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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

buckeyeinfla;1189896; said:
6'1 230....plow horse baby...good pick up

Bucknuts actually has him at 240 in the commit article. Between some guy wearing #13 a few years ago, Beanie, and now Hyde, there is a resurgence in the "big back" here at OSU. As Ive stated before, he has the body and potential to be a Keith Byars - productive and destructive to opponents.
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Man, this is getting ridiculous. Why dont we just go pick all of the players that we want up right now and save them a trip? Crazy!

Welcome Mr. Hyde.

With Berry being Dr. Jekyll this would be one scary backfield eh?

Yeah I know that was bad.......:!
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Bestbuck36;1189940; said:
Man, this is getting ridiculous. Why dont we just go pick all of the players that we want up right now and save them a trip? Crazy!

Welcome Mr. Hyde.

With Berry being Dr. Jekyll this would be one scary backfield eh?

Yeah I know that was bad.......:!

We have had some impressive tandems come through lately:

Gonzo & Teddy

Zoom & Boom

Now apparently "Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde"

Probably more, but I cant think right now. Trying to finish up a Psychology 101 essay while typing about something FAR more interesting - Buckeye football! lol
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