#AskArry If a tree falls over in the woods and there's nobody there, can it still avoid paying tax by moving itself offshore?
#AskArry Is there a danger of Scott Parker suffering from "burn out" next season and, if so, how might you remedy this? HINT: Sandro.
#askArry I have a flat tyre. As a well-known wheel-dealer I wonder if you can recommend where I can get a new one?
#AskArry Is this interview being conducted in your car with the window wound down? Thought so.
Have you ever met Jamie's father? #askarry
#AskArry If a quark is travelling at the speed of light what is its mass and density to the power of (r)?
#askarry Hodgson has stubbornly stuck with available pool of players. Which players from other countries would you try to sign for England?
#AskArry Where did your Dog do its ACCA qualification? I'd like mine to handle all of my affairs from now on.
If I've never had it so good as a Spurs fan, why do I feel like growing a moustache and skipping town? #AskArry
#AskArry It's 60mins in penultimate game of season & u need 1 goal to secure CL footy. Do u (a) bring on a striker; or (b) play for draw?
#AskArry! How many times have you been asked how a man looking like you produced a son who looks like that?
#AskArry What is your favourite Mario Kart circuit and why?
#AskArry when I see girls at gym and I see the fanny outline through their shorts, milk comes out of my willy. Am I turning into a cow? :-(