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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

5. Are you open to playing another position?

CJ: Yes, if it will help the team win and my desire is for the team to have success, I would switch positions. We have unbelievable coaches here and I am confident that wherever I would switch to I could succeed because of the talent we have here on the coaching staff. My desire is to play quarterback but if I had to switch, I probably would switch to receiver

Sounds like a team player!Goodluck CJ!
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By the way, thanks to whoever moved my post to this thread. I searched for Cardale's thread before I posted, but this thread did not come up. Oh well.

It sounds like, at the very least, there will be some competition to be Braxton's backup. I look forward to seeing what Cardale can do at the Spring Game. :osu:
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bassplayer7770;2119221; said:
By the way, thanks to whoever moved my post to this thread. I searched for Cardale's thread before I posted, but this thread did not come up. Oh well.

It sounds like, at the very least, there will be some competition to be Braxton's backup. I look forward to seeing what Cardale can do at the Spring Game. :osu:

You're welcome. I've gotten the best results for thread searches by clicking the dropdown search tab on the top toolbar, typing in something like cardale, and then clicking the 'search titles only' box before clicking 'go'
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Taosman;2119078; said:
Dare we say, "Tebow" like? Big, physical kid who dominates a game.

No. I hope you are speaking tongue in cheek. That said, this has been welling up inside me for months now. Just because UFM is the coach now, we don't have to compare all of our future players to former Gators. I realize there are a lot of people doing that, and it is getting annoying. Every big QB is not the next Tebow. Every fast, shifty WR is not the next Harvin. I realize that this is an Ohio State board, but that doesn't mean we should all drop trow and reach to the right.

I love this place because even when there are 10 different threads on Fred Davis over at Bucknuts, there is order and thoughtful discussion here. Mods don't put up with that garbage, and more importantly, neither does the community. It will be a sad day when Buckeyeplanet slowly devolves into the mire of that trash. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I have noticed that the people who feel the need to retain that right often have inane opinions. Hell, I have expressed some pretty dumb thoughts around here, and you bet my balls were swollen pretty good from all the busting. I am just tired of this growing trend.
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A bit of an over- reaction my friend.
Cardale can be a special player and saying he has great physical ability is a complement to his potential.
He won't be used the same because the situation isn't the same. He won't be the running game. He'll get to play like a real QB. He'll be a good one because he's got great physical ability.
Not unlike He Who Won't Be Named.
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Taosman;2121382; said:
A bit of an over- reaction my friend. Cardale can be a special player and saying he has great physical ability is a complement to his potential.
He won't be used the same because the situation isn't the same. He won't be the running game. He'll get to play like a real QB.

Maybe a slight over reaction but nastynati made a good point in that your comparison is kind of off. Comparing a possible 3rd string qb to one of the most prolific college qbs ever is a going a little over board. Jones hasn't even thrown a pass in a game and u compared him to Tebow but then said he wont be used the same way? Doesn't make too much sense. And just because jones is big doesn't make him tebow
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NastyNatiBuck;2121369; said:
No. I hope you are speaking tongue in cheek. That said, this has been welling up inside me for months now. Just because UFM is the coach now, we don't have to compare all of our future players to former Gators. I realize there are a lot of people doing that, and it is getting annoying. Every big QB is not the next Tebow. Every fast, shifty WR is not the next Harvin. I realize that this is an Ohio State board, but that doesn't mean we should all drop trow and reach to the right.

I love this place because even when there are 10 different threads on Fred Davis over at Bucknuts, there is order and thoughtful discussion here. Mods don't put up with that garbage, and more importantly, neither does the community. It will be a sad day when Buckeyeplanet slowly devolves into the mire of that trash. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I have noticed that the people who feel the need to retain that right often have inane opinions. Hell, I have expressed some pretty dumb thoughts around here, and you bet my balls were swollen pretty good from all the busting. I am just tired of this growing trend.

Personally, I think that NastyNati is going to be the next Gatorubet.
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I don't think Nasty is worried about the individual players we are comparing these players to - it's always a good way to gauge style of play not necessarily production or potential. I agree with Nasty, I am sick of hearing this garbage about Florida players. Every once in a while is fine, and thinking about the offense we are implementing, it at times will be justified. But I'm a Buckeye. I have been part of this board since gosh knows when and the order is nice (touche to the originators). Respecting what Urban did at Florida is one thing, but pretending like we are going to be a mirror image of the team and it's players is getting old.

Cardale looks like uhhhh Jim Karsatos. There we go.
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I fully appreciate the lingering butt-hurt from the "Disaster in the Desert". But it's's time we all moved on with one of the greatest coaches in all of football. One of the most impressive collections of assistant coaches in college football.
We walked through the fire and now instead of burnt up we are re-energized for a great run.
And kids like Cardale will get the coaching they need to succeed.
Amazing! :oh:
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Taosman;2121519; said:
I fully appreciate the lingering butt-hurt from the "Disaster in the Desert". But it's's time we all moved on with one of the greatest coaches in all of football. One of the most impressive collections of assistant coaches in college football.
We walked through the fire and now instead of burnt up we are re-energized for a great run.
And kids like Cardale will get the coaching they need to succeed.
Amazing! :oh:
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