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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

Guys, let’s not pretend we didn’t back channel with the Fields family on Justin.

If you’re a big time program, this is happening. Feel bad for the small schools who have no real discernible way to keep talent they’ve identified and developed at their schools once P5 schools have depth issues at that position.

The elite schools have it even easier to be honest and we prob shouldn’t throw stones.

Justin wanted out. Kirby practically pushed him out.

There's a difference between reaching out to a guy who wants out and waving cash in the face of a guy who, at least publicly, has expressed no desire to go anywhere.
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Where have you been?
The RB depth chart is absurd with Chip showing he belong son offensive side of ball. Miyan is even having a rough go at getting meaningful touches.

Think this is a year where they have let Dallan know he is going to get low mileage but in long-run its better for his career. The RB room likely loses (2) major contributors (possibly 3) out of RB room and then he's in the spotlight next year.
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The RB depth chart is absurd with Chip showing he belong son offensive side of ball. Miyan is even having a rough go at getting meaningful touches.

Think this is a year where they have let Dallan know he is going to get low mileage but in long-run its better for his career. The RB room likely loses (2) major contributors (possibly 3) out of RB room and then he's in the spotlight next year.
Yup, as long as he stays next year. This RB room belongs to him and Pryor next year
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The RB depth chart is absurd with Chip showing he belong son offensive side of ball. Miyan is even having a rough go at getting meaningful touches.

Think this is a year where they have let Dallan know he is going to get low mileage but in long-run its better for his career. The RB room likely loses (2) major contributors (possibly 3) out of RB room and then he's in the spotlight next year.
Sounds reasonable.
I wasn't sure if he was taking a redshirt or something.
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  • Ohio State wants to preserve a redshirt year for Dallan Hayden, which is why he hasn't played this year. "What we didn't want to do, in a situation where we have three running backs, we don't want to use a year of his eligibility. ... But Dallan is ready to go ... if it's appropriate, he will play."
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