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QB Troy Smith (2006 Heisman Trophy Winner)

Singletary Contacted Tressel Before Starting Troy Smith
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS ? When Jim Tressel received a voice message from 49ers coach Mike Singletary last Monday night concerning former Buckeye Troy Smith, he feared the worst.

After all, Singletary and his team were in London, England preparing for an overseas game against the Denver Broncos. What interest could he possibly have with Columbus, Ohio?

?I didn?t realize he was calling from London, and it was in the middle of the night for him,? Tressel said.

?He just left word that he was calling and it was regarding Troy, and as a parent I?m like ?oh, what did Troy do,? because as a parent, that?s how you think.?

Tressel quickly returned Singletary?s call only to discover that his former Heisman Trophy winning -quarterback was in no trouble at all.

?He said, ?Coach I?m just contemplating a decision I have to make and I don?t know as much about Troy as I?d like to, and I?m calling around,? Tressel said.

?I think he called some of his contacts at Baltimore and wanted to talk. Just being thorough.?


Singletary is now tethered to Troy Smith

After his not-so-subtle slam on Alex Smith's leadership, Mike Singletary is now completely tethered to Troy Smith at quarterback. Singletary told the broadcast team of Dan Dierdorf and Greg Gumble that the reason for the team's bad start was a lack of leadership on offense. On Tuesday, Singletary expanded on his remarks, saying the quarterback had to keep his players focused on the task at hand. By implication, he was saying Alex Smith failed at that.
Mike Singletary wants a new Smith to succeed at quarterback.

Mike Singletary wants a new Smith to succeed at quarterback.

In Singletary's view, Troy Smith succeeded as a leader. When Smith's helmet headset went dead and play transmission became difficult, Smith calmed everyone down from tight end Delanie Walker to coaches on the sideline. Smith was also sharp at his other task - throwing passes. He spearheaded three fourth-quarter touchdown drives. After the game, Singletary told Smith he wanted him to learn the offense's nuances and to become more than a one-game wonder. That tells you that Troy Smith is likely to get the next two starts against two resurgent teams, the Rams and Bucs. Both those clubs are what everyone expected the 49ers to be - fresh, playoff-contending, and led by a promising young quarterback. Instead the 49ers are a desperate club with a head coach hitching his wagon to a former fifth-round pick who no one claimed after his team of origin (Baltimore) cut him.

Singletary better hope that Troy Smith is every bit as good as Sam Bradford and Josh Freeman, because if he's not, Singletary might be back on the motivational speaking circuit instead of coaching.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/ninerinsider/detail?entry_id=76329&tsp=1#ixzz14LyUEB3v

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQL_HnUxzjw"]YouTube - London Postgame Locker Room[/ame]
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Troy Smith's success with 49ers a pleasant reward for Jim Tressel: Ohio State Insider
Published: Thursday, November 04, 2010
Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer


Alistair Grant / Associated Press
Troy Smith (1) debuted as starting quarterback for San Francisco last week in London, as the 49ers posted a 24-16 victory over Denver. Before promoting Smith, 49ers head coach Mike Singletary received some insight on the player from OSU's Jim Tressel.

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Eleven days ago, San Francisco 49ers coach Mike Singletary was in another country and looking for a quarterback, so he called the man who knows former Buckeyes' Heisman Trophy winner Troy Smith as well as anyone.

"As a parent, I'm like, 'Ooh, what did Troy do,'" OSU coach Jim Tressel said Thursday, making it clear how close his relationship with Smith was, "because that's the way you think as a parent. So I called him back and it was good news."

With starter Alex Smith injured, Singletary was looking to learn more about his third-string quarterback, who'd only signed with San Francisco on Sept. 6. So he took what is an uncommon step, according to Tressel, because NFL coaches don't check in with their college counterparts that much during the season. And he did it from London, with San Francisco preparing for an overseas game against Denver.

"He said, 'Coach, I'm just contemplating a decision I have to make and I don't know as much about Troy as I'd like to,'" Tressel said. "He just wanted to talk and was just being thorough."

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Da Coach weighed in on his local weekly radio show yesterday. Someone asked him how the 49ers should use Alex Smith when he becomes healthy. Ditka's answer was to use him for holding a clipboard. Said, A. Smith has had more than his fair chance, and Troy Smith is just someone who goes out there and makes plays, makes things happen and wins ballgames.
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49ers' Smith Vows to Assist Teammate Smith
NOV. 8, 2010
Matt Maiocco


Alex Smith: "In the long run, Troy's success has nothing to do with mine. I think you can look at it now that we're potentially competing, but it's a time like this where you see what kind of man you are." US Presswire

SANTA CLARA -- Quarterback Alex Smith has not thrown a pass since he sustained a separated left shoulder Oct. 24 against the Carolina Panthers.

Smith underwent an examination Monday morning, during which time he said it was determined he could begin to "ramp up" his rehabilitation. But it still might be awhile before Smith returns to the playing field.

All indications point toward Troy Smith getting at least another start for the 49ers -- with the door wide open for him to take over as the 49ers' permanent starting quarterback for the second half of the season.

"I prepare for the worst and hope for the best," Troy Smith said Monday, as the 49ers got in a bonus practice in preparation for a key NFC West game Sunday against the St. Louis Rams at Candlestick Park.

"It's kind of boring and the same week-in and week-out, but that's what I do. I try to stay even keel. You never want to put yourself in a situation where you get into an extreme high or an extreme low."

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Posted: Wednesday November 10, 2010
Troy Smith San Francisco's starting QB for now

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) -Troy Smith has never much cared what people thought of his size, shaking off those skeptics who called him too small to be an NFL quarterback.

Not that much different, really, from 49ers coach Mike Singletary during his days as a Hall of Fame middle linebacker - at all of 6 feet tall.

"What you guys are going to say is I've got a prototypical sportswriter or media person (build) - 6-foot, handsome,'' Smith joked. "I totally understand to a certain extent what is quote, unquote expected at the position. Players are players and guys are going to be guys and there's nothing you can do about it. You've just got to line up and lace 'em up every single day. I am who I am.''

And anybody who thought to tell Smith to play another position?

"If they did, I shut them down real fast,'' he said.

Smith is now getting his shot as the starting quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers - at least, it appears, through this weekend. There's a slim chance the plan could change in the next few days if Alex Smith is healthy enough to go by Sunday's game with St. Louis.

That seems like a longshot. He hasn't even been cleared medically.

Singletary said Troy Smith would take all the snaps with the first-team offense in practice, though he didn't rule out Alex Smith taking back his old job if his separated, non-throwing left shoulder has improved enough to play against the Rams. Alex Smith was injured in a loss at Carolina on Oct. 24.

"If Alex were healthy, I think right now he'd still be the quarterback,'' Singletary said. "He threw a little bit the other day but we just have to be smart about him as well. Alex is smart enough to know that the worst thing he can do is go out there and play with a hurt shoulder and worsen the injury.''

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...nd.ld.writethru.0796/index.html#ixzz14veRGjSG
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49ers' Troy Smith takes rocky road to starting QB job
By Matthew Barrows
[email protected]
Published: Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010


SANTA CLARA ? The deliberation began in the dark cabin of a plane crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Coach Mike Singletary had not been impressed by No. 2 quarterback David Carr during the offseason, and that skepticism only grew after Carr's second-half performance in Carolina, a game that had ended in a 49ers defeat just a few hours earlier.

Starting quarterback Alex Smith had boarded the team's charter to England with his left arm in a sling because of a separated shoulder that promised to keep him off the field for three weeks. Another quarterback, Nate Davis, was on the practice squad, unready for a regular-season game.

Singletary was down to his last option ? Troy Smith, who had joined the 49ers only a month and a half earlier.

Smith was a college hotshot who had become an NFL unknown. He had spent training camp as Baltimore's No. 3 quarterback but had been cut Sept. 4. He had never thrown a practice pass to Vernon Davis, Michael Crabtree or any first-team receiver, and he hadn't had time to digest the 49ers' offensive playbook.

Singletary wanted to make the move. What he asked himself on that dark and silent crossing was, could he? Could Smith learn enough with just three days of practice? Could he jell with teammates in time? How would he fare in front of 84,000 fans in a strange stadium? Could he do it?

Singletary needed to be convinced. And so, after the team buses rolled to a stop at the 49ers' practice home in sleepy Hertfordshire and the red-eyed players shuffled off to their beds, the coach sat down and started making phone calls.

He called Ray Lewis, the Ravens linebacker and locker room leader who spent three seasons with Smith after Baltimore drafted Smith in the fifth round in 2007.

He called Jim Tressel, the coach at Ohio State who watched Smith throw 30 touchdown passes as a senior and win the Heisman Trophy in 2006.

And he went even further back, dialing Ted Ginn Sr., Smith's high school coach from east Cleveland. Ginn is the father of Smith's teammate, wide receiver Ted Ginn Jr. Smith and Ted Jr. have been best friends since Smith was 7 and Ginn was 6.

"There was a common denominator in every call that I made," Singletary said. "And it was that he's a leader, he's a winner and, just tell him exactly what you want him to do, and that's what he'll do."

But Singletary learned a lot more. He found out there were plenty of rough edges in Smith's past and that his charismatic and charming quarterback's life had been anything but charmed.

Smith's biological father was never part of his life. His mother, Tracy, is a constant now, and Smith spent part of the 49ers' bye week with her in Ohio. But she had personal problems, and at age 9, Smith went to live with the family of his midget league coach, Irvin White.

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2010/11/14/3183827/49ers-troy-smith-takes-rocky-road.html#ixzz15GKzVGGD
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