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Pre-Season Practice - 2005

AJHawkfan said:
I'm not sure why they'd let ESPN's cameras into a "closed" practice either.....

It'll be a recording of an earlier, generic practice...and probably just harmless excepts at that. Most likely a session like the one which had photos posted on BN. Opposing coaches will get squat from it.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
It'll be a recording of an earlier, generic practice...and probably just harmless excepts at that. Most likely a session like the one which had photos posted on BN. Opposing coaches will get squat from it.

Maybe the coaches will mess with them and have Ginn playing multiple positions on both sides of the ball. I bet he could put a 30 yarder through the uprights.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
It'll be a recording of an earlier, generic practice...and probably just harmless excepts at that. Most likely a session like the one which had photos posted on BN. Opposing coaches will get squat from it.
That's a given. No coach would be that stupid. I'm just wondering why we agreed to it. What's the point? Not to mention we lose a day of practice while we make sure not to show them anything.
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Well its a chance to let recruits see about our program and how we work things in practice somewhat. If all the other top schools are doing it and they ask OSU if they want to join in Do you really think OSU would deny the invetation to get more national recognition? This is a smart move for us as this will give people an inside view of how our team operates and how we rank up with the top teams in the country.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
if all the other top schools were jumping off a bridge, would we?

answer: yes, we would just go last and then not really jump :biggrin:

I like the idea, but I just wish it wasnt Espin that was doing it. I wish like 10tv would have a live look in at practice. Either way i will watch it. It is kind of neat to see what is going on at practice.
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crazybuckfan40 said:

I like the idea, but I just wish it wasnt Espin that was doing it. I wish like 10tv would have a live look in at practice. Either way i will watch it. It is kind of neat to see what is going on at practice.
Partofitprobably has to dowith the face that ESPN puts a ton of money into the Big10 (TV rights)...that and the national exposire is always good for recruiting and merchandise
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espn will make some comments regarding smith sitting out the opener.

aside from that there is no reason at all to make any statements regarding ncaa issues outside of stating that the football program is clear.
any sort of alamo bowl type coverage should be met with harsh criticism from osu.
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ntd said:
Partofitprobably has to dowith the face that ESPN puts a ton of money into the Big10 (TV rights)...that and the national exposire is always good for recruiting and merchandise
heard of the space button. :)

I never thought of the money to the big ten, but we are the first team to be put on from the big ten. SO far it has been 2 SEC, 1 ACC.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
It'll be a recording of an earlier, generic practice...and probably just harmless excepts at that. Most likely a session like the one which had photos posted on BN. Opposing coaches will get squat from it.

I have no doubts. I am just not quite ready to let bygones be bygones with ESPiN, so to speak. Guess I CAN carry a grudge......

Maybe there will be a defensive drill taking place behind the commentators and maybe someone like Mr Hawk, Mr Schlegal or Mr Carpenter will be going full speed and not be able to stop in time and just at very the last second, they dive and accidentally hit him in the knee. Maybe then I could move on.......
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BuckinMichigan said:
I think the new AD and ESPN are trying to make nice.
yep, gameday is coming to town very soon. im sure they want to leave with the majority of their set and crew intact. i expect espin to do a whole lot of kissing up to us in the way of programming in the next few weeks.
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