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RB Daniel "Boom" Herron (Official Thread)

mooktarr;1321086; said:
Boom ran great saturday, He does look completely healed.


Ditto all of this. Boom really is a fun player to watch, great burst through the line. While there is no way to lose Beanie and improve the position, I like what we'll have with Boom and and Pryor together. Give me more pistol by the way!
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I'm all for taking as many precautions as practical, but unless Boom added another four inches of padding to his chin strap or extended his cage down to the middle of his chest. I don't think that much of anything would've stopped a concussion against Wisky. However, I am glad that he switched to head gear that is better equipped from making his concussion worse.

I actually don't know how players are cleared to play again this season after what happened to Boom. I mean, he was "out on his feet". I never had a concussion when I played, but I have suffered a fairly severe concussion after a drunken incident and they wouldn't even let me ride roller coasters for a year. FOR A YEAR! I guess I should have told them that I'd wear one of those helmets while riding the Magnum and the Mean Streak. :tongue2:
in hockey they use impact test. you can google it and read about it. its basically a test that you take every year at the begining of the season to get a baseline. then you take it post concussion when you can reach a defined % of your base score you can be cleared. obviously you have to be headache free, able to ride the bike, skate etc also.
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jimotis4heisman;1321454; said:
in hockey they use impact test. you can google it and read about it. its basically a test that you take every year at the begining of the season to get a baseline. then you take it post concussion when you can reach a defined % of your base score you can be cleared. obviously you have to be headache free, able to ride the bike, skate etc also.

I'm sure that Bike H had a baseline score that was off the chart for this one...
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jimotis4heisman;1321467; said:
stationary bikes are the most common workout for hockey players. players ride after every game and practice.

I figured as much that's what you were saying, afterall... giving a football player a skating test to see if he's recovered from a concussion really seems kind of unfair. Regardless of their baseline scores.

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jimotis4heisman;1321454; said:
in hockey they use impact test. you can google it and read about it. its basically a test that you take every year at the begining of the season to get a baseline. then you take it post concussion when you can reach a defined % of your base score you can be cleared. obviously you have to be headache free, able to ride the bike, skate etc also.
Thanks for the answer jo. If I wasn't so stingy with handing out rep I would be allowed to rep you again. But I am. So I can't.
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Boom showed good leg drive today when he actually had some room to move.

As for the helmet, its biggest positive besides supposedly reducing concussions is that the face mask can come off much quicker in case of another hit. I'm surprised Sanzenbacher hasn't switched, but that's probably a comfort thing.

EDIT: I see Sanzenbacher did indeed switch to a Revolution for the Penn State game.
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TheStoicPaisano;1327688; said:
Boom showed good leg drive today when he actually had some room to move.

As for the helmet, its biggest positive besides supposedly reducing concussions is that the face mask can come off much quicker in case of another hit. I'm surprised Sanzenbacher hasn't switched, but that's probably a comfort thing.

EDIT: I see Sanzenbacher did indeed switch to a Revolution for the Penn State game.
I was thinking the same thing after today. Didnt realize he had switched though.
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While I hope that Beanie comes back for his senior year, this was a good handoff of the mantle of tOSU tailback for the future. In Pitts last year, both he and Beanie had long TD runs againgst scUM and this year both Beanie and Boom enjoyed the same success. Way to get your feet wet in the biggest rivalry of them all Boom.
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Funny the past two guys said the exact same thing i saw today, deja vu from the 06 game. Can't wait to see what BOOM can do in the future. Playing behind beanie is a great way to become a big time back. I hope we do some good gameplaning and get Boom out there often in the Bowl game.
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