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Purdue at tOSU, Nov 13th, 3:30 ET, ABC

Another 5 guys?

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Purdue’s triple upset dreams die today. We know you’re hyped up for the biggest accomplishment you could hope to achieve in those ugly ass uniforms, but there’s a team waiting to deliver the death blow in Columbus.

Most of them weren’t even playing back then, right? Except… Ryan Day remembers that night like it was yesterday, so don’t be fooled. There is hell to pay and there will be no mercy found in The Horseshoe for you today. When that foot is pressing so hard on your necks that you think it’s about to snap, Day is going to ask for the sharpest pair of cleats that can be found to finish the job.

Don’t be shocked if Ewers scores his first TD on your starters today. It has been a long time coming.

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Seriously sick of hearing how "bad Ohio State's pass Defense is." When you're trailing by 20 points you're passing a hell of a lot. Leading the country in sacks and 2nd in Pick 6's. The yardage doesnt tell the whole story. Put Burke on Bell and kick Purdies ass!!
The Buckeyes rank 95th in passing yards allowed. Do you think they have a strong pass defense?

I’m expecting a heavy dose of Boiler TE’s getting open over the middle today sitting in those gaps in OSU’s zone. The Bucks damn well better double Bell on every play. If you don’t think pass D is a weakness then you’ve been watching a different team than I have.
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