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QB Rob Schoenhoft (official thread)

Yesterday, 07:06 AM
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Robbie has been recruiting for us big time. He spoke to Amos the week before he committed and he has been calling McCoy, Rouse, Doering, King, Daniels, Felder, Lymon and D. Williams. In his words, "I've talked to a lot of the big boys".

WOW!! Ya gotta love this. That is three kids (Robbie, Boone and Denlinger) that have really tried to help this class. Boone and Denlinger helped with Worthington.

scUM is still recruiting him but he says he is "110% to tOSU".

He has been to all Buckeye home games. The coaches have told him that he will redshirt his first year.
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3yardsandacloud said:
Nutty, is that the info from the link I posted? If so, I guess the headline is a bit misleading. Sorry for the regurgitation of info. as well.

Yeah, it's the same article. scUM has been calling but he said he's not taking their calls :scum4:

No apology necessary, BTW :biggrin:
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Schoenhoft & St.X over Doug Worthington & St. Francis

Senior quarterback Robbie Schoenhoft completed nine of 15 passes for 174 yards and three touchdowns to lead the Bombers, ranked No. 2 in the Enquirer Division I coaches' poll.

Senior receiver Jeff Lindeman caught four passes for 86 yards.

The Bombers racked up 354 offensive yards while holding the visiting Red Raiders to 146.

St. Francis 0 0 0 0 - 0
St. Xavier 14 7 6 0 - 27
X-Gibler 27 pass from Schoenhoft (Milligan kick)

X-Cionni 2 run (Milligan kick)

X-Robinson 3 pass from Schoenhoft (Milligan kick)

X-Robinson 9 pass from Schoenhoft (kick failed)

Records: X 8-0, F 5-2.
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Robby threw some really good-looking balls on Saturday night. From what I could tell he generally made good decisions and his receivers did drop a couple of balls that should have been caught (or would be caught at the college level.) Worthington didn't have a very eventful night, but I wasn't paying much attention to him so he could have been double-teamed the whole night.
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Future Buckeye QB adjusting to spotlight
St. X's Schoenhoft focuses on season after picking Ohio State

By Kyle Nagel

Dayton Daily News

MASON | — The man was barely audible over the low roar of the Wendy's lunch crowd. But he was loud enough to hear that the topic was the previous night's 35-31 victory by Cincinnati's St. Xavier High School against Greater Catholic League rival Moeller.

"? St. Xavier, with 13 seconds to go," the conversation went as it faded in. "Their quarterback, Schoenhoft, is going to Ohio State, he's a Top 10 ?"

Behind the man, Robby Schoenhoft, hunching over a small table at 6 feet, 6 inches and 240 pounds, broke stride in his own conversation and smiled.

"I think they're talking about me."

These days, a lot of people are. Schoenhoft, St. Xavier's senior quarterback, gave an oral commitment in July to sign a national letter of intent with Ohio State. Since, he has left behind the life of driving to endless camps, taking innumerable phone calls and fielding thousands of questions about his college choice. He has instead taken residence under the microscope.

Take, for example, the letters that have been sent to St. Xavier football coach Steve Specht, the ones from people in three states asking for Schoenhoft's autograph. Or the girl that Debbie Schoenhoft, Robby's mother, works with. She's the big Ohio State fan who asked to meet Robby.

"I walked in with him and she turned eight shades of red," said Debbie Schoenhoft, a secretary at St. Xavier. "She wants to bring her camera and get a picture of him. He's just a regular boy."

But to most people, he's not a regular boy anymore.

Born to be QB

People first knew at a youth baseball game, first or second grade, when Schoenhoft chased a fly ball to the fence, threw it as hard as he could, and it zoomed all the way to the plate. It was a few years before a football would be put into his hands, but they could see the arm.

That's what he's famous for, his arm. A running joke through the St. Xavier locker room is how many fingers he's broken with passes in his career. He thinks it's 22.

"We have a junior tight end, he broke his pinky, that just happened," Schoenhoft said. "It was pretty nasty."

A few recruiting letters had sprinkled in throughout high school as Schoenhoft attended quarterback camps. But, it didn't get heavy until after last season. Then it piled on. The letters. Phone calls. A reporter ringing at 11:45 at night asking if one school or another had offered. Other coaches wondering about Ohio State.

"It happened so quick," said Rob Schoenhoft, Robby's father who was a tight end at St. Xavier and Miami University. "He was getting looks from some schools, then he went to the first camp, which was the Nike camp at Ohio State. Then it all took off."

Under the microscope

Some wonder about the stats from last season. The completion percentage of 36.8 (63-for-171 passing). The 888 yards. Doesn't quite sound like an NCAA Division I quarterback. Some wonder where the great attraction is.

"He's playing in a system that doesn't include him throwing 50 times a game," Specht said. "Because of that, people question how good he is. People want to find fault. You want to see the stars fail in some respect. But Robby hasn't failed."

He led St. Xavier to the win against No. 5 Moeller. Then, a week later, to a 33-30 overtime win at No. 6 Elder in "The Pit."

He's quarterbacking a team that went 6-3 last season under his watch. But, St. X has improved to 8-0 — after its first loss was forfeited by Lakewood St. Edward for using an ineligible player — and is tops in the GCL's South Division entering Friday's non-league game against Cleveland St. Ignatius.

His stats have also improved. He has completed 53-of-95 passes (55.8 percent) for 890 yards, 10 touchdowns and two interceptions. He's forced himself into the running for Ohio's Mr. Football award.

But, while he's having increased success on the field, it's difficult not to let the mind drift.

"Sometimes I think of the luxuries I could have," Schoenhoft said.

At Ohio State, he'll be the first in line to get his ankle taped, not wait 30 minutes. When his hands are sweaty, he can have a towel right away. He won't have to run and find one. There will even be people to pack his equipment, so he won't have to worry about forgetting the pads in his pants.

Not that he needs all of that. It's just a nice extra, and his mind is never far from the present.

He expected defenses to come after him this season, so on the first play of the first game, he audibled out of a quarterback sneak when he saw a blitz and hit a receiver for an 89-yard touchdown.

He's dealt with rampant rumors. Some say he's a sixth-year senior. Another rumor, that he was still getting calls from Michigan, prompted Ohio State coach Jim Tressel to phone Schoenhoft again last week. Schoenhoft said that no matter what happens this season in Columbus, he will not waver from his commitment.

"There are little things that will be less stressful (at OSU)," Schoenhoft said. "Then again, I'll stress a lot more about other things."

After all, he can already hear people talking about him.
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Cincy Enquirer on Robby


Friday, October 22, 2004
OSU ready now for Schoenhoft
St. Xavier QB's strong season appealing to struggling Buckeyes

By Tom Groeschen
Enquirer staff writer

Robby Schoenhoft is having a great senior year as St. Xavier quarterback. Ohio State is having a bad quarterback year and a bad year,period.

Add it all up, and impatient Buckeyes fans can't wait to see Schoenhoft in scarlet and gray. Schoenhoft, who committed to Ohio State in July, has led St. Xavier to an 8-0 record and a No. 4 state ranking in Division I.

"I've gone to some (OSU) games, and I've had people tell me to go down there and put the pads on," Schoenhoft said, smiling. "It's hard to watch them struggle, but right now I've got my own team here."

The 6-foot-6, 235-pound Schoenhoft has fulfilled his billing as the No. 5-rated prep quarterback in America byRivals.com, and No. 6 by TheInsiders.com.

Schoenhoft has completed 53 of 95 passes (55.8 percent) for 890 yards, 10 touchdowns and only two interceptions. He's looking better all the time to Ohio State fans, whose Buckeyes have staggered to their first 0-3 Big Ten start since 1988.

Steve Helwagen, managing editor of OSU-flavored Web site Bucknuts.com, said it is unlikely Schoenhoft could walk in and start as a true freshman in 2005. But with starter Justin Zwick and backup Troy Smith not reminding anyone of Brett Favre, Columbus fanatics are pining for OSU freshman Todd Boeckman and Schoenhoft.

"I think (Schoenhoft) probably needs a year or two to develop," Helwagen said.

"But the way this season has gone at OSU, they will probably take a good look at him in fall camp. They'll want to make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

Duane Long, editor of Ohio High magazine, said Schoenhoft could make a quicker impact than a typical OSU freshman quarterback.

"As a Buckeye fan, I'm pleasantly surprised at how he's done this year," Long said. "He's really improved."

Schoenhoft missed two games early this year with a sprained ankle. He returned to lead St. X to three comeback wins over Greater Catholic League South rivals Moeller (35-31), Elder (33-30, double overtime) and La Salle (34-20).

His statistics are greatly improved over his junior year, when he completed 36.8 percent of his passes (63 of 171) for 888 yards, six touchdowns and six interceptions.

"He's gotten a lot better this year with his touch," St. Xavier wide receiver Dan Larsen said.

Jeff Lindeman, the Bombers' leading receiver with 21 catches and three touchdowns, said Schoenhoft is a commanding presence.

"He knows how to lead a team," Lindeman said.

Schoenhoft is an engaging, cheerful sort who speaks in rapid-fire sentences. He said he was not bothered by criticism of his 2003 statistics, and he does not seem affected by his 2004 success.

"It's not just me," Schoenhoft said. "My offensive line, running backs and receivers have all made some unbelievable plays."

St. Xavier coach Steve Specht said Schoenhoft's success is no surprise.

"Robby's doing exactly what we expected," Specht said. "He is asked to run an offense where he's not going to throw more than 20 times a game. He could throw it 50 times a game and put up incredible numbers, but we told him he wouldn't have to do that. And he's happy with that."

The only mild complaints might be from his receivers. Several broken, twisted and strained fingers have been attributed to Schoenhoft's hard throws.

"He threw one last week that I think bent a facemask. It was a 99-mile-an-hour fastball," Specht said.

Schoenhoft's arm caught lots of attention at the prestigious EA Sports "Elite 11" quarterback camp in California this summer. Camp counselors - including Oklahoma's Heisman Trophy quarterback Jason White - voted Schoenhoft most likely to win a national title in college football.

Back home in Mason, Schoenhoft is the fifth of sixth children.

His mom, Debbie, still wants her up-and-coming son to take out the trash and clean his room. She'd like him to get a haircut for an upcoming dance. But she's also very proud.

"He's a very even-tempered kid," Debbie said. "He's handled all the attention very well. And he works hard. He's studying film long after most of the players have gone home."

Robby nightly talks football with 8-year-old brother Yuri, who was adopted from Russia.

"He wants to change his name to Michael Vick," Robby said.

OSU fans also want a name change, for change's sake.

"Everybody loves the second-string quarterback," Long said. "And they always love the recruit who's looking good."

Right now, that guy is Robby Schoenhoft.
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St. X over St. Iggy

St. Xavier 13, St. Ignatius 10
Another playoff test; Field goal boosts Bombers past state's third-ranked team

By Carey Hoffman
Enquirer contributor

St. Xavier got a glimpse of playoff football Saturday afternoon, but it wouldn't be quite right to call it a dry run.

Playing the second half in steady rain and wind against the top team from the Cleveland area, St. X got a 25-yard tiebreaking field goal from John Osborne with 44 seconds left for a 13-10 victory over visiting St. Ignatius.

It was the third game in four weeks that St. X has won by four points or fewer, and it keeps the Bombers (9-0) in position to contend for the No. 1 position in the regional playoff chase.

"Our whole season has been a playoff dry run, really, if you look at the teams we've played," said first-year St. X coach Steve Specht. "Today, you had two teams that are virtually mirror images of each other, so it's almost funny how the game comes down to a 20-yard field goal with 40 seconds to play."

St. Ignatius (7-2) has won the Ohio Division I football title nine times and came in ranked No. 3 in the Associated Press' Ohio Division I football poll. St. X came in ranked No. 4 in the state.

St. X had to persevere to win Saturday. The Bombers looked to be ready to take command when they were ahead 10-3 and drove deep into St. Ignatius territory late in the third quarter, but a 20-yard field goal attempt into the wind went wide.

Given a reprieve, St. Ignatius immediately came up with its two longest plays of the game to that point - a 19-yard run and a 36-yard pass to get into St. X territory. Five plays later, Nick Secue scored on a 7-yard TD run, and rather than being up by double digits, St. X found itself in a tie game at 10-10 with 11:48 to play.

It didn't shake St. X's spirit.

"I was over there clapping my hands on the sideline," said St. X senior quarterback Robby Schoenhoft, who completed 13 of 30 passes for 174 yards. "We had done it before, so why couldn't we (come back) again?"

It took two drives to happen, but the Bombers rallied. Starting at their own 39 with 6:20 to play and the rain falling the heaviest it had all day, they turned to junior running back Chris Cionni.

Held to 48 yards rushing to that point, Cionni carried the ball seven straight downs and came up with 47 yards on the ground on the drive. His last run, of 7 yards, put the ball at the St. Ignatius 7-yard line with 1:40 left and set up Osborne's game-winning field goal.

"He'd find a little seam and get those 4- or 5-yard yard gains," St. Ignatius coach Chuck Kyle said of Cionni. "With the rain coming down, he kept that drive going."

Said Specht: "Our offensive line doesn't get the credit it deserves. All they have to do is give Cionni a seam and he gets lost in it. I'm real confident at the end of a game to just say, 'Give the ball to Chris.' "

St. X's defense also played a lead role in the victory. It held St. Ignatius to just 170 total yards, only 43 of which came through the air, while sacking Wildcat quarterback Rudy Kirbus three times, forcing him to scramble eight times and intercepting him once.

"We had a lot of coverage sacks," Specht said. "Today belonged to the secondary."

St. X closes its regular season with a home game Friday against Hamilton.

"The message for both teams today is both are in the playoffs, but they have things to work on," said St. Ignatius' Kyle. "In a couple of weeks, our records will both be 0-0, and then you really have to play. We'll both see if five weeks from now we can get together again."

St. Ignatius 3 0 0 7 -10
St. Xavier 0 10 0 3 -13
SI-Danko 28 FG

SX-Cionni 20 pass from Schoenhoft (Milligan kick)

SX-Osborne 29 FG

SI-Secue 7 run (Danko kick)

SX-Osborne 25 FG

Records: SI 7-2, SX 9-0.


"I can see why Ohio State went after that kid," Kyle said of Schoenhoft, who finished 13-of-30 for 174 yards and a touchdown.
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I know there hasn't really been much video on Schoenhoft, but X improved their website greatly this year, and now they have football highlight clips on the website. There's only one of Robbie from the Buffalo St. Francis game right now, but there should be more later. Here's a link of a pass he threw to Chris Cionni, our junior RB. Not exactly the highest quality video, but you can see that Robbie has a cannon.

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Nice little clip. He shows pretty good pocket presence but borders on "happy feet". What I notice is that when he releases the ball, his front foot is pointing right where the ball is going and he stepped into the throw nicely. He has nice form.
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rob is a hell of a player as i mentioned earlier in my report his fundamentals suck ass he gets away with everything in high school cuz he has a cannon, it is atleast two years till he sees the field, enjoy what you have in pure talent till then

watch the video, could he have placed it anywhere else?? rob has that talent, if anyone wants to hate they can, but rob is th ebest gubslinger ive seen in the state of ohio (if you have any questions pm me)
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