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Purdue at tOSU, Nov 13th, 3:30 ET, ABC

Purdue’s triple upset dreams die today. We know you’re hyped up for the biggest accomplishment you could hope to achieve in those ugly ass uniforms, but there’s a team waiting to deliver the death blow in Columbus.

Most of them weren’t even playing back then, right? Except… Ryan Day remembers that night like it was yesterday, so don’t be fooled. There is hell to pay and there will be no mercy found in The Horseshoe for you today. When that foot is pressing so hard on your necks that you think it’s about to snap, Day is going to ask for the sharpest pair of cleats that can be found to finish the job.

Don’t be shocked if Ewers scores his first TD on your starters today. It has been a long time coming.

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The Buckeyes rank 95th in passing yards allowed. Do you think they have a strong pass defense?

I’m expecting a heavy dose of Boiler TE’s getting open over the middle today sitting in those gaps in OSU’s zone. The Bucks damn well better double Bell on every play. If you don’t think pass D is a weakness then you’ve been watching a different team than I have.

They clearly aren't great at playing zone defense and yes, it's the weakness of this team but it's all relative.

First, using total yards allowed is a bad indicator because style of play (they've decided to play deep and keep everything in front of them essentially) and game conditions (opponents throw a lot because they can't run and they are behind a lot) can influence it.

If you want to isolate and measure the skill of defending the pass, look at yards per attempt and yards per completion. OSU is a respectable 30th in the former and 37th in the latter.

Certainly room to improve but I don't think it's a crippling weakness against a team like Purdue who can only hurt you with one guy. Bell will probably be the latest opposing WR to go for 150+ yards but then again, if they've practiced it at all, they should be able to contain the damage.
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Seems like this should almost always the plan for any opponent but …..get up a few scores, then run the damn ball….a lot.

Going by the way we've seen Day call plays at the end of games in his time at OSU so far, I'd say he believes "get up by a few scores and then keep scoring".

If you can do that by running then great but it's more important to keep scoring than run clock until the very last minutes of a game. If even then.

It's an interesting football philosophy discussion but he clearly stays aggressive until the end.
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Throw some Tabasco™ on it and have your own personal dumpster fire.

View attachment 30570

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Going by the way we've seen Day call plays at the end of games in his time at OSU so far, I'd say he believes "get up by a few scores and then keep scoring".

If you can do that by running then great but it's more important to keep scoring than run clock until the very last minutes of a game. If even then.

It's an interesting football philosophy discussion but he clearly stays aggressive until the end.

I wanna be there when Woody and Ryan meet up in football heaven and talk offense.
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Going by the way we've seen Day call plays at the end of games in his time at OSU so far, I'd say he believes "get up by a few scores and then keep scoring".

If you can do that by running then great but it's more important to keep scoring than run clock until the very last minutes of a game. If even then.

It's an interesting football philosophy discussion but he clearly stays aggressive until the end.

There’s been a lot of shooting themselves in the foot lately. Get that cleaned up and they’ll be fine. Leaving a lot of points on the field right now, so the attack mode is fine… it’s just finishing. If those points come when they should, we aren’t even having this conversation. Offense is still potent, so I’m not concerned about the game plan.
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There’s been a lot of shooting themselves in the foot lately. Get that cleaned up and they’ll be fine. Leaving a lot of points on the field right now, so the attack mode is fine… it’s just finishing. If those points come when they should, we aren’t even having this conversation. Offense is still potent, so I’m not concerned about the game plan.

Totally agree. Clean up penalties and missed OL assignments and these TE based offenses we have left on the schedule won't be able to keep up.
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From 2002 to 2020, Ohio State has the best record in FBS with 211 wins and just 35 losses (.858 winning percentage).

During that time, Purdue (along with Penn State) has the most wins over Ohio State: 4

The combined final record of those four Purdue teams that beat Ohio State: 25-25 (.500)

The combined final record of the other 31 teams that beat Ohio State: 323-86 (.790)

Purdue is the only team with a losing record to beat Ohio State, and they did it twice: 2009 (5-7) and 2018 (6-7)

Ohio State's 29-point loss (49-20) to Purdue in 2018 was the fourth-worst during that span, behind a 32-point loss (35-3) to Southern Cal in 2008; a 31-point loss (31-0) to Clemson in 2016; and a 31-point loss (24-55) to Iowa in 2017.

A quick look back at the Purdue series from 2002 to the present:

2002: Ohio State has only 267 total yards and goes 4/15 on 3rd downs but ekes out a 10-6 victory with a Holy Buckeye!

2003: Ohio State gets 3 FGs from Mike Nugent and a defensive score from Mike Kudla, and Purdue shanks a FG in OT, to give Ohio State the 16-13 win.

2004: In his last bad game prior to the Debacle in the Desert, Troy Smith completes just 14 of 29 passes (.483) with three picks as Ohio State loses, 17-24.

2007: Ohio State got out to a 14-0 first quarter lead and then Tresselballed their way to a 23-7 victory.

2008: For the second time in four contests, Ohio State beats Purdue without the benefit of an offensive TD (3 FG & blocked punt). Final score: 16-3.

2009: Five turnovers, five sacks allowed, nine penalties, and #7 Ohio State loses to a hapless 1-5 Purdue squad, 18-26. Worst Buckeye loss ever?

2010: In a measure of revenge, Ohio State smokes a pretty good Purdue team, outgaining the Boilers 489 to 118 en route to a 49-0 whitewashing.

2011: In the only season where the two teams were close in terms of talent (they both were mediocre), Purdue beat Ohio State 26-23 in OT.

2012: With Kenny Guiton at the helm, Ohio State scored a last-second TD and 2-pointer to tie the score, then won the game in overtime, 29-22.

2013: Ohio State wins in a romp, outgaining Purdue 640 yards to 116 yards, and outscoring them 56 to zip.

2018: Rondale Moore racked up 194 yards and D.J. Knox (who?) added 154 yards (22% of his season total) as Purdue crushed Ohio State, 20-49.
Overall, Ohio State has a 7-4 record against Purdue since 2002, outscoring the Boilermakers 277 to 176 (25 to 16 on a per game basis). Eliminate the three blow outs (Ohio State wins in 2010 and 2013; Purdue win in 2018) and the overall score in the series is 152 to 127 (19 to 16 on a per game basis). Ohio State has not been playing good football, Purdue already has a couple of big upsets on their résumé, and the weather is going to be bad, so I'd look for another ugly, low-scoring, close game.
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2007: Ohio State got out to a 14-0 first quarter lead and then Tresselballed their way to a 23-7 victory.

2008: For the second time in four contests, Ohio State beats Purdue without the benefit of an offensive TD (3 FG & blocked punt). Final score: 16-3.

2009: Five turnovers, five sacks allowed, nine penalties, and #7 Ohio State loses to a hapless 1-5 Purdue squad, 18-26. Worst Buckeye loss ever?

2010: In a measure of revenge, Ohio State smokes a pretty good Purdue team, outgaining the Boilers 489 to 118 en route to a 49-0 whitewashing.

The late Tressel years outside of The Game...ugh.
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