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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

wadc45;1963159; said:
I really think this kid is going to factor in the QB situation at OSU before it is all said and done...

I do too. I've been high on Cardale ever since his Jr season in HS. The first game that I saw this kid play I knew we had to have him. He gave me a scare there for a while when it looked like he might be the next Rich-Rod QB at Michigan.

Even if Miller Time stays all 4 years, Cardale will only be a 5th year Jr. the following season and I beleive that he will have atleast 2 great seasons as the starting QB at The OSU. By that time, he should be a mature QB physically and mentally at about 6'5"/235. Cardale seems very driven to follow in Troy Smith's shoes. I hope it works out got him. Kids got game.....
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matcar;1963176; said:
Probably not something you can share...but if you can, please relate.

Just that he thinks that Cardale might be more mature, humble, etc. and seems to be prepared to work as hard as needed at Fork Union to put himself in a position to eventually compete at OSU. I am guessing but I think around this time last year Bill would have bet against that ever happening, more because of what's between Cardale's ears rather than what he is capable of on the football field.
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wadc45;1963179; said:
Just that he thinks that Cardale might be more mature, humble, etc. and seems to be prepared to work as hard as needed at Fork Union to put himself in a position to eventually compete at OSU. I am guessing but I think around this time last year Bill would have bet against that ever happening, more because of what's between Cardale's ears rather than what he is capable of on the football field.

That's cool to hear. A lot of growing & growing up happens between 17 and 21. Sounds like Jones is on the right trajectory.
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stowfan;1963181; said:
Watching the Big 33 game, Cardale was in a class by himself among the QBs.

He's that kind of talent. I was shocked to see Cardale ranked as low as he was among QBs. I'm not saying that he should've been top 5, but somewhere around 8th-12th would've been more realistic to me. He has ideal size, he throws a very good ball, and he can run. Just like Troy, this kid wants to prove everybody wrong and I think he eventually will.
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NINJA BUCK13;1963206; said:
He's that kind of talent. I was shocked to see Cardale ranked as low as he was among QBs. I'm not saying that he should've been top 5, but somewhere around 8th-12th would've been more realistic to me. He has ideal size, he throws a very good ball, and he can run. Just like Troy, this kid wants to prove everybody wrong and I think he eventually will.

Agreed. I've seen CJ play several times. Great arm and size. the thing that suprised me the most in the Bigg 33 was his running. In the times i watched him play he did not run too much (Didn't have too). The only question mark for alot of schools was academics. Let's hope he gets the Marks at FUMA. Best of luck!!!
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihFDhKoFoGo&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]‪Cardale Jones Highlights‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yea, he's pretty good. I love his play action fakes, he does a good job selling it and he throws really well on the run. I think it's safe to say that Shane Wynn was his favorite target at Glenville. Bright future.
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