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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

Buckeyes land running back from Florida
Sunday, June 22, 2008
By Tim May

Carlos Hyde, a running back from Florida, today became the 19th commitment to Ohio State's 2009 recruiting class. Hyde, 6 feet 1, 235 pounds, could not be reached immediately for comment, but his mother Dermidra Hyde confirmed the news.

"He is very excited about this, and he's really looking forward to playing for Ohio State," she said. "All he could talk about was how nice and pretty the campus is and how he can't wait to be a Buckeye."

She spoke to The Dispatch by telephone from her home in Cincinnati. Her son, who visited OSU over the weekend, lives with her mother in Naples, Fla., where he was being sought by the big three in that state -- Florida, Miami and Florida State -- along with many others schools.

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Buckeyes land running back from Florida
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Welcome to the Buckeye family, Carlos.

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Welcome Carlos!! Look forward to watching you in the Scarlett and Gray!!
We have our bigtime power back of the future!! Yahoo!!
Do your best in the classroom and on the field and good things will happen!

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[quote='BusNative;119012;6]Awesome, awesome news! Congratulations, Mr. Hyde!


Oh.......happy, happy, happy day indeed! Welcome aboard Carlos!! Thank you very much for goin' back home and playin' for the family!! BIG time player, big time pickup...great Buckeye!!!
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RB07OSU;1190390; said:
Really excited about adding Hyde...Hyde and Berry are going to be lethal.

When I watch Hyde's Video, it reminds me of Keith Byars prior to his foot injury. Man he was awesome. Had he stayed healthy, I'm pretty sure he would have won the Heisman. I think we get a similar type back in Hyde and it will be fun watching him wreak havoc on the opposing defense!

Ooops!! Almost slipped on a Banana peel!! Some many bananas heating up today!!

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