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QB Rob Schoenhoft (official thread)

Buckskin86 said:

Robby threw for only 62 yds but had two TD's (one thowing and one running).
He probably could've had a lot more yards, but in the second half Coach Specht decided to basically just run the ball down their throats almost every play in order to avoid tipping his hand for the rest of the playoffs. I'd expect to see him open it up more this Saturday against Moeller.
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Another example of OSU getting top notched recruits. Even a top notched QB too boot. He sure will be a great addition to the Offense. His form and passing techniques seem to be very good. He has got to be excited about this new offensive line coming in too. He'll have all day to throw.
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Rivals premium

Robby doesn't believe the Clarett accusations. He thinks Coach T. and the coaching staff are the most professional people he has dealt with in the recruiting process. "They stand behind the rules 100%". Coach T is "a man of integrity".

Rico McCoy called him about the accusations and Robby told him that they weren't true. Robby was supposed to take his official on Dec. 10th but now may visit on Dec. 3rd just to talk to Rico (who he has developed a good relationship with). He really wants Rico to be one of his teammates.

Way to go Robby!!
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Rivals premium

He had a great day on Saturday. He couldn't say enough good things about the day.

Here are a few great quotes

“We showed Michigan who the true champs of the rivalry are.”

He was at the Big House last year for "the game" and said

I’d have to say that the ‘Shoe is at least 10 times better

He missed talking to MoW because he had to leave early but said

“If he doesn’t like what he saw he’s crazy,” Schoenhoft said. “That was something special.”

Robbie sat next to Todd Denlinger and Alex Boone and was a couple of seats away from Doug Worthington during the game.

We really have some great kids in this class. This could be a very special class.
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I have not followd Rob success this season as closely as I have of others. From the numbers I see his stats do not jump out at you at all IMO. I keep hearing his recievers are not that good etc. Does he not have good touch on his passes or what? I do love what he is doing off the field in regards to recruiting other players and such. Just looking for some opinions. I heard on this board his mechanics are horrible then I hear people say he is the best QB they have seen in Ohio. Just looking for some opinions.
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craigblitz said:
I have not followd Rob success this season as closely as I have of others. From the numbers I see his stats do not jump out at you at all IMO. I keep hearing his recievers are not that good etc. Does he not have good touch on his passes or what? I do love what he is doing off the field in regards to recruiting other players and such. Just looking for some opinions. I heard on this board his mechanics are horrible then I hear people say he is the best QB they have seen in Ohio. Just looking for some opinions.

rob won most improved qb at the elite 11 camp i do believe. he was also voted qb most likely to win a national championship, however that is decided. I'd say he does pretty well. I read somewhere that he has either dislocated or broken his wr's fingers 21 times. that may account for why his wr's drop so many passes. he also plays on a run oriented team.
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Well, they're starting to get used to how hard TS throws the ball, so it won't be a terribly bad transition to RS when he (maybe) takes over in '07. The Packers should really draft OSU receivers heavily with how hard Favre throws the ball -- they'll be ready for it.
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BSB Premium

Robbie "the ringleader" has been busy talking to some of the other recruits this week. He spoke with Alex Boone, who was elated with last weekend's visit and Denlinger, who was bummed that Robbie couldn't make it up to C-bus until tomorrow morning (Denlinger is already on campus- Robbie has a BBall game tonight).

MoW also called Robbie and he called Rico McCoy. Robbie says there is a good chance both will be Buckeyes.

Steve Rehring will be his host.

He has also heard the Zwick transfer rumors and says that he thinks the Bucks would take a 2nd QB in this class if that happens.

Let me say if his QB talent is half as good as his leadership skills we will have something special in Columbus. :osu:
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