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PG Aaron Craft (B1G 6th MOY '11, Def POY '12, Acad AA, Dolomiti En. TR - Italy)

-- Freshman Aaron Craft faced Northwestern's offense for the first time and said there was no way to simulate it in practice.

The player Craft was assigned to defend, point guard Michael Thompson, got loose for three three-point field goals and scored 11 of his 16 points in the final eight minutes.

"They were just cutting all over the place. That?s what their offense is and what makes them a great team. You can never rest," Craft said.

"I was running into their guys, I was running into our guys, people were running into me."

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I've seen enough of Aaron Craft to think he is one of the smartest and quickest guards ever to come to play for the Buckeyes. He is the real
deal. I understand he was also a very good football player for his HS.

I suppose alot of you guys watched him play football and was he ever
recruited by Tressel and Buckeye Football. I'll bet he could make a damn
good wide reciever.
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kippy1040;1866463; said:
I've seen enough of Aaron Craft to think he is one of the smartest and quickest guards ever to come to play for the Buckeyes. He is the real
deal. I understand he was also a very good football player for his HS.

I suppose alot of you guys watched him play football and was he ever
recruited by Tressel and Buckeye Football. I'll bet he could make a damn
good wide reciever.

Aaron Craft volunteered to fill in for Pryor the first five games of next season, but the coaches declined because they were worried that they would end up having to move Pryor to WR since they would never be able to take Craft out of the starting lineup. Aaron Craft is like Mike Vick with Ryan Mallett's arm.
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