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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

I feel like having Beanie in the backfield with Pryor will open up the passing game even more than before. Similar to the Troy Smith era, the play action pass will now be something that will truly throw secondaries for a loop. Think about it, can defenses blitz linebackers or safetys much if they have to respect the run from either Beanie or Pryor?
Not only that but getting caught in a blitz when you have a talented running back or a scrambling quarterback is the reason why a 3 yard rush turns into a TD. I feel much more confident about our offense and its potential with a QB who is more of a playmaker and less on auto pilot and with a running back with the nickname of Beanie...Nuf said.
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Wow, suddenly this offense gets it's swagger back. We haven't had it since going into the Florida game in 2006. Some have the ability to lift a team. Offensively, Pryor and Beanie will do that for our offense. Can't wait to see it take off.........
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daddyphatsacs;1269961; said:
Wow, suddenly this offense gets it's swagger back. We haven't had it since going into the Florida game in 2006. Some have the ability to lift a team. Offensively, Pryor and Beanie will do that for our offense. Can't wait to see it take off.........

+1 for the swagger this team needs some
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Imagine the option as well. How on earth can they defend that either?

Can't wait til Beanie and Pryor light it up, so all the Big Ten teams that think they'll beat us will think twice. I don't like the lack of respect teams are giving us, they think we are not very good. They have yet to see one of the best RB QB combos in recent history though.....
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HOLYBUCKEYE10;1270111; said:
Imagine the option as well. How on earth can they defend that either?

Can't wait til Beanie and Pryor light it up, so all the Big Ten teams that think they'll beat us will think twice. I don't like the lack of respect teams are giving us, they think we are not very good. They have yet to see one of the best RB QB combos in recent history though.....

I don't see us running the option much with Beanie. I see him and Pryor running either under center or running the read out of the shotgun or pistol.
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With Beanie's prolonged absence this season thus far, do you guys think that it may play a part or influence Beanie's decision to return for his senior season or jump to the NFL? I mean, we all assumed that this was going to be his final season with the Buckeyes, but that assumption was based on the belief that he'd put up huge numbers, stay healthy, compete for the Heisman, etc. I know a large part of his decision making will be based upon how he finishes the year and his draft projections, but I was wondering what the people in thought on the matter- if he'll return or go?
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buckalum01;1270208; said:
With Beanie's prolonged absence this season thus far, do you guys think that it may play a part or influence Beanie's decision to return for his senior season or jump to the NFL? I mean, we all assumed that this was going to be his final season with the Buckeyes, but that assumption was based on the belief that he'd put up huge numbers, stay healthy, compete for the Heisman, etc. I know a large part of his decision making will be based upon how he finishes the year and his draft projections, but I was wondering what the people in thought on the matter- if he'll return or go?

I would assume that Beanie Wells would like to return for his senior year, if he feels confident that Pryor can help the team to compete better. Beanie Wells seem to have the same emotions as James Laurinaitis and really loves the atmosphere at Ohio State.

I thought that if he had a stellar season this year, he would leave, but it seems like Beanie Wells does not want to leave Ohio State on a season like this. I believe that having Pryor already playing here and should be much better next year would give Beanie an incentive to return for his senior year. He could play well while not having to be relied on heavy loads of carries.
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southcampus;1270128; said:
I don't see us running the option much with Beanie. I see him and Pryor running either under center or running the read out of the shotgun or pistol.

Really? Maybe we won't, but I think that would be very productive. Regardless stopping both of them will be a nightmare for teams.
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I am by no means an offensive expert but I think some people are simplyfying what an "option" offense is. It is not just running outside and having the option for the QB to pitch it out to a back or keep it and run. West Virginia and some other option teams run the inside draw option off the shotgun formation. I could easily see Beanie running this type of play where TP has to read the DE and either hand it off to beanie inside or keep it and run outside the pocket and then he can either run it or still has the option of throwing a pass. I am sure there are many other option types of play like this we could utilize as well.
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Frohlich;1270276; said:
I am by no means an offensive expert but I think some people are simplyfying what an "option" offense is. It is not just running outside and having the option for the QB to pitch it out to a back or keep it and run. West Virginia and some other option teams run the inside draw option off the shotgun formation. I could easily see Beanie running this type of play where TP has to read the DE and either hand it off to beanie inside or keep it and run outside the pocket and then he can either run it or still has the option of throwing a pass. I am sure there are many other option types of play like this we could utilize as well.

On Big Ten Tonight last night they were talking what OSU might do with Beanie in the back field. They showed a play from the YSU game with TP and Mo in the back field running this out of the pistol.

You can probably find it on youtube since it turned into a decent gain by TP.

Here it is the play they showed at 5:12
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WucYgXhyfDU"]YouTube - Ohio State vs. Youngstown State 2008[/ame]
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