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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

Local Ohio State recruits shrug off Meyer coaching frenzy
Published: Wednesday, November 23, 2011
By Joe Maxse, The Plain Dealer

Former Glenville quarterback Cardale Jones attended Fort Union (Va.) Military Academy to study and play football this fall. He was home for the Thanksgiving break.

"It really doesn't change my thinking about going to Ohio State," said Jones, who plans to enroll at OSU in January. "It's really been about my education.

"During all the recruiting and talking with the coaches, it was about having education priorities. That's why it's not a big issue over the coaching staff."

Jones said he has never met Meyer. He intends to major in business administration.

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"It really doesn't change my thinking about going to Ohio State," said Jones, who plans to enroll at OSU in January. "It's really been about my education.

"During all the recruiting and talking with the coaches, it was about having education priorities. That's why it's not a big issue over the coaching staff."

Good man!
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Scout $ - Ohio State's QB Commitment

By Scott Kennedy
Director of Scouting
Posted Nov 29, 2011

With the news that Urban Meyer has taken the head coaching job at Ohio State, quarterback Braxton Miller has like his new coach's track record. But let's take a look at an Ohio State recruit who could also benefit from the spread option system.

Post grad video...
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Well I just rewatched his highlight film and once again I can't be more impressed with how well he can throw the ball. Fast, quick, and extremely accurate throw. I'm not sure he can move like you would want your QB to move in an Urban Meyer offense but if Cardale stays hungry and patient he can accomplish anything he wants. He reminds me of the RGIII but just not as shiftey.
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bukIpower;2054609; said:
Well I just rewatched his highlight film and once again I can't be more impressed with how well he can throw the ball. Fast, quick, and extremely accurate throw. I'm not sure he can move like you would want your QB to move in an Urban Meyer offense but if Cardale stays hungry and patient he can accomplish anything he wants. He reminds me of the RGIII but just not as shiftey.

I could have it all wrong, but RGIII was an all-american in track at Baylor his Freshman year (the only year he competed). That is what makes him so special. The guy is one of the fastest in the nation, and he is an excellent QB. I have heard nothing of Jones possessing that kind of speed.
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NastyNatiBuck;2054673; said:
I could have it all wrong, but RGIII was an all-american in track at Baylor his Freshman year (the only year he competed). That is what makes him so special. The guy is one of the fastest in the nation, and he is an excellent QB. I have heard nothing of Jones possessing that kind of speed.

RGIII has Texas state records in the 110 and 300 meter hurdles. So, he's probably not as fast as 100 dash guys, but he's plenty fast for QB though. His success is mostly on his insane accuracy and playing in a great system for his talents.
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Merih;2054678; said:
RGIII has Texas state records in the 110 and 300 meter hurdles. So, he's probably not as fast as 100 dash guys, but he's plenty fast for QB though. His success is mostly on his insane accuracy and playing in a great system for his talents.

How quickly we forget that Tedd Ginn Jr. was a hurdler, running the 110s, the 200, 400 and a leg on the 4 X 400 in the state meet.
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