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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

OK, so I just saw Erin Andrews' (hawt!) report on ESPN and she said she sat down with Tressel Friday morning and that Jim said (paraphrasing) "even if a decision was made after the walkthrough tonight, that if Beanie came to him on Saturday and said he wants to play, then the Buckeyes would play him." Hmm?

Definitely a lot of reports going around. As of now, I have to take Jim Tressel at his word. Bucks will be without Beanie tomorrow. Simple as that. As others have said, the Bucks are going to strap up and play either way.

Also Buckeye_In_Cali, I thought about the scenario you talked about and I agree. I think it could be more demoralizing to have the team think they have Beanie for the game and then have him re-aggravate and be out the rest of the game. The team would have a lot running through their minds and possibly have to shift focus to a different gameplan in the middle of the game. Instead (with the way it stands now), the team knows what's up going into the game.
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well again all I know is I will scream like a little school girl if I see beanie come out for the first series so I can imaging what type of effect it will have on our team as well as USC's team if he were to somehow by some miracle play.
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also Kirk is right... I don't think you need to say that about Kirk to be honest.

Beanie apprently wasn't happy with the decision and if he wants to play bad enough I think he will make it happen too. Probably ask to speak with tressel and tell him "look this is MY team and I will lead them to victory" something like that atleast.
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bukIpower;1258048; said:
also Kirk is right... I don't think you need to say that about Kirk to be honest.

Beanie apprently wasn't happy with the decision and if he wants to play bad enough I think he will make it happen too. Probably ask to speak with tressel and tell him "look this is MY team and I will lead them to victory" something like that atleast.

You know, at the same time, Beanie is a very emotional person. He might as well give out his body for the team when he knows the extreme risk of hampering his future. If he really has the high risk of injuring himself even worse, OSU might need Jim Tressel to hold him from making that mistake. This may be the best thing for Beanie.

Otherwise, if this is all just a smokescreen, then I can see that happening. However, it would be bad for Jim Tressel's image because he does not do that kind of thing. The only thing we can do is to wait until the game starts and see the truth to the whole story. It's been a long week with this kind of high level of craziness.

I hope that Ohio State's defense will play the best game of their life. It would be a beautiful thing to see.
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I havent posted much one the forums of late but i have been watching, reading and thinking alot about the situation. I definitely think that Tressell's anouncement wasn't for the media and fans or even USC at all, like said before it is for Boom, Mo, and Saine. Even If Beanie does go tomorrow, he wants them to be rested, prepared and fired up to be the ones this offense could live and die thru(obviously the line is huge in their success). I also remember the year Beanie came onto the scene, he fumbled who knows how many times and then going into THE GAME(#1 vs #2) folks said I hope He doesnt play he could fumble away our title hopes. I know what happened and a young player that Tressell asked to step up did just that(50 yard td run and set up play action for another td to Ginn). That gives me tons of hope that Boom, Saine, Mo and especially Pryor will do the same not just for Tress but for those seniors that knew the schedule to come and chose to come back to change the perception of the nation and restore the powerhouse program that is The Ohio State University. Keep the faith, expect a close hard fought DEFENSIVE game and send vibes of redemption out to So Cal. GO BUCKS!!!
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bukIpower;1258048; said:
also Kirk is right... I don't think you need to say that about Kirk to be honest.

Beanie apprently wasn't happy with the decision and if he wants to play bad enough I think he will make it happen too. Probably ask to speak with tressel and tell him "look this is MY team and I will lead them to victory" something like that atleast.

Kirk isn't right or wrong, he's stupid to put a comment out there that even remotely hints that Beanie has bone in his body that doesn't want to play in this game. Tressel basically said it himself.. "I don't know if he'll ever talk to me again." This isn't Beanie's decision.

..unless something changes. Which I guess we can't rule out at this point. :p
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haha what a crazy week... I think Kirk might have been more hinting that he thinks Beanie will make a push to play regaurdless. Kirk knows this team better than any other team across america and he knows a lot of our players. I think he knows just how bad beanie wants to play

I am expecting not to see beanie and if we somehow do cool. If not, then ok lets get the job done without him! Lets go bucks!:oh:
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bukIpower;1258067; said:
haha what a crazy week... I think Kirk might have been more hinting that he thinks Beanie will make a push to play regaurdless. Kirk knows this team better than any other team across america and he knows a lot of our players. I think he knows just how bad beanie wants to play

I know that his comment wasn't meant to be malicious, but if Beanie doesn't play, his comment is malicious, whether he meant it that way or not. I hate when the media puts unnecessary pressure on these kids. They do it all the time. Just report on the game.
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Chris Wells is the true captain of the offense. No offense to the fine seniors, but at times Beanie's fiery nature just takes over and he makes the game his, and leads by example. I would like to see him, whether he plays or not, take that into consideration. He needs his RB corps - yes, his - to step it up five notches, and after watching what he did with Boom Herron against Ohio to lead that TD drive, I have no doubt that he can.
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Some of you need to relax..........and take a deep breath.......boom and zoom while not as experienced CAN get the job done, which means be effective enough to allow tOSU to be balanced tonight...

Everyone wants to judge coach Tressel......he made a decision that he felt was the correct decision for Beanie and the team.......some of you need to understand while this game is HUGE for the program......coach Tressel will never put a players well being on the line for a W.......everyone has an opinion but remember if you do not have all the details of the situation it is easy to not understand.

IF we are a top tier program like most of us believe than Boom, Wells, Zoom will step-up and play like they are capable and the O-line will do their jobs.

We all feel terrible for Beanie.......


Tressel says he won't play Wells
Right foot injury will cause tailback to miss second straight game
Saturday, September 13, 2008 3:29 AM
By Ken Gordon

LOS ANGELES -- Running back Chris "Beanie" Wells trudged up the ramp from the field last night at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and boarded the team bus after Ohio State's walk-through.

That's as fast as Wells will move on this trip.
Coach Jim Tressel said he will hold Wells and his injured right foot out of a game tonight against top-ranked Southern California.
Tressel said Wells was not ruled out by the team's medical staff; he made the call.
"Typically, the doctors will (say), 'Here's my opinion,' but it's all on how you feel," Tressel said. "So I just think, as I listen to the doctors and as I think about the situation, I think a decision had to be made.
"I'm not sure (Wells) will ever speak to me again, but I think it's the right thing to do, so we won't have Beanie tomorrow."
Asked whether Wells fought him for the right to play, Tressel said, "I suppose if looks could kill, he fought me."

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Tressel: Beanie won't play

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Los Angeles- When Ohio State climbed off four charter buses at the Coliseum just after 5 p.m. local time Friday, Beanie Wells walked in with his teammates, looking like another Buckeye ready for the battle of the season.
Forty minutes later, after the team walkthrough, OSU football coach Jim Tressel announced that Wells would not be joining his teammates on the field tonight against No. 1 USC.
"He would cut his foot off for these guys, but I just don't think, as I listen to the medical people, it [playing him] would be the right thing to do," Tressel said.

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