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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

brodybuck21;1863887; said:
reading back through this thread i found this....

Aaron got a mention from ESPN for his defensive efforts at NBAPA Top 100 Camp

Craft plays a crafty (pun intended) brand of defense when he guards opposing points. He has very good strength and uses his smarts to determine when to give a quicker point guard space to commit a mistake by shooting a bad shot or driving into trouble. Craft also knows when to use his strength to muscle weaker point guards and body up with tough pressure defense, despite the fact he does not possess elite lateral quickness.

What the hell was he doing guarding the point guards? :tongue2: (Sorry)

No matter what position he's playing (or we wish to categorize him as)...this year, or the next three...this kid is simply an awesome ball player, a pleasure to watch, and I'm thrilled he's on our team! There is no way this team would be where they are without Mr. Craft playing for the Bucks. imo
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Craft displays strong drive
Purdue coach praises point guard's toughness on offense and defense
Thursday, January 27, 2011
By Bob Baptist


Ohio State guard Aaron Craft blows past Purdue's JaJuan Johnson for a layup in the first half the Buckeyes' 87-64 win on Tuesday. Craft scored 11 points.

One player led his team to the NCAA championship game as a freshman and was the No.4 pick in the NBA draft.

The other was a two-time Big Ten defensive player of the year and on the conference's all-defensive team for four seasons.

Purdue coach Matt Painter mentioned Aaron Craft in the same breath with Mike Conley Jr. and Chris Kramer on Tuesday night after Craft helped fire top-ranked Ohio State past the No.12 Boilermakers 87-64 in Value City Arena.

"I love Aaron Craft," Painter said. "He's tough."

Craft had 11 points, six rebounds and six assists in the game. He also had five turnovers, but the majority were after the Buckeyes had built an insurmountable second-half lead.

The 6-foot-2 freshman dazzled not only with his defense but on three drives to the basket as Ohio State pushed its lead to 20 during the last 101/2 minutes of the first half.

He whirled away from 6-10 JaJuan Johnson to bank a layup off the glass with his off (left) hand. A few minutes later, finding himself isolated against Johnson in transition, he hesitated for a moment, then bolted past Johnson with a crossover dribble for another layup with his right hand.

Craft was everything Painter's players were not in a game in which the Boilermakers could have, with a win, gained a share of first place in the Big Ten.

"How can't you play hard against the No.1 team in the country? How can't you be ready to go?" Painter said.

"For lack of better words, they just stole our spirit."


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  • If you can see Aaron Craft, Aaron Craft can see you. If you can't see Aaron Craft, you're about to get jacked in the face by a no look pass.
  • Aaron Craft once sneezed on a pair of old gym socks. They turned into Pete Maravich.
  • If by some shift in the time-space fabric, Aaron Craft could guard himself, he would win. Period.
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OilerBuck;1864258; said:
  • If you can see Aaron Craft, Aaron Craft can see you. If you can't see Aaron Craft, you're about to get jacked in the face by a no look pass.
  • Aaron Craft once sneezed on a pair of old gym socks. They turned into Pete Maravich.
Aaron is a very good basketball player but Pete Maravich is a legend. I realize that you are from Findlay but let's not get carried away.
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LitlBuck;1864287; said:
Aaron is a very good basketball player but Pete Maravich is a legend. I realize that you are from Findlay but let's not get carried away.

Don't worry, these facts are designed to take on a hyperbolistic tone. I'm not actually comparing a Freshman to a top 50 NBA player. Not to mention their styles aren't similar.

At risk of "killing" my own joke by explaining it, not only is the claim fantastic by supposing that saliva could mutate fabric, but also in that Aaron Craft is really younger than Pete Maravich.

In this case it's funny because it's absurd.

OilerBuck;1858335; said:
I live in Findlay and things don't get too exciting around here. I know some people really close to Aaron, and have heard them talking about him since he was in junior high.

In response to many of their claims, I make up Aaron Craft "facts", in the same style of the now-famous Chuck Norris facts.
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OilerBuck;1864305; said:
I live in Findlay and things don't get too exciting around here. I know some people really close to Aaron, and have heard them talking about him since he was in junior high.

It gets exciting when the Oiler's play. Love to see the Buckeyes match the Oiler's 2009 season in wins

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Would of liked to see him pick up the pace rather than slowly walking the ball up the court when the offense went lethargic late however it could of backfired causing the team to panic and get tight if we started ratcheting up the offensive pace.
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