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QB Rob Schoenhoft (official thread)

Schoenhoft taking better care of the football
Cincinnati native wants to lessen his image as gunslinger to earn QB job.
By Doug Harris
Staff Writer
Saturday, August 18, 2007

COLUMBUS ? Rob Schoenhoft can't win the quarterback job at Ohio State by simply trying a little harder, but he might reach his goal of becoming the starter if he tries a little less.

The third-year sophomore from Cincinnati St. Xavier High School has mobility, a live arm and a go-for-broke style. But while he's displayed an ample amount of upside, Schoenhoft knows he won't gain ground in the QB race until he can resist the urge to take chances.

"When it comes to risking in life, I'm very hesitant," he said. "But I'm a little more confident in my abilities on the field. I think that's where I get myself in trouble sometimes. I try to show off a little too much with my arm."

But while he'll go into a closed intrasquad scrimmage today behind junior Todd Boeckman on the depth chart, the 6-foot-6, 240-pound Schoenhoft believes he's showing signs of settling down.

In his first spring game in 2005, he was a wild 9-for-28 passing for 109 yards with one interception and no touchdowns. Last spring, he was 7-for-15 for 83 yards with no interceptions and one TD, leading his team to victory with a fourth-quarter drive.

"I've always been a guy who lets it loose," said Schoenhoft, who's attempted only one official pass (a 5-yard completion in 2006). "I've been portrayed as a gunslinger. I'm the type of guy who is going to try to use my arm to take advantage.

"But every year I'm at Ohio State, I learn that you have to hit the dump-downs. And once you hit the dump-downs, the big plays open up. As the years go on, you mature. I think that's what I've done."

Third-stringer Antonio Henton, a redshirt freshman, believes the starting spot ultimately will go to the player "who makes the least mistakes. We have this thing in our office: zero turnovers. That guy is going to win the job."

But quarterbacks coach Joe Daniels said the key is to produce while remaining error-free.

"Your quarterback has to make plays," he said. "He touches the ball on every play. He doesn't have to be a Troy Smith, but he has to be able to do some things."

Schoenhoft taking better care of the football
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Just rewatched the game...

On the long TD to Robo on the 1st possession of the second half:
The first Buckeye on the sideline to react,
The first to pick up on what was happening,
The most demonstrative in celebration
...was Rob Schoenhoft.
This guy is a team player and was a great Buckeye on Saturday, even if he didn't log a lot of minutes.
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DaddyBigBucks;932614; said:
Just rewatched the game...

On the long TD to Robo on the 1st possession of the second half:
The first Buckeye on the sideline to react,
The first to pick up on what was happening,
The most demonstrative in celebration
...was Rob Schoenhoft.
This guy is a team player and was a great Buckeye on Saturday, even if he didn't log a lot of minutes.

Good stuff.

The thing that has impressed me the most about the Bucks this season is their team continuity. They seem to genuinely be having a lot of fun. I'm not sure if it is due to a lot of young guys having a more important role on the team or what...........These guys have something different about them this season, you can see some amazing athletes maturing right in front of you. If they continue to improve, they will be a top 5 team by late season......something that I didn't think was possible in the summer.
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Schoenhoft to TE

I'll get dinged for this now but I'll put it out there. What if Henton is the man and TP comes on board? Schoenhoft is: big, good hands basketball guy, tendency to run, loves OSU and a team player. OSU is a little thin at TE. It could happen. I wanted to post it first but I haven't remembered my password for about 10 months. Ozone beat me two it a couple of weeks ago in the Buckeye Watch "12:56 Schoenhoft tucks and takes off for 16 yards on third and ten. Very nice. We need to put him at tight end and run some middle screens with him." but I have been thinking it for a year now. Trust me:wink2:
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Yeah, he actually played TE after losing the starting QB job. Definitely has the body and athleticism to excel there, although it just seems like such a waste with the kind of arm Rob's been blessed with. I'd love to see him put it all together at QB.
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Taosman;933654; said:
He's young and still developing and he has an NFL arm!

Uhhh, who have you been watching? NFL QB's don't consistently throw the ball into the turf. I'm not bashing him but his accuracy needs a lot of work. The good news is he's only a sophomore and doesn't have to be ready until '09.
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An "NFL Type" arm is only an asset if used properly. He hasn't shown much of that yet. I don't think Smith was throwing him under the bus, just suggesting alternative ways to get him pt in the future, instead of clipboard/mopup duty.

Hopefully, he'll get more time Sat. to prove himself.
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DaytonBuck;933766; said:
Didn't Bobby Hoying's bro also make the switch from QB to TE?
Yes he did. But do you people really think that he should switch and leave us with 2 Qb's ? I think you would be well served to wait to see who they get recruited and who develops. Although others in here have hinted otherwise as far as I know (which isn't very far :biggrin:). Robby is still the #2 QB. But that is kind of immaterial since JT isn't going to make any move this year.
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