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Purdue at tOSU, Nov 13th, 3:30 ET, ABC

There’s been a lot of shooting themselves in the foot lately. Get that cleaned up and they’ll be fine. Leaving a lot of points on the field right now, so the attack mode is fine… it’s just finishing. If those points come when they should, we aren’t even having this conversation. Offense is still potent, so I’m not concerned about the game plan.
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Quick question: stuck at work today, and my stupid IPhone won’t show DirectTV channels 1-200 for some reason. Any other way to watch the game today? Will it be broadcast on ESPN+? I guess I could download Hulu live or something, but I’d probably cancel after the 7 day free trial. Any help is appreciated. Go Bucks!!
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Quick question: stuck at work today, and my stupid IPhone won’t show DirectTV channels 1-200 for some reason. Any other way to watch the game today? Will it be broadcast on ESPN+? I guess I could download Hulu live or something, but I’d probably cancel after the 7 day free trial. Any help is appreciated. Go Bucks!!

Don’t have any good advice for you other than to refuse Buckeye Saturdays or leave. I made the decision a long time ago to put my foot in the ground where Buckeye football vs work is concerned. No company could keep me from this, fuck them and their money, it’s bigger than that. If they can’t abide, they can watch my ass take another position. Job market is hot right now. Kill or be killed.

Sorry, just frustrated that you’re having this issue due to work. :beer::lol:
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They clearly aren't great at playing zone defense and yes, it's the weakness of this team but it's all relative.

First, using total yards allowed is a bad indicator because style of play (they've decided to play deep and keep everything in front of them essentially) and game conditions (opponents throw a lot because they can't run and they are behind a lot) can influence it.

If you want to isolate and measure the skill of defending the pass, look at yards per attempt and yards per completion. OSU is a respectable 30th in the former and 37th in the latter.

Certainly room to improve but I don't think it's a crippling weakness against a team like Purdue who can only hurt you with one guy. Bell will probably be the latest opposing WR to go for 150+ yards but then again, if they've practiced it at all, they should be able to contain the damage.
You can also use the eye test and I’ve seen way too many receivers getting wide open and making big plays against the Bucks.

If you look at team passing efficiency, OSU ranks 35th. That sounds respectable. You know who ranks 1st? Cincinnati. Other teams who rank ahead of the Bucks in that stat include Iowa, Penn State, Wisconsin, Michigan, Purdue, Oregon, Notre Dame, and Northwestern. It’s a concern.

Hopefully the pass rush continues to improve. I don’t fear a loss today but if I was betting on today’s game then I would definitely take Purdue and the points. Their strength plays right into our weakness.
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