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RB Dallan Hayden (transfer to Colorado)

Henderson proved what he could do last year. I would not be so quick to dismiss an injured player.

Nothing harder to carry than great expectations, especially when you catch a screen pass and look like Usain Bolt from 50 yards out in your very first game as a Buckeye. He finally got that screen pass on Saturday and housed it from 35 yards. I think he plays like someone who feels a need to hit the home run on most of his carries instead of taking what the defense is giving him.

Surprised to realize that the Bucks entered the season with two sophs and two freshman at RB. Where does Traynaum come into the picture? Is he considered a walk on?

My bigger concern, given how Day likes to call the plays, is the case of the "yips" that receivers not named Harrison seem to have developed since the beginning of the season.
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Nothing harder to carry than great expectations, especially when you catch a screen pass and look like Usain Bolt from 50 yards out in your very first game as a Buckeye. He finally got that screen pass on Saturday and housed it from 35 yards. I think he plays like someone who feels a need to hit the home run on most of his carries instead of taking what the defense is giving him.

Surprised to realize that the Bucks entered the season with two sophs and two freshman at RB. Where does Traynaum come into the picture? Is he considered a walk on?

My bigger concern, given how Day likes to call the plays, is the case of the "yips" that receivers not named Harrison seem to have developed since the beginning of the season.
Trayanum is a transfer portal player on scholarship. He was brought in as a LB, and an absolute emergency RB. My guess is he goes back to LB next year and Alford rolls with Williams, Henderson, Hayden, Pryor and a true frosh. On paper that looks great, as long as injuries are minimal
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Trayanum is a transfer portal player on scholarship. He was brought in as a LB, and an absolute emergency RB. My guess is he goes back to LB next year and Alford rolls with Williams, Henderson, Hayden, Pryor and a true frosh. On paper that looks great, as long as injuries are minimal

Agreed. They have plenty to work with next year. The injury bug and guys being in and out every week really de-railed any sort of rhythm at the position this year.
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Would not have been a close game had he been inserted when Hendo came up gimpy first quarter. Like was mentioned since the beginning of injury lists, sometimes you have to protect players from themselves!

If they're willing to start him, it gives the offense a totally different feel. Against Indiana it might've been easy to dismiss his performance, especially with everything else happening in tge running game. But carrying your team on the road has a lot of weight going forward.
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Had the Ohio State vs. Maryland game been played in Columbus, the Terrapins would have frequently heard, "He's a freshman!" from the Block O student section on Saturday.

That freshman, of course, would have been running back Dallan Hayden, who collected 146 yards and three touchdowns on 27 carries on Saturday – not in front of 100,000 fans in Ohio Stadium but for over 50,000 in SECU Stadium in College Park.

Hayden's efforts over the weekend garnered the attention of many, including the Big Ten Conference. On Monday, the Memphis native earned the league's freshman of the week honor shared with Penn State's Kaytron Allen after his performance against the Terrapins.

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