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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

Dallan has had exactly 100 carries for the season for 503 yds and no fumbles. As a backup he has three 100+ yard games. In basically two halves of play, the last two games, he has gained 248 rushing yards and 4 TDs. Again, two halves of play. He is also averaging over 3 yards after contact. Let him carry the rock this Saturday.
If Hayden doesn't get the start we lose "The Game".
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Has Dallan had turnover issues in practice? It seems every press conference Day continues to reiterate securing the ball is imperative. Which that is a given. I had high hopes for Henderson this year, injuries and IMO questionable vision have been an issue this year. Williams has been a beast, I just dont think he will be healthy enough to carry the load.
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My favorite play of The Game will be Kyle McCord kneeling in the V formation.

That will be my second favorite play. McCord will take a knee on 1st and 3rd downs. Brown will take a knee on second down for my third favorite play. CJ will be trotted off the sideline to take the knee on 4th down to finish the clock for what will, obviously, be my favorite play of the day.
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Has Dallan had turnover issues in practice? It seems every press conference Day continues to reiterate securing the ball is imperative. Which that is a given. I had high hopes for Henderson this year, injuries and IMO questionable vision have been an issue this year. Williams has been a beast, I just dont think he will be healthy enough to carry the load.
That’s the vibe I have gotten as well.
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