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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

Hayden hasn't washed OSU from his profile, for what that's worth. I'm not surprised UT would want to lure him - his dad played there.

I still can't believe Day chose to ride with Chip when he had Hayden coming off a big game.

I would very much like to find out one day about that last part. It makes less than no sense.
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Hayden hasn't washed OSU from his profile, for what that's worth. I'm not surprised UT would want to lure him - his dad played there.

I still can't believe Day chose to ride with Chip when he had Hayden coming off a big game.

I’m referring to Henderson (not Hayden) regarding his header, profile pics, and “about” information. This was brought up in his thread around the time of his tweet about his broken bone in his foot.
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Illegal? Poaching talent happens all the time. Was Ewers poached? Caleb Williams? Rattler? College Football is the wild Wild West..

I mean it does, but the pro sports leagues have rules against tampering while a player is still on a teams roster. You'd think the NCAA would have similar here. But I guess as stated it would be pretty hard to prove/enforce all the time.

If Tennessee is openly offering NIL deals to players on other teams who are not even in the portal, that seems like a case that could be used against them.
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I mean it does, but the pro sports leagues have rules against tampering while a player is still on a teams roster. You'd think the NCAA would have similar here. But I guess as stated it would be pretty hard to prove/enforce all the time.

If Tennessee is openly offering NIL deals to players on other teams who are not even in the portal, that seems like a case that could be used against them.
Pro leagues collectively bargained. Universities didn’t want Unions
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start with the fact that the NIL entities aren't the Universities and the NCAA has zero jurisdiction over those outside entities.

Wouldn't this fall under "institutional control" though? Make the universities put those "outside entities" in check and say "we can't take players you straight up buy off other teams rosters"
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True, some CUSA school will get the hammer for buying a kid a McDonalds Value Menu before he actually hit the portal. But Tennessee can flash thousands of dollars and "nothing to see here"

Wouldn't this fall under "institutional control" though? Make the universities put those "outside entities" in check and say "we can't take players you straight up buy off other teams rosters"

It would fall more under the the Russian figure skating commission issuing you a fine for your grass being too tall.

The NCAA can't tell some charity how or what it can do.
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