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QB Rob Schoenhoft (official thread)

In either sport, Schoenhoft's clutch for St. X

By Carey Hoffman
Enquirer contributor

http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs....y=SPT0301&ArtNo=503160362&Ref=AR&Profile=1069St. Xavier's Robby Schoenhoft (55), a quarterback on the football team, will attend Ohio State in the fall on a football scholarship.
Tony Tribble for the Enquirer

Robby Schoenhoft compares his role on the St. Xavier basketball team to that of being an offensive lineman in football.

Fine, except linemen almost never get their hands on the ball in football, and if they do, they never get to enjoy the kind of end-of-game glory that has left Schoenhoft's fingerprints all over St. X's drive to the Division I state tournament.

St. X will meet Moeller at 8:30 p.m. Friday at Ohio State's Value City Arena in a Division I state semifinal. After what has transpired in the past two weeks, eyes will turn to see where Schoenhoft is should the outcome come down to one final St. X possession.

"Robby's had some great opportunities in the past few games, and he's taken advantage of them," St. X coach Scott Martin said.

Two weeks ago, his layup with two seconds remaining gave St. X a 49-47 upset of the state's No. 2 Division I team, Springfield South, in a district final. Last Saturday, he came up with a tip-in with less than two seconds remaining to propel the Bombers past Centerville in the regional final 41-39.

Altogether, he has won three of St. X's 20 victories in basketball this season on last-second shots, to go with three football games that were won on last-minute drives during which Schoenhoft lived up to his billing as St. X's star quarterback.

"Quarterbacks have to have a lot of poise, because running backs and receivers are going to be looking into your eyes in the huddle to see if your confident," Schoenhoft said. "I'm just trying to show that same focus on the basketball court late in the game that I showed on the football field."

The 6-foot-6, 230-pounder earned a scholarship to Ohio State for football, and he holds no misconceptions about what has earned him the chance to be an end-of-game hero in basketball.

It's St. X's all-time leading scorer, guard Johnny Wolf.

"What's happened is pretty much attributed to Johnny, because people don't want him to get that last shot that's going to beat them. I'm just fortunate enough to be on a team with a guy like that," Schoenhoft said.

Schoenhoft is content to set screens and rebound and await those offensive opportunities that come his way.

"The main thing about Robby is that he's been on varsity for three years and he's smart enough to wait until there's an opportunity for his ability to take over," Martin said.

Schoenhoft has had a respectable senior year, averaging 6.5 points and five rebounds a game.

"I think he's been really good in understanding what they need out of him," Moeller coach Carl Kremer said. "He's a smart player with a knack for being in the right place at the right time, and he's not afraid to do the little things."

Schoenhoft would like to see a couple of more fantastic finishes before his basketball career ends.

"Basketball has always been a little bit easier than football," Schoenhoft said. "I've been lucky to play on a team with Johnny, and I've learned how to play off him so I can score a few points. The funny thing is that there really wasn't that much attention that I noticed during football. After the last three games, I've gotten a lot more attention in school from people than I ever did in football."
Rob seems like a very poised kid, which is critical for a big time college quarterback, it will be interesting to see him develop into something special.

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This is our future at QB!!!!???!?!? Daaaaaang, he's a big boy.
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I went to his sem-final and final game. Rob didn't really look to score, he was more interested in running the offense, setting screens, rebounding, and playing defense. Just by seeing him do all those things you know he has a good head on his shoulders. I also liked the nasty streak he had, especially in the semi-final against Moeller. I should also add Rob is quite the sweet talker to the refs, after a couple conversations with them, every questionable call went his way. :biggrin:
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Schoenhoft Warming Up The Arm For Next Year


Rob Schoenhoft

By Steve Helwagen Bucknuts.com Managing Editor
Date: May 22, 2005

While many of the incoming Buckeye athletes are busy with track, quarterback Rob Schoenhoft is one who has been working on football this spring. We caught up with him to find out what he has been doing as well as his plans for the coming weeks
Rob is throwing a lot and preparing for the Ohio All-Star Classic and the Big 33 Football Classic. Rob holds a 2.8 GPA and scored a 24 on his ACT.
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BN pic from North-South week


Rob Schoenhoft, QB, Cincinnati St. Xavier

Rob's ozone interview during N/S media day:


Quarterback Robby Schoenhoft knows that the outcome of the North-South game is important.

"With all the Ohio State guys on the north, there's a lot of bragging rights on the line," he said.

Schoenhoft will be participating in the Big 33 game as well, which will limit the time he can spend with the Buckeyes this summer, but says that's what the OSU coaching staff has urged him to do.

"I'll be going there some seven-on-seven. I'll get there for two tuesdays, but the coaching staff has pretty much told me to enjoy my summer because with the two all-star games I'm going to be playing in, that's enough practice," he said.
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Robby got the offensive MVP at the big-33 game last night (11-20 for 267, 2 TD's). Here's an Ozone feature about how he hooked up with Hartline in AA.

Buckeye Passing Combination Started in Ann Arbor
By John Porentas
A passing combination headed to Ohio State wants to thank Lloyd Carr for putting them together.​

OSU-bound wide receiver Brian Harline and OSU-bound quarterback quarterback Robby Schoenhoft were on the field together in the Big 33 game last night, and the chemistry between the due was apparent from the start.​
Hartline had four receptions, one for a touchdown, for 103 yards. All the catches came on balls from Schoenhoft. Schoenhoft was the game's MVP on offense with 267 yards passing.​

That's a lot of productivity, but according to both Hartline and Schoenhoft, the two got to know each other and each other's skills some time ago...at a football camp at Michigan.​

"They wanted me to come up there to a camp and see what I could do and we had a great camp," said Hartline.​

Schoenhoft confirmed that it was the Michigan camp where the two started building something special.​

"With Brian Hartline it definitely started at a Michigan camp we attended together," said Schoenhoft.​

"No one could stop us there and I guess we carried that on and have a little special thing going on."​

Schoenhoft has all the tools to be a big time quarterback. At 6-6, he is able to see over linemen. His arm is an absolute cannon, but in the Big 33 he also showed the ability to put touch on the ball and hit sprinting receivers in stride. He is a passer, not just a thrower, and according to Hartline, has those other intangibles going for him as well.​

"I think he's a lot more mature for his age than a lot of kids," said Harline.​

"He hangs in the pocket and doesn't get happy feet. He waits until he is getting dragged down, then he has the strength to throw the ball away. He's smart. He's very good at pre-reads at the line of scrimmage."​

Schoenhoft also brings a great demeanor to the huddle. He is definitely a competitor that gets fired up, but you get the feeling he is not a person that gets flustered easily.​

Hartline missed his senior season with a broken left leg, but the OSU coaching staff stuck with him and awarded him a scholarship based on his junior season.​

"I broke both my tibia and fibula. It (his leg) was basically snapped in half. My foot ended up pointing sideways when it happened," said Hartline of his injury.​

Hartline used his reunion with Schoenhoft in the Big 33 to prove that he was back from that injury.​

"I enjoyed the whole week, from the host family to the game. I got robbed of my senior year, so this game, this week meant a whole lot to me. I tried to come in here and make it all it could possibly be and I think I did," said Hartline.​

Schoenhoft was happy to see his buddy from the Michigan camp back in action.​

"His speed and talent and how he catches the ball is awesome," said Schoenhoft . "It's really unique and special to play with players like that that can make plays for you.​

"Speed and hands, he really has them, but what really stands out about him is his tenacity. He just keeps going at it."​
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QB Robby Schoenhoft: We were impressed with him in a losing effort in the North-South, and even more impressed with him in a winning effort in the Big 33. At 6-6, he has the size to see over offensive linemen. His reputation of having a cannon arm is well deserved, but he is not just a thrower. He is a passer, who can put touch on the ball when it is called for, air under the ball when it is called for, but can get it to a receiver fast when he needs to. He is an accurate passer who hits receivers in stride. He is extremely solid in the pocket and does not get happy feet. Reads defenses well and sees the field well. Seems like a natural leader and makes great decisions with the ball. Will probably redshirt this year due to the current depth at quarterback.
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