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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

I don't think it's very subtle, you know?

Tressel's pretty much just been telling him to sack up and take the pain like a man.

I just saw an interview today with Archie Griffin where he mentioned how thankful he was that the Michigan game was the last game of the regular season. He said going into one of the games, he had two hip pointers and a deep thigh bruise. Beanie's got a tender ankle, but it's not injured, and he needs to be willing to go out and play hard on it.
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I think Spielman said it best on the call-in to the pre-game show.

He allowed that yes, it is common for players to take snaps while hurt - he did so and Beanie has done so.

The real problem he pointed out was how it is affecting his effectiveness. His ability to make cuts, thus creating space for himself and extending those runs, that is diminished.

So, what that led to is Beanie getting limited service yesterday.

Better to have Beanie as close to 100% as possible. If that meant resting him after four carries yesterday so be it.
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I dont think any of us is Beanie Wells. I dont think anyone here knows whats actually going on with the situation, actually knows how its affecting his running ability, or actually knows how much pain Beanie is really in. We also dont have any idea if he is coming out of the games because he wants to or because the coaches are pulling him out, and we dont know if him staying out is his decision or the coaches decision.

As such, I think its incredibly unfair for any of us to tell Beanie to tough it out. I am confident that Beanie and Tressel know whats going on and will handle it like it needs to be handled for Beanie to stay healthy but also for tOSU to win ball games.
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i heard that Beanie's problem is little bone chips grinding around in his foot. one second you're fine, and the next step you're in incredible pain. bottom line is, this isn't going away until they go in and clean it up after the season.

he's not really in danger of doing more harm to it, so he'll just have to suck it up, which is much more easily said than done...
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There is no need to "suck it up" in a game that was over in the first quarter. We may need him to "suck it up" over the next couple weeks though. I have a feeling that if JT calls his number, Beanie will grab his helmet and head to the field.

You guys make it sound like JT is telling him to go in and he is refusing. We have had 1 close game all year (Washington through 3 quarters). I think they are doing the right thing. Give him enough carries so he gets a feel for the game, take him out when the game is out of hand.
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Tlangs;959862; said:
There is no need to "suck it up" in a game that was over in the first quarter.

Give him enough carries so he gets a feel for the game, take him out when the game is out of hand.

That's the problem imo. (and I think we're in agreement, if I'm reading you correctly) It's a fine line for the coaches to walk as to how many carries he gets in a game that they know we're going to win by 30+ with or without him, when a.) it's been reported that he can't injury his ankle further by playing on it and b.) Beanie obviously needs carries to keep him in 'football shape' both physically & mentally so he'll be ready in those games that we definitely will need him.

It won't do him or the team any good if Beanie rests over the last several weeks, then he comes in against Penn State but doesn't have any practice or games under his belt. He seemed noticably rusty for the first couple ("cupcake") games after missing a lot (if not all) of Spring and early Fall practices. He needs "live" reps with Boeckman and the O-Line in order for him to be an asset in competitive games. (as much talent as he has, he's still relatively "green")

At the same time, if he's not cutting as normal, running full-go, or otherwise not focused 100% because he's in pain, it seems to me that he has more of a chance to get injured in other ways because he's thinking about the ankle while he's in there.

In any case, I'm confident that the coaches and trainers are completely on top of the situation, giving him as many practice reps and game carries as they think necessary to keep him ready to contribute to this Season as much as absolutely possible without putting him in harms way for this year, next, or his future career.

What was Coach Bruces saying, "If you rest, you rust." ?

In other words: Let's trust the coaches on this one. (hey, that sounds pretty good...has anyone ever coined that phrase? I like the sound of it. I might use it again some time. :wink2:)

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I think there are a lot of "fans" that just want to have a player in the national spotlight. They are hoping to give Beanie another 10-12 carries a game so he can be one of the top rushers in the nation. They want to see his highlights on sportscenter and gameday. Whether Beanie has 500 or 800 yards at this point in the season is meaningless. Get in, Get the W, get out.

I remember people critizing Cooper in Eddie's heisman season because he sat out the second half of so many games. People just wanted him to get to 2000 yards at any cost. The only stat that matters is W's.

So far, I like what the staff is doing with Beanie. Now if we are down 10 points in the second half against scUM, he better get 50 carries :biggrin:
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I think it has been stated here and covered pretty well about this injury and playing through the pain. I don't think Beanie will have trouble "playing" through the pain but staying mentally focused it completely different.

Something I have noticed that makes me think he is not dealing metally with the pain is that after every play the Buckeye players find an official and hand them the ball, Beanie has been leaving the ball on the field. This tells me he is focused on the pain in his ankle, or worried about getting up out of the pile, or a number of different things except what he should be focusing on... getting back into the huddle and ready for the next play.

I know it is hard to "trust" your injured body part right away after you get hurt but that may in fact be what Beanie needs to work on most. Understanding that while yes it will hurt, it will not become more of an issue than it already is. If he cannot accept that than we are probably better off letting his get it taken care of and getting Mo and Brandon in the game
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OSUBasketballJunkie;966185; said:
Beanie runs for 221 yards today and not one post talking about it......very suprising...

Bucknuts.com$ (Dave Biddle)

Wells' Big Day Leads OSU Over MSU.....recap of Wells 31 rushes for 221 yards and 1 touchdown performance in the win over MSU.

Scout.com$ (Adam Jardy)

Beanie's Big Game...........more on Wells' performance against Michigan State.

Lot of posts about it in the game thread... Top 10 all time Buckeye RB performance.
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Great game by Beanie today.

He definitely looked effective today, but seemed to be limping around a little bit. I'm sure at the end it was also due to fatigue, but let's hope his ankle is getting better.

But damn, 221 yards with a hurt ankle? That's impressive.
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He did limp a couple times, but overall I thought he looked a lot better when he got up from a hit. I wish we could've put this game away a lot sooner so that we could've rested him a bit but well thats how things go sometimes... He looked a lot fresher today thats for sure and it showed. This game reminded me of MoC against WSU and the numbers are almost identical
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Today, by any measure that his doubters might advance, a performance that potentially announced one of our greatest running backs ever. It will be a lot of fun watching him, if he indeed tries to join that elite club.
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