reasoning is a little off... these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

If I worked my butt off and then had retarded "experts" writing me off as just another Ricky Williams mostly cuz I'm from texas... I'd be pretty worked up about it too. The kid's great success that he has earned through determination was written off as not interesting and instead they painted a slanderous picture of him being just another future quitter who'd rather get high than play football.
It wasn't just about the comparisons to Ricky Williams, he was talking about NFL scouts would interview him about everything and anything, every little thing was exposed and he even called the process "degrading."

He may not understand the entire concept, but if I were to make a multi-million dollar investment into someone, I'm making damn sure that I cover every nook and cranny of the persons personal and professional life to make sure that this is as safe of an investment as possible.

That being said, I think Cedric Benson will be a very good back in the NFL, I don't think you can judge him by that interview after he was drafted, he was just as much overjoyed by being drafted than he was relieved the draft process was over, and I see a nice career in store for him.
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IMO, I think Benson will be a much better NFL back than Ronnie or Cadillac.

If you've seen his highlight clips, the boy is just flatout amazing. He plays at a level that was much higher than any competition he could have found in the NCAA. He was a superman among men at Texas. He'll me a pro-bowler in a few years, I strongly believe.
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That's the dumbest comment I've heard...

BuckeyePride said:
I don't know benson well... but, I saw him cry on TV... if he was emotional, great. However, he explained that he was tired of everyone comparing him to ricky etc.

From that and his interview, he looked soft to me. He was drafted by the bears. I don't think that helps alot. He may not as well as Ronnie Brown.
That's just my prediction.
So what if he cried...he's an emotional guy...his life-long dream just became a reality. I don't have any kids, nor am I married but I can tell you this much if I ever do either, I"ll probably cry! Hell as I get older (33 now) I am getting more emotional...when I see someone succeed in winning a big game or championship it gets to me, I know how much it means and the hard work it takes to get there! Hell, I even feel it sometime when I watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition to see a family just so overjoyed at their new "life". It's great!

It has nothing to do with being soft!

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Fadeproofbuck, the point is that Benson wasn't being questioned because of his character as much as the media's obsession with drawing parallels with a teammate. Ask any Texas fan and they are NOTHING alike. So to work my butt off and achieve great success despite an incredibly unbalanced offense (resulting in 8-9 guys in the box from opposing defenses), I would be pretty pissed to have to answer all of these character issues just so analysts can make a quick buck.

How pissed would you be if you were Chris Wells, you kept your nose clean at OSU, and then declared for the draft, and this happened to you? Let's say he makes one comment that the reporters drag out of him and it sticks. "Experts" all start crucifying him saying he's selfish and also has shown similar durability issues, which obviously means he's the next Clarett. My example is a little weak, but you understand what I'm saying. We'd all want to punch those analysts right in the face, and none of us would perceive Wells as weak for crying on draft day not just for being picked but also for getting beyond all the moronic comparisons with MoC.
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BuckeyeTrail said:
i've touched marijuana and i'm still alive....and quite happy by the way :atom:

i only saw benson play once, in the rose against michigan. he didn't stand out to me at all. i am extremely biased against the big xii, as a result i am not impressed with benson's statistics. i do not know much about the guy, but seeing him cry like that, that was pretty pathetic. if he was crying because he was finally able to provide for his poor mother after all her years of hard work, etc, then fine. but to cry because the nfl asked you some tough and mean questions? get some thicker skin man. seeing him cry like that reminded me of chris webber.

i personally don't think benson will do much of anything in the nfl, but that's just my opinion and i've been wrong before.
Totally Agree ! he only averaged 5 and change yds per carry for all his 1100+ carries at Texas. This is in the same league Adrian Peterson plays in and he racked up some yards in his freshman year.

I like bears... but with this line up, benson will not do well. he'll have decent rookie year but will fade away just like other bears RBs since the great one. Just like Rashan Salaam (sp), Anthony Thomas, Enis (PSU. i think he played w/ bears), and Raymont Harris.
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BGriffBuckeye said:
Question about Eddie: What team is he on now? I looked at the Cowboys' roster and he wasn't there. Did he sign somewhere else? Retiring?
Really Benson's the topic of this thread -- but as this was asked:

Eddie is trying to get back on board with the Titans.

(Though if the Titans or another team close the door -- what about Tressel and staff brigning Eddie on board to tutor our RB stable?)
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The Benson comparisons to Ricky were because they were both Longhorns, but also because Benson had dreadlocks and was at one time charged with possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana, although those charges were later dropped. He also missed the Baylor game in 2003 after being charged with trespassing, for allegedly forcing his way into somebody's apartment in an attempt to recover a TV that he said was stolen from him in 2002.

Personally, I could give 2 shits whether somebody has dreads or not, and I don't want this thread to deteriorate into a hair-style discussion. But there are a lot of tight-asses in the NFL, and if somebody that was about to pay me a few million bucks preferred that I didn't have them, I'd be willing to lose them. And Benson had the dreads cut off, and was smart enough to not test positive for anything at the combine.

BFS, I understand your comment about Beanie Wells being compared to MoC down the line, but if he keeps his nose clean I think he'll avoid that hassle. But I think we'd all prefer that he never gives an interview to a certain Ragazine!
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
Fadeproofbuck, the point is that Benson wasn't being questioned because of his character as much as the media's obsession with drawing parallels with a teammate. Ask any Texas fan and they are NOTHING alike. So to work my butt off and achieve great success despite an incredibly unbalanced offense (resulting in 8-9 guys in the box from opposing defenses), I would be pretty pissed to have to answer all of these character issues just so analysts can make a quick buck.

How pissed would you be if you were Chris Wells, you kept your nose clean at OSU, and then declared for the draft, and this happened to you? Let's say he makes one comment that the reporters drag out of him and it sticks. "Experts" all start crucifying him saying he's selfish and also has shown similar durability issues, which obviously means he's the next Clarett. My example is a little weak, but you understand what I'm saying. We'd all want to punch those analysts right in the face, and none of us would perceive Wells as weak for crying on draft day not just for being picked but also for getting beyond all the moronic comparisons with MoC.
I can totally understand his emotion on draft day, but I also understand the reason that NFL teams do what they do and ask what they ask.

He was relieved that the process is over as was caught up in the moment, I clarly stated that you can't judge him for crying because he was just as much overjoyed with being picked as he was that everything is over.

My point was what happened with Cedric Benson happened with all top 5-10 picks in the draft, Ronnie Brown, Alex Smith, Cadillac Williams, they all got the same type of questions. They're ready to give him a 5-10 million dolar signing bonus, I sure as hell would want to know if he is anything like Ricky Williams if I was running the team.

As uneducated as the comparisons were, what would be your first comparison when someone described him as "A RB out of Texas U with dreadlocks that has been caught with marijuana before?" People are going to generalize just based on those characteristics, I really dont look at it as a comparison of the way the play football or that they feel the same way about football.

Penn State running backs will always have to deal with their enormous lists of busts coming out of that school, I heard Larry Johnson talked about as "the next Curtis Enis" just based on him being a RB from Penn State.
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Eddie George open up restaurant on campus

Eddie George new Gateway tenant
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tracy Turner
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A former Ohio State University football standout and Heisman Trophy winner is expected to open a restaurant bearing his name in a new OSU campus-area retail development.

Two sources close to the project said running back Eddie George, most recently of the Dallas Cowboys, will open a sports-themed restaurant at the South Campus Gateway complex on N. High Street. The restaurant would be George’s second; the first, the Eddie George Sports Grille, is in Nashville, Tenn.

That restaurant is described as featuring an eclectic menu, offering salads, pastas, steaks and chicken wings, according to its Web site.

The Gateway project includes 225,000 square feet of retail space with about 35 entertainment venues, restaurants, shops and service businesses. It also will offer apartments aimed at OSU students and employees, Gateway developers said.

OSU will rent 50,000 square feet of office space in the Gateway development to house its human-resource offices at an annual rent of $1.5 million, according to documents from university trustees.

Campus Partners spokesman Steve Sterrett said the tenant list is "substantially complete" and has "solid anchors."

But he declined to give details or to confirm the George restaurant ahead of a planned news briefing today.

The Gateway project will include about 180 apartments and a parking garage with 1,200 spaces. Major retail tenants include a Barnes & Noble bookstore and an eightscreen art cinema operated by Drexel Theatres Group.

Tenants announced so far include Happy Greek, Finish Line, Mad Mex, Panera Bread, Pot Belly Sandwich Works and Ugly Tuna Saloona. Campus Partners, which is developing the Gateway project, reportedly will announce more tenants today.
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