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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

Smooth Olaf;1361715; said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Crater is the starting PG by the end of the season. His speed and crisp passes add a whole new dimension to the offense.

he looked great tonight, but then again he has looked great against inferior competition all season.

He hasn't looked as comfortable or confident when the competition level rises, which is to be expected. His cross-over and start and stop is on another from Jeremie though, I agree. For now Jeremie brings much more stability, but I could certainly see by mid-season, Thad turning to Anthony for a majority of the ball handling duties.
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There has to be something more to the story. Granted, he has looked a little lost at times but he's a freshman and should expect to struggle. I suspect that he was put off by Matta recruiting Simmons in light of Crater's struggles in the development of his game the past year. Who knows ?

But if this actually does happen, that will be 2 players in a row from Michigan that have left during their freshman campaigns. The other was from Detroit but I can't remember his name....about 5 years ago.
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wow. don't get me wrong, i'm certainly not pining for the jim o'brien or randy ayers days by ANY stretch, but can we get some player stability in this program pleeeeeaaaase???

this move obviously hurts our depth the next season and a half, but where it really hurts is 2010-11, where with crater, we're likely a strong national championship contender. without him, who knows...
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I'm hopeful this isn't final and its just a freshman upset with his minutes. Jeremie hasn't differentiated himself that much from Anthony, so I'm sure hes itching on the bench wanting those minutes.

Hopefully Thad can talk some sense into him.....I wonder if Anthony thought he had 1 and done ability?? I just don't see how this is beneficial to him in the big picture?
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BuckeyeMike80;1364836; said:
If this is his decision, let him go.

You only want players who want to be there. If he feels he needs to transfer, oh well, good luck.

he's also an 18 year old kid. Thad needs to get to the bottom of the decesion and make sure Anthony isn't just being over-emotional regarding pt, a bad loss, his system, etc.
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