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RB Carlos "El Guapo" Hyde (Official Thread)

C-busBuck;1187053; said:
Was hoping to hear the commit word when I popped in today to look.. But alas.. Nothing yet!
Really thought he would committ on this trip. I know there is still time. Just really want this kid on our team!
I don't know whether you saw this, but Carlos postponed his trip from Cincinnati to Columbus until today. In fact, he's probably on campus right now. And he's planning to stay in Ohio until June 22nd. So, there's still plenty of time for him to commit on this trip.
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LordJeffBuck;1187172; said:
I don't know whether you saw this, but Carlos postponed his trip from Cincinnati to Columbus until today. In fact, he's probably on campus right now. And he's planning to stay in Ohio until June 22nd. So, there's still plenty of time for him to commit on this trip.

Should we clean up the Trey McNeil thread just to make sure he doesn't change his mind as TexasBuckeye suggested regarding recruits?

This isn't a huge leap, but I am guessing you are not a parent.

Maybe things are different in Ohio, but showing Momma that little Johnny is going to a "nice" school is part of the recruiting.

Would you show this thread to your mother?
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Well as it turns out Carlos didn't make it here on campus today either. He is planning on making it here on either Friday or Saturday as per Bill Kurelic on the free board on BN.

I am not worried. I think it's a good call, as he can hang out with some soon to verbal players this weekend. Maybe they all verbal at the same exact time and turn this board into complete chaos....cause the server to crash!!!! :biggrin:
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jazzman;1187472; said:
Well as it turns out Carlos didn't make it here on campus today either. He is planning on making it here on either Friday or Saturday as per Bill Kurelic on the free board on BN.

I am not worried. I think it's a good call, as he can hang out with some soon to verbal players this weekend. Maybe they all verbal at the same exact time and turn this board into complete chaos....cause the server to crash!!!! :biggrin:

This is no cause for concern. The more time he spends and enjoys with his family in Ohio, the more appealling OSU becomes. Just means we have to wait a couple of days.
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Our Honor Defend reports that Hyde's commit will likely come tomorrow.


Sounds like he's a lifelong Buckeye fan and just wants to make sure his family thinks it's the right choice. I think he'll be a good fit in Tressel's system. Being a north/south runner will give him a head start, as Buckeye tailbacks will run between the tackles. I like that philosophy, seeing as it better prepares players for the NFL.
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Heresy! Pay no attention to the sirens posting above...

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