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QB/WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion, OSU HOF)

buckeyes_rock;1988736; said:
I'm very curious to see what happens against Miami next weekend with the QB situation. If Fick was afraid to play BM at home against Toledo, do we really see him playing at Miami? Make no mistake, Miami is fast...maybe not very disciplined, but definitely fast. I'm wondering if it'll turn out to be similar to the USC game during TPs fresh year when Todd had no chance as a pro style QB and the coaches finally realized their only chance for a successful season rested in the hands of a true freshman. I hope I'm way off base and paranoid here, but I can't help but wonder.

Well, fine. I hope it's not 35-3 but have no problem with Joe getting Boeckman'd whenever a loss occurs, and honestly, the earlier the better to get Miller major (read: not one scripted drive) playing time. A shame that both Todd and Joe may be victims of running back circumstances, but so goes life.

I don't think the staff is afraid to play Miller. Bollman mentioned after the Akron game that they want to get him more than three plays at a time and they backed it up by not forcing him in yesterday at all.

I expect to see him in the following situations on 9/17:
a) the bottom falls out for JB + puts too much strain on the D, Miller comes in and we're off to 2012
b) We're up 19 in the third quarter, and Miller gets to finish the game
c) JB doesn't pull his weight but the D keeps us in the game, Miller goes in for a 'spark'

C would probably cause the internets to explode. Obviously, B would be most beneficial, followed by a win of any sort where Bauserman performs at a Toledo+ level.
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If I may offer a theory...

One thing we've heard from Miller and the staff is that he is still learning the playbook. So let's say that he knows x% of the plays. We don't know what plays those are. Opposing D-Coords don't know what plays those are.

Now let's say that for every set of downs he plays, we (and opposing DC's) see what plays can be called with Miller under center (or in shotgun). At some point, if that set of plays isn't very large, you've seen most, if not all, of what either he can do or what the staff currently lets him do.

Yes, it's the film argument, but in this case where you essentially have two playbooks -- the Joe B book and the Miller Time book, I can understand limiting reps out of the smaller book until it expands a little.

Even if it's not about what other teams can or can't see on film, it may simply be about one QB offering a larger set of executable plays than the other.

Having said all of that, I was also very surprised that Miller didn't see a single snap against Toledo, and I am extremely curious as to why. Perhaps an alternate explanation is that he didn't have a particularly good week at practice, or that Bauserman really appeared to take some steps forward.

At this point, it's hard to imagine that Miller will get snaps on the road against Miami when he didn't get any against Toledo. Perhaps he'll light it up this week at the WHAC, or demonstrate an exceptional ability to hit the hot dog vendors on AA deck.
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Taosman;1988619; said:
Brax is a way better athlete than Joe but Joe is the better option for now.

Based on what? How is Joe the better option for now? He has had 1 good game at Akron and based on his 5 years on campus, he just doesnt seem to be anything more than an average QB. He isnt the most mobile, he doesnt have the strongest arm and he has an issue throwing the deep ball which is what this offense needs to open up the running game. If a team puts pressure on Bauserman, he doesnt seem to be able to make the plays needed to beat that pressure. I like Joe as a person but Braxton needs to at least split playing time with him. There is no reason to leave a superior athlete on the bench if the current QB isnt cutting it.
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osubartender23;1988853; said:
Based on what? How is Joe the better option for now? He has had 1 good game at Akron and based on his 5 years on campus, he just doesnt seem to be anything more than an average QB. He isnt the most mobile, he doesnt have the strongest arm and he has an issue throwing the deep ball which is what this offense needs to open up the running game. If a team puts pressure on Bauserman, he doesnt seem to be able to make the plays needed to beat that pressure. I like Joe as a person but Braxton needs to at least split playing time with him. There is no reason to leave a superior athlete on the bench if the current QB isnt cutting it.

Yep, I can't imagine he's not among your top 11 offensive players...he has to have some opportunities to touch the ball. That much is simple. We are missing some offensive weapons right now due to suspensions...Brax is surely a weapon Fick and company need to figure out how to use and soon!
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Another frustrating part is that yesterday was a PERFECT opportunity for Braxton to take grasp of the QB spot and finish this year as our guy. Barely having a lead, needing a spark, the crowd was out of it... All it would've taken was insert #5 and if he would've made a standout play for a score and we go on to win without the dramatics it's Braxtons team.

Perfect situation and set up then we waste it.

Also let me ask you this if your Kicker is hitting 50% of his kicks (in our case hitting 1 kick would be nice) or our LT was blocking 50% of his assignments you bet your ass they're on the bench to give the guy behind them a shot. Can't do much worse so you may as well. Yet there we were throwing for 189 yards to a defense that gave up just as many to New Hampshire State (New Hampshire actually outgained OSU) and we continue to play on unchanged.

haha I know I shouldn't be feeling this way but as this weekend continues i'm getting angrier and angrier at Luke for how he's handling this. "we don't have a clear #1" is what's frustrating me the most. You are short changing BOTH Qb's with this statement. Tell it like it is and stop giving a run around.

I do think it's going to take a poor performance PLUS turnovers by Bauserman for Braxton to get substantial playing time. I think the Coaches should ask our starting defense "who would you rather face at QB, Brax or Joe"... I bet they say Joe. Braxton can only get better, much better infact, where as Joe has most likely maxed his potential.
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BUCKYLE;1988927; said:

If Coach Fick thought Braxton would give him a better chance at a W, he'd play him.

His fucking dream job is on the line here. So spare me the know it all bullshit.

Not agreeing nor disagreeing. I just have to admit that grad's statement is staring me flat in the face as I reflect on yesterday's game. IF we are indeed looking at a situation where tOSU coaching staff has chosen a game manager versus a game changer, then I have concerns about the upcoming season. Obviously, I say that from a position of ignorance, but I wish I could say that I felt more confident about the situation.

IF we didn't have a chance to win yesterday with Braxton on the field, THEN I'd say we have a less-than-expected year ahead of us. I hope I'm wrong.

Lastly, I hope we didn't burn his redshirt to see him play against Akron and then ride the sideline the rest of the year.
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muffler dragon;1988937; said:
Lastly, I hope we didn't burn his redshirt to see him play against Akron and then ride the sideline the rest of the year.

Agreed. If that were the case...it would seem either one of two things is true, in my honest imo opinion imo humble opinion o.

1. Coach Fick is intentionally sabotaging the next coach or himself next year by burning the shirt.

2. Coach Fick is a complete fucking idiot and didn't know the rules concerning redshirting.

Since I can't fucking fathom either being true, the only thing I can deduce is that I'll cut the guy some slack and expect to see Mr. Miller plenty this year.

Maybe Bauserman's the one he was trying to instill confidence in. Here's what's gonna happen. I threw some beard trimmings in a cup of wolf blood and read the future...

Joe gets the start vs. Cryami. He struggles. Fick puts in the true frosh, he breaks his foot off in Sebastians loose butthole. Joe now has to sit the bench all year behind a dude that is barely able to vote.

Cut to the PSU/WISKY/TSUN game and Braxton is struggling against better D's that he can't "out athlete". Fick calls for Joe and tells him "Go win this bitch like you did vs. Toledo"...instead of "Hey, you think you can pull a W out of your ass, Joe?"
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BUCKYLE;1988979; said:
Agreed. If that were the case...it would seem either one of two things is true, in my honest imo opinion imo humble opinion o.

1. Coach Fick is intentionally sabotaging the next coach or himself next year by burning the shirt.

2. Coach Fick is a complete fucking idiot and didn't know the rules concerning redshirting.

Since I can't fucking fathom either being true, the only thing I can deduce is that I'll cut the guy some slack and expect to see Mr. Miller plenty this year.

Maybe Bauserman's the one he was trying to instill confidence in. Here's what's gonna happen. I threw some beard trimmings in a cup of wolf blood and read the future...

Joe gets the start vs. Cryami. He struggles. Fick puts in the true frosh, he breaks his foot off in Sebastians loose butthole. Joe now has to sit the bench all year behind a dude that is barely able to vote.

Cut to the PSU/WISKY/TSUN game and Braxton is struggling against better D's that he can't "out athlete". Fick calls for Joe and tells him "Go win this bitch like you did vs. Toledo"...instead of "Hey, you think you can pull a W out of your ass, Joe?"

BUCKYLE;1988983; said:
Here's another off the cuff thought...

Maybe Fick remembers the division in the locker room after a mature, game manager, 17th year senior QB was benched in favor of the hot-shot true frosh superstar. Maybe he's trying to keep Braxton's ego in check for a bit.

Just sayin'...

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