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QB Rob Schoenhoft (official thread)

What are Robbie's chances to see significant playing time/starting in the next few years? I graduated from St. X this year ('06) and am exciting to be going to OSU and it would be cool to see Robbie play again.

I'm glad to hear that Robbie is progressing at a player. In high school he wasn't always the smartest QB, but as has already been said he had a gun. Fortunately you can teach someone to be a smart QB. (But of course you cant teach size like he has.) Robbie has a good head on his shoulders and is a good kid, I hope to get to see him play in the next few years.

I think that Tressel will be loyal to Zwick, and that Zwick will see mop up duty this year.

The battle for starting QB next year though will be a fun race. Henton, Boeckman, and Robbie all have a shot.
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he will start next year.
That is my guess as well. He is my favorite to be our field general for the next 3 years.

The '07 Offense could be compared very favorably to that of the championship team in '02.

Schoenhoft (Krenzel) - a QB with a good head on his shoulders, a leader. Can run when he needs to, and faster than Krenzel.
C.Wells (Clarett) - power back with sweet moves, the ability to run up the middle and the speed to get to the outside, and faster than MoC.
Robiskie (Jenkins) - a posession guys with good wheels to get downfield.
Hartline (Carter) - deep threat with speed the rivals Carter's. Only difference, Hartline will have not been plagued by injuries his first 3 years.
Gonzalez (Holmes/Bam) - Gonzo will be the most polished WR of the 3, and much better than Holmes/Bam were that year.
Ballard (Hartsock) - a pass ctaching, lead blocking TE. Jake seems to be too athletic to be kept off the field for 2 years.
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That is my guess as well. He is my favorite to be our field general for the next 3 years.

The '07 Offense could be compared very favorably to that of the championship team in '02.

Schoenhoft (Krenzel) - a QB with a good head on his shoulders, a leader. Can run when he needs to, and faster than Krenzel.
C.Wells (Clarett) - power back with sweet moves, the ability to run up the middle and the speed to get to the outside, and faster than MoC.
Robiskie (Jenkins) - a posession guys with good wheels to get downfield.
Hartline (Carter) - deep threat with speed the rivals Carter's. Only difference, Hartline will have not been plagued by injuries his first 3 years.
Gonzalez (Holmes/Bam) - Gonzo will be the most polished WR of the 3, and much better than Holmes/Bam were that year.
Ballard (Hartsock) - a pass ctaching, lead blocking TE. Jake seems to be too athletic to be kept off the field for 2 years.

Also i think the 07' defense could rival this years defense even maybe 02's. I truly think that at the end of this year we are going to go back to a more conservative less spread offense like the one we saw in 02. I can just imagine Robby handing the ball of to C. Wells 30 times a game. I love it i think we will transition nicely.
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Schoenhoft bides his time
St. X product has been watching, learning
BY JOHN ERARDI | [email protected]

GLENDALE, Ariz. - Robby Schoenhoft fills up a stadium seat.
The size of this former St. Xavier High quarterback, who will vie next season for the top job at Ohio State, calls to mind another Ohio-born chucker, Ben Roethlisberger, the Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback.

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Where's Robbie?

I am seeing plenty of 'two-deep' prognostications, and Robbie seems to be missing from most, if not all? Has there anything happened that I'm not aware of? to reduce his status? His credentials coming out of HS were great, going to the Elite 11 QB camp, and voted most likely to wina NC (? I think).

Am confused here. Anyone bring me up to date and clear away the fog? I know the Boeckman has advantage in years in the system, and apparently Henton is a 'Troy-clone', but ...........

Thanks to any responders........:gobucks3: :gobucks4: :banger:
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I think people are mistakenly over-looking Mr. Schoenhoft. I feel that Robbie is going to make his push this spring and during the summer move up the charts. It will be a battle come this fall between he and Boeckman with Henton getting some snaps. Every year someone gets overlooked by us fans on the depth chart and then shows up big time when the pads come on. I think one of those players this season will be Schoenhoft.
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Bestbuck36;794153; said:
I think people are mistakenly over-looking Mr. Schoenhoft. I feel that Robbie is going to make his push this spring and during the summer move up the charts. It will be a battle come this fall between he and Boeckman with Henton getting some snaps. Every year someone gets overlooked by us fans on the depth chart and then shows up big time when the pads come on. I think one of those players this season will be Schoenhoft.

I'm really looking forward to this spring game. I'd guess that Schoenhoft will QB one team, and Boeckman the other. Henton might play for both teams, the way Boeckman did a few years ago.
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As of right now I'd wager that Boeckman or Schoenhoft will be the QB next season over Henton. The QB for next year's team will be relied upon to be more efficient than flashy. He'll have the tools all around him, he doesn't need to make highlight reel type plays. Mistake free football will be the key, whoever can do that will line up under center next season.
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daddyphatsacs;794970; said:
As of right now I'd wager that Boeckman or Schoenhoft will be the QB next season over Henton. The QB for next year's team will be relied upon to be more efficient than flashy. He'll have the tools all around him, he doesn't need to make highlight reel type plays. Mistake free football will be the key, whoever can do that will line up under center next season.

All true, and bear in mind that the mistake free part is ALWAYS part of the equation...not just this year. Troy was flashy...yes...but he was almost completely mistake free as well. That's why he won the Heisman.
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RS has all the physical gifts one could ask for to be a big time QB.
The main difference thus far has been that TB seems to have that uncanny ability to find the open guy, or really, to know who the open guy is going to be. That is something that RS has not shown - yet.

I would love for RS, as he's gotten more experience, to be able to find the open guy on a consistent basis, because he definitely has more "upside" that TB.

And we know this is something that can be learned, because look how far Troy Smith came during his time.

Hopefully, he's been in the film room alot this year.
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NightmaresDad;795952; said:
RS has all the physical gifts one could ask for to be a big time QB.
The main difference thus far has been that TB seems to have that uncanny ability to find the open guy, or really, to know who the open guy is going to be. That is something that RS has not shown - yet.

I would love for RS, as he's gotten more experience, to be able to find the open guy on a consistent basis, because he definitely has more "upside" that TB.

And we know this is something that can be learned, because look how far Troy Smith came during his time.

Hopefully, he's been in the film room alot this year.

Boeckman has 2 years, and Schoenhoft has 3 years. There's a lot of time for either or both to step up and become the quarterback we need to win a lot of big games.
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NightmaresDad;795952; said:
Hopefully, he's been in the film room alot this year.
Hopefully all our QB's will spend a lot of time in the film room. Troy was very vocal about the amount of time he spent studying film before last season, and it damn sure payed off. He was a completely different QB in 2006.
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