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PG Anthony Crater (transfer to South Florida & Georgetown College)

Our biggest weakness just got bigger.

Seems like a rash decision by Crater, but as others said if he doesn't want to be a Buckeye then let him go.
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So would leave now or at the end of the season? Does that mean he sits the bench for the rest of the year or does he still play?

We still have PJ on the bench and he's played so little, I don't even have a feel for his ability.

This just seems very strange.
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DaveyBoy;1364832; said:
But if this actually does happen, that will be 2 players in a row from Michigan that have left during their freshman campaigns. The other was from Detroit but I can't remember his name....about 5 years ago.

I think you're speaking of Jaquan Hart (former Michigan Player of the Year too). And he was homesick.

If Crater starts at his new school next week, technically he could play next January for his new school. But he needs to get out of Ohio State and get admitted into his new school very fast.

Now is when coaches earn their money (with Lighty out and possibly down a point guard).
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buckeyes_rock;1364880; said:
So would leave now or at the end of the season? Does that mean he sits the bench for the rest of the year or does he still play?

We still have PJ on the bench and he's played so little, I don't even have a feel for his ability.

This just seems very strange.

PJ plays erratic. I am not a fan of his play at all.

Hey TP, want to run the point? :biggrin:
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I was waiting for this to happen. Their was a hint or two in some posts. He didn't ever look happy to be on the team or out there playing. I don't think Matta is blame less either. He told Crater he was the man and then he brought in simmions. Matta has horrible subbing patterns. That don't help things either.
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Buck Kid 66;1364956; said:
I was waiting for this to happen. Their was a hint or two in some posts. He didn't ever look happy to be on the team or out there playing. I don't think Matta is blame less either. He told Crater he was the man and then he brought in simmions. Matta has horrible subbing patterns. That don't help things either.

I am sure Matta has some blame here but he brought in Simmons for depth and the fact is that Crater was beatin out by Simmons in camp. This will happen when you bring in top notch recruits who all think they should play.
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billmac91;1364841; said:
he's also an 18 year old kid. Thad needs to get to the bottom of the decesion and make sure Anthony isn't just being over-emotional regarding pt, a bad loss, his system, etc.

Which means he's a hell of a lot closer to being a man than a kid.

Sometimes people need to live with their decisions no matter how rash they may seem to us....
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This makes me a saaaaddd Panda.

Best of luck to Anthony though, I was really excited about his ability after losing Conley, hopefully he can have success somewhere else.
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This is ridiculous. What does this kid expect? It's been 10 games and one loss. These kids nowadays and there feeling of entitlement is crazy. Nobody wants to work hard anymore, earn there spot. Conley left and Matta had to have another point guard. All he had to do was work hard and the spot was his. Simmons beat him out it seems for his offensive skills being more advanced than Crater's. It might be something else to this but hopefully this kid will look in the mirror and wake up. Best of luck to him though.
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