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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

bukIpower;838614; said:
Very true... For sure he'll probably roll against half the teams we play this year so 500 yards is not out of the question at all. Ok Fine, Screw it, Saine for Heisman!! Here's hoping to Brandon making me regret ever thinking he might have problems in college!

OK we're still trying to spin this story but he will have to compete with Dane Sanzenbacher for that one! :biggrin2: (see my Dane posts). Seriously, do you suppose Troy Smith ever thought he would win the Heisman four years ago? So this is a possibility. You have to feel pretty good about the talent that JT is bringing to the Horseshoe. I have a few favorites and Brandon and Dane are at the top of my list.
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OK we're still trying to spin this story but he will have to compete with Dane Sanzenbacher for that one! :biggrin2: (see my Dane posts). Seriously, do you suppose Troy Smith ever thought he would win the Heisman four years ago? So this is a possibility. You have to feel pretty good about the talent that JT is bringing to the Horseshoe. I have a few favorites and Brandon and Dane are at the top of my list

The one thing I can hang my hat on is once Troy become the starter against Iowa (Zwick Injury) I kind of posted on here that I knew he was something special and was a very talented QB, just could sense it with the way he played and how he conducted himself? I bet Troy knew he was good enough though, a guy like that is confident in his abilities I'd guess...

Back to Saine... Does anyone know how serious his injuries are?
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bukIpower;845537; said:
Back to Saine... Does anyone know how serious his injuries are?

I heard from a football coach that it was minor (ankles and something about tendonitis) and some of the reason for quiting track were not necessarily injury related. My understanding is he was saving himself for football. Track may be an individualistic sport but there is a team aspect to it as well that maybe wasn't as strong as it was last year. Besides, he knows his limits and his capablities. He really doesn't need to prove it on the track and would rather be 100% for summer football practice.
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bukIpower;846555; said:
Thanks UTGrad! All's I know is I'm excited to see Saine and Boom Herron come to town!

I know they're special backs. Saine is going to Wow them with his speed and Boom is going the run them over. Combined that with a solid WR core and we have a winner. I miss catching Saine's track times but if not running track means a healthier RB then I'm there.
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Eh, Brandon Saine is from the town where I used to live. So there's even more of a reason to root for the kid.

And if he plays anything like he did in high school, it's safe to say we have a sure-fire stud on our hands. (Sidenote: He won't be the last Buckeye stud to come out of Piqua)
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For those who care (hell, I may be the only one), Saine's in NCAA Football 08. EA game him #21 and made him the kick returner. You can see him in action (along with a nice Ray Small TD reception) here.

Edit: Actually, from the video, it looks like NCAA is still using the dual returners, and Ray Small is the primary returner.
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