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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

I'm still hating all these double numbers, Drives me nuts, next year late in some game Chekwa will make a tackle and the c squad from espn will credit Dukes. 22, 27, 31,40,45,47 those are the only retired numbers so that leaves 93 open numbers. I know theres more than that on the roster but only 85 schoolarship players ,they can at least make them have different numbers, if only to save me a small amount of aggrivation.

But on topic, Saine and Small are going to be crazy dangerous with the ball being moved back to the 30. We all saw what Small did retuning kicks in the spring game and I heard a rumor Saine has got some wheels. I can't wait to see a team kick it out of bounds because our return men always bring it out past the 40. O.K. maybe I'm dreaming a little bit but I'd put a vBet on each at least returning one kick for a score this year.
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BuckeyeLiger87;875078; said:
But on topic, Saine and Small are going to be crazy dangerous with the ball being moved back to the 30. We all saw what Small did retuning kicks in the spring game and I heard a rumor Saine has got some wheels. I can't wait to see a team kick it out of bounds because our return men always bring it out past the 40. O.K. maybe I'm dreaming a little bit but I'd put a vBet on each at least returning one kick for a score this year.

See my post #774, the speed isn't a rumor, it's a reality. I think Ray Small ran that race too.
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BuckeyeLiger87;875078; said:
I'm still hating all these double numbers, Drives me nuts, next year late in some game Chekwa will make a tackle and the c squad from espn will credit Dukes. 22, 27, 31,40,45,47 those are the only retired numbers so that leaves 93 open numbers. I know theres more than that on the roster but only 85 schoolarship players ,they can at least make them have different numbers, if only to save me a small amount of aggrivation.

You can go ahead and list #10 as well.....and while it's aggravating, so long as the coaches are ok with multiple numbers, whatever the E$PN crew says doesn't really matter much.

But on topic, Saine and Small are going to be crazy dangerous with the ball being moved back to the 30. We all saw what Small did retuning kicks in the spring game and I heard a rumor Saine has got some wheels. I can't wait to see a team kick it out of bounds because our return men always bring it out past the 40. O.K. maybe I'm dreaming a little bit but I'd put a vBet on each at least returning one kick for a score this year.

Dangerous yes, and it's no rumor about Saine.
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utgrad73;875194; said:
See my post #774, the speed isn't a rumor, it's a reality. I think Ray Samall ran that race too.

Is there a class one can take in the area of understanding types of humor? Such as sarcasm, understatement, exaggeration, etc.

I'm sure that BL87, as well as the rest of us, are very aware of Brandon's speed. Some of us were even aware of it before your post #774!
(see, that was humor, right there. Or at least an attempt) :wink2:
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NightmaresDad;875444; said:
Is there a class one can take in the area of understanding types of humor? Such as sarcasm, understatement, exaggeration, etc.

I'm sure that BL87, as well as the rest of us, are very aware of Brandon's speed. Some of us were even aware of it before your post #774!
(see, that was humor, right there. Or at least an attempt) :wink2:

My style and tone are often mistaken for sarcasm, I was only trying to point him to a Youtube video that actually showed that speed. No sarcasm intended. Sorry if misunderstood the tone of his post.
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Not on you utgrad. I believe the poster who originally said "I heard a rumor that Saine has some speed" was just being sarcastic. As in: are there any Buckeye fans out there that don't know that Saine is faster than a scalded dog?
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ysubuck;875481; said:
Not on you utgrad. I believe the poster who originally said "I heard a rumor that Saine has some speed" was just being sarcastic. As in: are there any Buckeye fans out there that don't know that Saine is faster than a scalded dog?

My bad. I saw him run last year and he was impressive.
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Brandon is "so smooth"

Tressel watching for sparks in first practice

Brandon is faster than the WR and DBs according to this and isn't at full throttle yet.

Tressel is watching for spark, and he found it in some of the freshman.

Dane Sanzenbacher and Taurian Washington toyed with it. For (running back of Piqua) Brandon Saine, it was kind of a jog in the park. The tailbacks run with what we call the Lions, which is the middle group. Brandon is faster than all the Cheetahs (receivers and defensive backs). He was just so smooth."
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