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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

Here is the post I was referring too earlier in the thread, but the links are dead now...

40 said:
Some pretty cool stuff I found, a player spotlight with a video interview


One game FSW(Craters team he is #10) vs. Frankenmuth which is the link, and there are 2 other games, the one against Powers Catholic was a game where he had 16 and 6 and they were the number 3 team in teh state...Also there is a game from AAU with King of the hill...


After watching these films, and really seeing Noopy for more than just a highlight here or there, we are gettig a very fine, player, that while streaky can hit from the outside, can take care of the ball, is a great passer, will play defense, and can create off the bounce for his teammates, he is passive at times in terms of creating and scoring the ball, but when he does he does very well...Playing with the guys we have coming in for 08' and before he will just fine and still Rivals having him as a 3 star is a crime...

Also he is playing with Mullens, Gates, and Roe this weekend, so I am excited to see how he does...
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Only stats which mattered were:


New England Class A Champions

National Prep School - Final 4

On a team where everyone previously was 'the man' individual stats were never discussed. Anthony was the floor-leader and played with 7 other DI signees. Did an oustanding job of defending, leadership, and taking care of the ball (less than 3 turnovers per game).

OUTSTANDING character and TREMENDOUS work ethic. He will be a great addition to The Ohio State University community.
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Thanks for the find BA, Anthony looks like a very nice player. I think it will greatly benefit him having gone to Brewster, he was not the go to guy on that team, his job, much like it will be with the Bucks was to take care of the ball, defend and get his teamates involved. With the cast of players he'll have around him next year, these attributes should do nicely. The discipline he more than likely learned at prep school should also prepare him for what will probably be a very busy schedule next year, on the court and in the class room.

He looked to have a very nice handle and his jump shot looked pretty good and some of his shots were from deep. He also shot a nice floater in the lane, something he will need in his arsenal.

Looking forward to seeing Anthony (Noopy) in the S&G
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Welcome to BP, BrewsterAcademy! FINALLY get to see some film of Anthony at Brewster.

There are a LOT of people on here worried about how we will be at PG next year. It'll be almost impossible to replace Butler, but the platoon system we have set up here with Turner & Simmons to help out Hill & Noopy will help ensure that we can be a dangerous team offensively again. Love the way he dishes to the open man and drives to the basket to set up the pass. It looks as though Noopy has come quite a ways since his transfer to Brewster and I'm really excited to see him playing pre-season in the Schott.

Question for BA- How did Anthony look on defense this past year? Matta puts a ton of stock into defense and the better player he is on D, the more playing time he's liable to see next year.
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If that is not a top 100 player I don't know what is...

His shot from the outside looks better to me than Conley's did...The thing with Crater is that he just didn't shoot it that much...Heck all of his coaches always told him to shoot it more...

That move he made second to last clip before his dunk, where he went behind his back to get into the lane was a thing of beauty...He has the ball on a string...He looks to be able to get anywhere with the dribble...He also looks bigger, I think the 6'3'' might be a stretch, but I see a solid 6'2''...Also he is doing that against college level kids at other prep schools, so he will be ready to go next year...

This video just excites me more about Noopy...
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Regardless of his ranking......I am anxious to see how he fits in at the point next year.....I love his ability to get other people the ball.....the scoring and perimeter game will come......Conley had some of the same knocks on his game when he entered college.....
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OSUBasketballJunkie;1162874; said:
Regardless of his ranking......I am anxious to see how he fits in at the point next year.....I love his ability to get other people the ball.....the scoring and perimeter game will come......Conley had some of the same knocks on his game when he entered college.....

I agree, and if Crater was playing with an Oden he probably would of been rated higher...Not saying that Conley wasn't good and only got rated high because of Oden, because that is not the case, but the scouts would of saw Crater more, and I think his game is not the type of game you see once or twice in a high school game and AAU and get a good read on it...You have to watch him and get a feel for his ability to create for teammates, pass the ball and run the offense, not his scoring ability...

It just seems funny to me anymore that if you are 6'1'' and can score the ball they want to peg you as a SG and if you are 6'1'' and don't score the ball you are not a good pg...The pg is the creator...Can be a scorer but doesn't have to be...
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Former Flint Southwestern Academy standout, Anthony Crater, committed to Ohio State as a junior before transferring to Brewster Academy in New Hampshire for his senior season.

Alan HolbenFormer Flint Southwestern standout Anthony Crater will join Simmons at Ohio State in the fall.

And while it's hard to predict exactly what the Buckeyes will look like in 2008-2009, Matta admits that the pair could log some minutes together.
"I think we could see that because the one thing that has always intrigued me about (Crater) is his ability to set guys up and make them better," said Matta. "He is one of the best passers I've seen."
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Conley on Crater, etc.

I drove to Worthington Kilbourne High School this afternoon to talk with former Ohio State point guard Mike Conley Jr., who was the featured guest at a basketball camp that had Greg Oden in that role yesterday and will trot out Daequan Cook on Thursday.

Some of what Conley talked about during the interview didn?t make the story that will be in Thursday?s newspaper, so here are the leftovers:

- Conley said he has been going head-to-head a lot with freshman Anthony Crater during open gyms in the Schottenstein Center this summer, a good indication that the coaching staff wants Crater to be prepared to be option No.1 at the all-important point position.

?Crater?s been doing well,? Conley said. ?He?s very athletic and very quick, just as quick as I am. I was surprised. He?s very strong, too.

?I?ve been trying to tell him that he?s not a bad shooter at all, that he needs to shoot the ball whenever he?s open. He?s passive a lot, like I was (as a freshman), so I?m telling him, `Shoot the ball every time you?re open.? He?s learning that early.?

Conley on Crater, etc. (Hoops & Scoops: an OSU basketball blog)
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Anthony Crater to help fill Buckeyes' void at point guard

by Doug Lesmerises/Plain Dealer Reporter Tuesday November 18, 2008, 10:15 PM

Paul Vernon/Associated PressAnthony Crater (10) is in a battle with junior college transfer Jeremie Simmons for OSU's starting point guard spot.

COLUMBUS -- His Ohio State men's basketball teammates call Anthony Crater a version of former one-year OSU star Mike Conley, a quick, pass-first creator who can get in the lane. He doesn't mind being called that, but just don't call Noopy, the nickname he was known by throughout his recruitment. "No sir, please don't," Crater said. "I outgrew that name."
What Crater can't be called yet, with the Buckeyes preparing to open their season against Delaware State on Thursday, is Ohio State's point guard. That hasn't been settled, and there probably never will be just one answer for the Buckeyes at that position this season.
While filling the hole left by Jamar Butler, who led the Big Ten in minutes played last season, Crater the creator is being complemented by junior college transfer Jeremie Simmons, known as "AO" for "Automatic Offense."
They've been competing head-to-head in practice, with coach Thad Matta declaring Simmons the more consistent of the two so far. Simmons did earn the start in Ohio State's one exhibition game, scoring seven points and dishing out three assists in 21 minutes while Crater had eight points and six assists in 17 minutes.
"It's all love, but there's a lot of competition," Simmons said after that game. "Noopy is more a pure point guard, and I'm a scoring guard. But once it's all said and done, we are going to play at the same time."
Matta will go that route sometimes, wanting to get Simmons' scoring on the floor in other ways. But someone has to run the offense and get out and harass the ballhandler on defense.
"I think we can be successful with a couple guys going in and out there," junior forward David Lighty said. "I don't know if we'll have a main point guard, but things in practice look pretty good."
Ever since Conley left after his 2006-07 freshman season, the Buckeyes have been looking to Crater as their future at the point. Matta loves reliable points who can push it without turning it over, and Crater was supposed to ease the pain he felt when Conley left so soon. Matta, saying he was shocked by Crater's athleticism, has been encouraging Crater to let more of his talents come through, especially on defense.

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