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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

This is from a poster in the O-Zone forum. Were there any spies at the scrimmage today that have some input or feedback?


Probably was a 120 play scrimmage. Good test of the teams endurance since it was miserable on the field.

D dominated.D Line and linbackers unstoppable. They are so good it's almost boring to watch our O against them.

Boeckman was very, very shaky. Tentative. Wobbly passes. ETC. Not very impressive at all.

Schoenhoft looked like a 3rd or 4th yr player. Great vision. Tight passes. Real deal.

Smith showed what he can do when the black jersey came off. Offensive intensity goes up several notches when he is in.

Pittman, Haw and Schnittker all had some nice runs. Wells runs hard--shifty--determined. He needs to bulk up a little and eliminate the Lydell Ross dancing moves.

Devon Lyons had a great catch for a TD. Hartline looks to be a keeper.

Robiskie got banged up running into a sideline bench.
Gholston was carted off--no updates on either.

No punt or kickoff returns.

Fr kicker booted on from 50+. Huston looked good.

Same old story on offense--delay of game, offsides, bland play calling, fullback dives(although Schnittker will get some serious carries this yr).

Look for D to win most of the games as usual.

edit: So there is no confusion for newbies, I underlined it was from a poster in the forum.
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Some mixed reviews :)

By Mr. Ed on 14:58:11 08/20/05

Robby Schoenhoft two touchdown passes, including the game winner late in the game. One TD to Ginn, the other to Devon Lyons. Lyons was the leading receiver in the game.

Leading rusher was Troy Smith.

Bobby Carpeneter got snaps at tight end and had one catch and at least one pancake block.

Donte Whitner an interception and return for a touchdown.

Ryan Pretorius connected on a 50+ yard field goal.

Troy Smith scored the only rushing touchdown of the day on a three-yard run.

We'll have a detailed report in the front page as soon as I can get through all the interview material.
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ohiobuck94 said:
Some mixed reviews :)

By Mr. Ed on 14:58:11 08/20/05

Robby Schoenhoft two touchdown passes, including the game winner late in the game. One TD to Ginn, the other to Devon Lyons. Lyons was the leading receiver in the game.

Leading rusher was Troy Smith.

Bobby Carpeneter got snaps at tight end and had one catch and at least one pancake block.

Donte Whitner an interception and return for a touchdown.

Ryan Pretorius connected on a 50+ yard field goal.

Troy Smith scored the only rushing touchdown of the day on a three-yard run.

We'll have a detailed report in the front page as soon as I can get through all the interview material.
Yes, Ramonce had two TDs, and Vince looked........oh I'm sorry wrong site/thread
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centralbucksfan said:
And whats with that first post on this thread? That was nothing like the article in the O-zone....those below posted the real article. Sheesh. Why try to twist and make some look bad and some look good??
The first post on the thread was from the Ozone forum. Also in that forum, Mr. Ed quoted Tressel today as saying the following about incoming defensive players (nothing too novel here):

Mr. Ed at the Ozone said:
"Jim Heacock says that there's no question that Lawrence Wilson is going to play. I know he has been very happy with Doug Worthington. Malcolm Jenkins has been good. I thought Andre Amos showed up a little bit today. Jamario is playing safety and doing a good job. The young linebackers look good to me. Todd Denlinger looks solid to me. I think that's going to be a good group of young kids."
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centralbucksfan said:
And whats with that first post on this thread? That was nothing like the article in the O-zone....those below posted the real article. Sheesh. Why try to twist and make some look bad and some look good??

Relax. This was from the forum. That is why I asked if anyone from this site had been there or heard anything.
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I was at the game and Gholston's injury appeared to be his hand. He was carted from one side of the field to the other to have it looked at. Also, I didn't realize Santonio Holmes and Rory Nicol were hurt. I was both on the sidelines in walking boots.

Donte Whitner's pick 6 was on the second play of the day. It looked like he jumped an out route.

Also, Bobby Carpenter looked like he hurt a shoulder/arm on the first drive, but continued on.

If the starting job was based just on today, then Robby Schoenhoft would be the clear starter on the 3rd. He looked VERY good! Todd Boeckman seemed tentative while throwing passes.

Todd Boeckman did have a possible TD pass dropped. He threw a quick slant pass to Brian Hartline, but he dropped the pass. He was in the open field and had the angle to split the safeties.

Edit: All three runningbacks looked good to me. Maurice Wells had one long run where he was tripped from behind, preventing a 60+ yard td. He also looked to have more power than previously thought for a smaller back.
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centralbucksfan said:
And whats with that first post on this thread? That was nothing like the article in the O-zone....those below posted the real article. Sheesh. Why try to twist and make some look bad and some look good??
Buddy you really need to relax. I see you are a noob but don't stroll on here and start bashing someone like that, it's not how things work here

...on another note thanks BIM I enjoyed your article cause i couldnt watch...was in transit to Columbus...no more Akron this weekend! :)
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casey_buckeye said:
Edit: All three runningbacks looked good to me. Maurice Wells had one long run where he was tripped from behind, preventing a 60+ yard td. He also looked to have more power than previously thought for a smaller back.
I'm glad to hear that assessment, because the final rushing stats I saw were very unimpressive, pretty much across the board. Any thoughts on what led to the meager production given that the backs looked good?
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casey_buckeye said:
If the starting job was based just on today, then Robby Schoenhoft would be the clear starter on the 3rd. He looked VERY good!
Greaaaaat... just what we needed, a quarterback cuatroversy. :p Good for Robby.

Would've been fun to see Bobby Carpenter play at tight end.
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