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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

  • Ohio State wants to preserve a redshirt year for Dallan Hayden, which is why he hasn't played this year. "What we didn't want to do, in a situation where we have three running backs, we don't want to use a year of his eligibility. ... But Dallan is ready to go ... if it's appropriate, he will play."

Ohio State planning to redshirt running back Dallan Hayden​

Ohio State is planning on redshirting running back Dallan Hayden. After finishing as the Buckeyes’ third-leading rusher as a true freshman last season, Hayden has played in just one of the first five games in 2023.

“We talked about it in the preseason, going into the season,” Ohio State head coach Ryan Day explained. “And what we didn’t want to do is put Dallan in a situation where, with three running backs [already], we were gonna use up a year of eligibility for him.

“Now, he’s ready to go, he’s practicing. And if appropriate, we’ll put him in the game. We also don’t want to have him play in five or six games without getting a bunch of work in. We just don’t think that’s the right thing to do for Dallan.”
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I think it's going to be a very interesting portal/recruiting season. Too many talented kids not getting PT at QB/RB/WR. Too many OL/DL not living up to the hype.

At this point in the season, based on what I see and what I hear, I'm thinking two big putt kickings coming up. (Mods, feel free to move this post to where you think it belongs.)
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I actually think it’s a testament to NIL $$$. Dallan will very likely be able to make more as a RS Senior at tOSU than he would as a 6th Rd pick, fighting to make an NFL roster. At the RB position especially….it’s so hard to get paid in NFL….he can make six figures at tOSU easily…he will be smart to exhaust his eligibility.

It’s what we’re seeing at FSU currently….Jordan Travis came back for $400k…..he was prob a 4th/5th rd pick. Now he’s a borderline Hesiman contender, increasing draft stock, and making more than being a 2nd or 3rd string QB in NFL.
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I'm more worried of Jaxon or Hendo issue of last year and playing him this week will mean he's out vs Penn State

Got it, and understood.

Someone last week was going on about all Henderson does is lose yards, which is absurd, and I was afraid you were going down that road.
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Got it, and understood.

Someone last week was going on about all Henderson does is lose yards, which is absurd, and I was afraid you were going down that road.
Nah just got PTSD from last year playing guys who were hurt before in games we can win without them and getting them reinjured causing them to miss much more important games
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