Well my question is, why is Tressel so afraid to use Pryor?
Pryor doesn't get recruited as the Number 1 prospect in the Nation and then just give us what he's given us thus far. It seems to me that two thins they are doing which is harming him is;
1. Trying make Pryor a Pocket Passer at the Expensive of his natural ability to Run.
2. Protecting him from 'INTs' by never letting him throw down field (Posey is open more times then not, I know Pryor's accuracy isn't the best, but have him work on that instead of outside hooks for 7 yards.)
Option Plays, Trick Plays, Plays that have J. Hall involved, this has got to help out Pryor.
Thankfully thought Pryor showed this weekend a very good ability to throw the ball away instead of forcing things which aren't there. That helps the team and the Defense all around.