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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

Aaron is feeling it... He's feeling like he belongs... you can see the confidence erupting...

First few games, he was reserved... just maintaining... He's coming out of a 'shell'

The attack drives yesterday... the spin move and the blow-by-them drive... those are moves when you feel confident...

It's gonna be fun watching this one blossom
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NJ-Buckeye;1863620; said:
Aaron is feeling it... He's feeling like he belongs... you can see the confidence erupting...

First few games, he was reserved... just maintaining... He's coming out of a 'shell'

The attack drives yesterday... the spin move and the blow-by-them drive... those are moves when you feel confident...

It's gonna be fun watching this one blossom

He is really starting to play his defenders like a puppet.
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DZ83CK;1863535; said:
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.

Seriously, man, just STFU and give up your pathetic stand here.

You have been proven wrong time and time again and keep digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole of suck.

Craft is playing the PG position as well as anyone in the NCAA right now, and even has opposing coaches speaking to that fact. Do yourself a huge favor and get rid of the ego and accept you were, and still are, flat out wrong.

Please, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and just keep your comments to yourself regarding Craft.
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DZ83CK;1863535; said:
Like it or not, Craft is more like PJ Hill than Evan Turner or Mike Conley. <...> I think this team would be 20-1 if they had PJ Hill instead of Craft at PG <...> It's when AC has to be more of a go-to guy that I think he will struggle, <...> Craft's assist average (~5 apg) is partly attributable to him being in an ideal situation for a player with PG skills (i.e., he's surrounded by several great players that can make contested shots). <...> For all the good and great things he does, and he does do a lot of very good things, comparatively speaking he turns the ball over a lot <...> As long as he doesn't have to be a go-to guy, he will do a fine job at PG


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCrqy5S-H_A"]YouTube - Fedex &quot;Wrong&quot;[/ame]
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matcar;1863626; said:
Welllllll, not as a point guard, 'cause remember DZ says he's got no future there. :wink:

Thad Matta, on the Thad Matta call in show:
?The great thing about Aaron, quite honestly, and this is a fact. He can play all five positions, he knows them, he?s that intelligent, intuitive to our system. He can go in for anybody and play any position. We had a game early this year where we were out of position and he just hopped in and played the four?

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reading back through this thread i found this....

Aaron got a mention from ESPN for his defensive efforts at NBAPA Top 100 Camp

Craft plays a crafty (pun intended) brand of defense when he guards opposing points. He has very good strength and uses his smarts to determine when to give a quicker point guard space to commit a mistake by shooting a bad shot or driving into trouble. Craft also knows when to use his strength to muscle weaker point guards and body up with tough pressure defense, despite the fact he does not possess elite lateral quickness.
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brodybuck21;1863887; said:
Craft also knows when to use his strength to muscle weaker point guards and body up with tough pressure defense, despite the fact he does not possess elite lateral quickness.

Matta has been quoted numerous times as saying Craft has elite lateral quickness. I'll take Matta's word and my own eyes over this ESPIN dipshit.
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Oiler60;1863874; said:
Thad Matta, on the Thad Matta call in show:
?The great thing about Aaron, quite honestly, and this is a fact. He can play all five positions, he knows them, he?s that intelligent, intuitive to our system. He can go in for anybody and play any position. We had a game early this year where we were out of position and he just hopped in and played the four?


There you have it folks, he won't be playing PG next year because he'll be playing center.
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