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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

isn't this the same kind of "tampering" mack brown has been complaining about?
Yep and the same shit 99% likely happened with Texas and Ewers. But Short of a player coming to a staff and going they offered me this here is some proof they stupidly wrote in a text.. What you going to do?

How do you prove a Tennessee booster, told a family mamer who then told you by mouth?
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Yep and the same shit 99% likely happened with Texas and Ewers. But Short of a player coming to a staff and going they offered me this here is some proof they stupidly wrote in a text.. What you going to do?

How do you prove a Tennessee booster, told a family mamer who then told you by mouth?
there's nothing blocking one person (a coach or a booster or whatever) from contacting another (an athlete at a university) and asking them if they're interested in transferring, and what would they be looking for in terms of roles and incentives. is there?
that athlete is now no longer a recruit. they are an enrolled student at a college or university. proof or not, i'm not sure there is a violation one way or the other, is there?
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there's nothing blocking one person (a coach or a booster or whatever) from contacting another (an athlete at a university) and asking them if they're interested in transferring, and what would they be looking for in terms of roles and incentives. is there?
that athlete is now no longer a recruit. they are an enrolled student at a college or university. proof or not, i'm not sure there is a violation one way or the other, is there?
There are rules preventing it, which is why they hop into the portal. That said, many of the marquee names know where they're going before they hop.
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rules preventing one person (unofficially representing one school) making contact with an athlete at another school?
Is this ArizonaBuckeye cold calling Kelee Ringo to switch sides before the playoffs? In a bizarre, clearly not orchestrated stunt, that doesn't have any "we never talked about this" guidance or framework to hand it off to a proper representative at the school?

Yeah, I imagine something random is legal.

The rest, comes down to enforcement, of which there is nothing. Besides, who is going to report anyone?

Pantoni is sitting there, reeling from the outcome of The Game. He hasn't talked to anyone directly, he's just kept tabs on who is likely bolting, etc. Then someone comes up to him and say this star VA corner wants a better home. There are ways to answer that indirectly without actually breaking the rules, but the soon to be former school would describe as tampering.

Of course, they knew the kid was likely leaving and they started tampering with smaller schools near them for their own guys to poach to replace him. So clearly they aren't going to run anything up the flag pole if there was actual rule breaking.
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Is this ArizonaBuckeye cold calling Kelee Ringo to switch sides before the playoffs? In a bizarre, clearly not orchestrated stunt, that doesn't have any "we never talked about this" guidance or framework to hand it off to a proper representative at the school?

Yeah, I imagine something random is legal.

The rest, comes down to enforcement, of which there is nothing. Besides, who is going to report anyone?

Pantoni is sitting there, reeling from the outcome of The Game. He hasn't talked to anyone directly, he's just kept tabs on who is likely bolting, etc. Then someone comes up to him and say this star VA corner wants a better home. There are ways to answer that indirectly without actually breaking the rules, but the soon to be former school would describe as tampering.

Of course, they knew the kid was likely leaving and they started tampering with smaller schools near them for their own guys to poach to replace him. So clearly they aren't going to run anything up the flag pole if there was actual rule breaking.
Yep like I said there is only Tampering if the Kid doesn't like it and someone is dumb enough to put it writing. Otherwise who is going to complain if a Texas booster reached out to Ewers cousin after hearing he was homesick and said. You'll have to 1.5 Mil if you come home...

As long as the kid and the school isn't dumb enough to enter and have a new home same day? No one bats an eye
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Guys, let’s not pretend we didn’t back channel with the Fields family on Justin.

If you’re a big time program, this is happening. Feel bad for the small schools who have no real discernible way to keep talent they’ve identified and developed at their schools once P5 schools have depth issues at that position.

The elite schools have it even easier to be honest and we prob shouldn’t throw stones.
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Guys, let’s not pretend we didn’t back channel with the Fields family on Justin.

If you’re a big time program, this is happening. Feel bad for the small schools who have no real discernible way to keep talent they’ve identified and developed at their schools once P5 schools have depth issues at that position.

The elite schools have it even easier to be honest and we prob shouldn’t throw stones.
I think we back channelled the QB coach but yeah...
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Is this ArizonaBuckeye cold calling Kelee Ringo to switch sides before the playoffs? In a bizarre, clearly not orchestrated stunt, that doesn't have any "we never talked about this" guidance or framework to hand it off to a proper representative at the school?

Yeah, I imagine something random is legal.

The rest, comes down to enforcement, of which there is nothing. Besides, who is going to report anyone?

Pantoni is sitting there, reeling from the outcome of The Game. He hasn't talked to anyone directly, he's just kept tabs on who is likely bolting, etc. Then someone comes up to him and say this star VA corner wants a better home. There are ways to answer that indirectly without actually breaking the rules, but the soon to be former school would describe as tampering.

Of course, they knew the kid was likely leaving and they started tampering with smaller schools near them for their own guys to poach to replace him. So clearly they aren't going to run anything up the flag pole if there was actual rule breaking.
all i know is that pantoni needs to stop with less endless echo chamber cracker croaker bishuncutter.
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I think we back channelled the QB coach but yeah...
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there should be a movie combining the two timeless roles of gabby johnson and carl spackler. or at least SNL should make an update of their "season's greetings" sketch pulling these two in as guest vocalists alongside tarzan, tanto, and frankenstein.

by the way... the good news about dallan hayden, wether the rumor is true or not, is that it's a sure-fire way of making sure the staff understands that they need to use him. stop messing around with guys who are ready willing and able.

if we're going to sell the program to kids based on the idea of early playing time for those who are willing to compete, he's the poster boy.
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